Giant Killing – 14

This is just one of those series that can be awesome, even in episodes without any action. This was all meant to be an intermezzo, but it still was an excellent watch, and really gave some extra depth to the people it featured.

Most of all, this episode was about the older fans, trying to re-find their nostalgia, and Yuri’s work addiction. It was quite adorable to see those older fans, trying to get their friends from the past interested in football again, even though most of them have grown out of it. The sheer passion they have in this really is addictive, and it really shows that this series is as much about the players as it is about the fans.

Meanwhile, Yuri got some development as she realized how early office workers are finished with work. She’s surrounded in such a masculine environment. Her overworking to the point of getting no sleep was handled subtly, but the rest of this series also has a ton of even more subtle characterizations. I loved in this episode that we got to actually see Kuroda’s fans. They were… peculiar. Another thing I love is that Tatsumi really is someone who’s trying to look cool. And yet, when a goal is made, he screams just as wildly as anyone else around him.

Out of all the series that are currently airing, this now is my favourite, now that Sarai-ya Goyou, Yojou-han and Full Metal Alchemist have ended. While those were all full of production values, this one really shows that even on a small budget you can be very detailed in your storytelling. This series is really full of life, but in a completely different way from the three above mentioned. The first half already was amazing, but I’m very interested to see whether it can surpass itself in the second half.
Rating: ** (Excellent)

4 thoughts on “Giant Killing – 14

  1. This episode wasn’t quite “excellent” material for me; it isn’t a thrill to watch the old fans through the whole episode. But I understand their importance and the show taking some time to develop them. I liked the ending bit with Yuri and the coach though~

  2. “Another thing I love is that Tsubaki really is someone who’s trying to look cool. And yet, when a goal is made, he screams just as wildly as anyone else around him.”

    You mean Tatsumi?

  3. It was nice to see the different side characters getting some development. I like those old guys; I appreciate people who have a passion for something, even if other people think it is just goofing off. It was funny that the kid yelled at his dad, given that he had just spent the day looking at football mags and hanging out at ETU’s practice.

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