Gingitsune – 04

This episode of Gingitsune brought a new character, combined with a really annoying chibi-fox who pretty much acts like a cocky little kid despite being eighty years old. It was a really dramatic episode, with a lot of hammy voice actors. And yet somehow this episode managed to bring a few tears to my eyes. I have no idea how they did that…

Seriously, amidst all of the elaborate series this season, Gingitsune really shines in its simplicity. What was this series about? A bunch of kids who ran away from home. And yet, they pretty much did things right here. The guy in any case is a compelling character here: he defied expectatios several times throughout this episode, and he also didn’t waste any time to shed light on some of his backstory.

Gingitsune seems to focus on the saying “there’s more than meets the eye”. Not every character has that (the female lead in particular pretty much wears her heart on her sleeve), but there have been plenty of characters who hide large parts of who they are, either consciously or unconsciously.

With this episode, Gingitsune also took a big step away from Natsume Yuujinchou. What I mean by that is that the youkai in Natsume Yuujinchou have short childhoods, despite having a very slow concept of time. In Gingitsune meanwhile we have this kid of eighty years old running around. And yeah, it’s true that Natsume Yuujinchou is much more refined and polished than this series. But yet I just can’t help but empathize with these characters as well,much more strongly than I anticipated.
Rating: 5.5/8 (Excellent)

4 thoughts on “Gingitsune – 04

  1. I dont know your tastes pgels and i am sure much are like you and you have your rigth reasons to like this series. For me episode 1-5 have a definitive conclusion so much booooooored as hell dropped.

  2. Simplicity should not have to be boring. See Kill la Kill for example: simple, stupid but a ton of fun.

    This show has its cute side, but unfortunately happens to be _extremely_ boring. I kind of sympathize with Gin – if I was in a show as boring as this, I’d probably want to sleep all the time too. 4 episodes in, and I’m still not sure how they are going to make a connected story out of this, or if it will be a bunch of mini-stories with no overarching plot. As of now, it feels like the former.

    I’ll probably watch 1 or 2 more episodes, but it really doesn’t look like it will go anywhere.

  3. I like this series. It’s characters seem to be much more than meets the eye. And even though this isn’t an action packed anime it really takes some themes and shines with them. Can’t wait to know more about the characters.
    I want to know how Gin became a temple deity when he seemed to be a normal fox before. ^__^

  4. Can’t get over how much of a doormat the main character is. Considerate to a fault. The high school girl life is a bit tedious to sit through as well.

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