Gosick – 14

Aah, this arc is actually going to take up three episodes? Really, this could have easily been done in two! Alas, against my hopes Gosick didn’t completely ditch its lesser arcs for its second half. Such a shame.

It’s not like this arc is bad, but the main side character that it’s based around is just completely hopeless. The story of leviathan is quite interesting, and it’s good to finally see a bit more about the red haired guy who mostly likely will end up as the main villain, and yet most of this episode was about this really annoying love triangle that has no chance of working. Cecile does not belong in the spotlights. This arc did not give her any depth, it just shoehorned her into an even more cliched role as a hopeless love interest who is just there to stir up some tension between the lead couple. and the irony is that Kujou and Victorique never really needed this anyway: there’s enough tension between them already. They’re perfectly capable of developing themselves.

I noted previously that Gosick sucks in terms of telling its random stories. Leviathan really could have been the example to that rule, if this episode actually focused on him. The parts of this episode that focused on his story were actually quite good, but Cecile just took up way too much airtime in this episode. She dragged this arc out to three episodes for no reason whatsoever other than filling up 24 episodes.

This series is yet another one of those examples where it’s a shame that there can’t be 18-episoded series. Gosick is too long for 13 episodes and too short for 24. The result? A lot of pointless episodes and padding. Get back to the point you’re trying to make, dammit!
Rating: – (Disappointing)

5 thoughts on “Gosick – 14

  1. I don’t mind the “love triangle” in this case. Avril likes kujo, kujo is unaware of practically anything, and victorique doesn’t know how to love. I think this Love triangle is more to teach victorique a life lesson moreso than anything else. I think they are fleshing out victorique not being able to show love to kujo by being imprisoned for so long.

  2. I actually think love triangles are cute, and I like Avril. For this reason alone, I guess you’d expect my opinion of the episode to be more than a tad different from yours. Right-o!

  3. To me, the timing isn’t why this series is bad.
    I dropped this series after 10 episodes, right afer the “diamond” dropped, i was like eff this. to me this series was a joke, sometimes the logic was too easy, sometimes it just didn’t connect logically, and most of the time it just seemed like it was trying to pull of a “detective style” rather than actually making a “detective story” aka a actual mystery. the biggest problem was how it’s purpose was to create a mystery, yet the mystery was so crappy that the entire scheme looked like a joke. The only reason i watched up to 10 was cause there was a person i enjoyed arguing with in the comments section of gogoanime, which was actully quite fun

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