Giant Killing – 02

So yeah, out of all of the series that debuted during the spring season so far, Giant Killing had the best first episode, it had the best OP and ED, it was the only series that bothered to experiment with a new art style, it was the first series since ages to have actual English, despite being a sports series it had one of the most diverse casts of the season, it has the best chemistry between the characters, it was the best at portraying the unnamed characters in the background for me. Is anyone surprised that I ended up blogging it? ^^;

Seriously though, I absolutely love the first two opening episodes of Giant Killing. It’s so refreshing to finally see a series not rip off the standard art style that there is for moe and bishies. It’s so refreshing to see these characters and every second so far has been fun and enjoyable. This is like One Outs if it actually had good characterization. It’s witty, unpredictable and creative. There’s a bit of angst, but none of it is pointless: you can really see that these characters have a reason to hate the main characters.

Because seriously, what this series also did really well was portraying the football fans: the supporters behind the club. Ranging from the kids to the passionate fans, to the ones who like to yell at everything. It’s such a great and varied portrayal. The creators here didn’t just animate a football team, they animated everyone around it and they gave everyone a character.

And let me also talk a bit about the production values. It’s true that this series doesn’t have the biggest budget, however it’s really well used: the filters may seem cheap, but the audience shots in these filters are some of the best audience shots I’ve seen: the audience in this series doesn’t feel like a wallpaper, but alive. Even though the creators use the known tricks in the book, of using copied and pasted CG, and just random images, they manage to deliver it in such a way to make it dynamic.

On top of that, it also seems like the best soundtrack of this season has reached this series. It’s again not as elaborate as, say, Angel Beats, but the simplicity and creativity behind the sounds that kicks ass. Apparently the composer also did Kuchuu Buranko’s soundtrack, but damn, he really surpassed himself here. Talk about catchy.

So yeah, this is probably going to be the series that I’m going to sing a lot of praises over. It’s really one of those series that got me fired up like hell.
Rating: *** (Awesome)

17 thoughts on “Giant Killing – 02

  1. I have an irrational hatred of sports anime. I don’t even have futbol fever. But I figured that since it’s not baseball or mahjong (as usual), I’d give it a shot. And you know what? This is my favorite anime of the new season as well. Here’s hoping they keep it real.

  2. I don’t know if you looked into the manga any but the style seems very…archie-esque which you don’t see as much in the anime.

    First episode was quite nice so looking forward to the rest of the show.

  3. @ Gunslinger:
    If you’re looking for english subs and has the first episode subbed. They’re also fairly quick about uploading new episodes too.

  4. Yeah, I watched this ep subbed about 3 or 4 days ago ( or is also a good place to go to and I see they have subs from other anime that zomg and anilinkz dont have up yet)

    I’ve never watched any sports anime before, but I was really impressed with this. So much so, that I had to check out the manga to see what happens next. Trust me, this show will only get better with time.

  5. Question – Is the setting a real football league, or just a generic one? Also considering it is in English, I assume it is in England?

  6. No, it plays in Japan, but the lead character spent a lot of time in England. I do believe it’s about real football league, but I’m not sure.

  7. It’s set in a notional J. League with teams not specifically being counterparts to real life teams, only broad generalizations.

    In the first episode Portsmouth is a real team that exists within the Premier League, while East Ham United was a real team, but FC Eastham does not exist.

  8. The very bottom, even if you didn’t count their 9 point deduction for entering administration. Terrible all year, though somehow had easy draws and made it into the FA Cup final.

  9. ah finally this season where a sport anime that i’m more familiar with and understand the rules of the game! how appropriate that the world cup is coming soon too!:D

  10. this show is awesome! first 2 eps were so good i think im really gonna like this show. I already like the two main chars and really lookin forward to how they develop as a team

  11. This series has its own spirit. I don’t know..But when I watch this I’m very exciting In the way that I didn’t had for a long time(And this is sport anime !..Wow..They can do it).

    It look like you watch real football. The fans, The coach and The character development feel real. Because of it. It can make you concern with this show easily(especially when you’re football fan)

    Damn.. This show is awesome anyway.

  12. I’m sorry..but i have to say this is the most disappointing show of the season for me. Generic characters along with a uninspired story that makes use of every cliche in the book. Inconsistent animation..nothing even hardly moves most of the time. And come on..the main character is a young punk who’s supossed to be “special” for some damn reason (plus, he always has that annoying smirk on his face). Every minute of this show is a boring over-used cliche. It also rips off every sports anime i can think of (Hajime no ippo, Eyeshield 21, etc), which is sad because it is hardly it’s own show. Not to mention some of the terrible character designs (am i supposed to take these goofy looking characters seriously? Especially that short chubby guy with the pubic hair on his face). This is just another dumb kids show from my view.

    I was really looking forward to a mature, inspired, and moving sport story. But what i got was typical anime nonsense instead.

  13. You know who has an annoying smirk on his face?

    Jose Mourinho.

    You know where hes playing next week?

    Champions league Final. :S

    Pretty ironic that Pompeys been the one doing the giant killling in real life heh? lol

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