Ghost Hunt – 19

Image Hosted by Image Hosted by ImageShack.usImage Hosted by Short Synopsis: People from the investigation teams start missing, while Mai dies. Good: That was one disturbing cliff-hanger. Bad: Obviously, Mai didn’t really die. She really needs to stand up for herself. Overall Enjoyment Value: 7/10 Seriously, Mai looked so freaky in the end. It would be awesome if she really died, but the fact remains that we’re dealing with episode nineteen here. That’s not the time to kill off your main characters, unfortunately. My problems with this series continue yet again in this episode. While it’s interesting to see Mai getting pushed over, knocked unconscious, possessed, pulled by her leg, surprised by a falling ceiling, attacked by spirits, nearly eaten by ghouls, stalked by ghosts, attacked by a giant black dog, fainting, having visions, fainting once more, falling inside a well, disappearing, getting deceived by Naru, getting attacked by a windows breaking, getting knocked over by a large bookcase, getting killed, et cetera, well… you get the point, I’d much rather see her actually protecting people from getting pushed over, knocked unconscious, possessed… et cetera. She’s got a great character, but I refuse to believe that all she has to be in this anime is the damsel-in-distress. One interesting point to note, though: why has Naru-chan stopped showing up in Mai’s visions?]]>

0 thoughts on “Ghost Hunt – 19

  1. Of course Mai died… now she’ll be a ghost and haunt Naru forever…
    More seriously – remember where “Ghost Hunt” originated – Nakayoshi… Why wouldn’t Mai be a perpetual damsel-in-distress?

  2. Dave: True. Still, I was secretly hoping for Mai to break this stereotype. She did this very well in the second arc, but apart from that, she hasn’t been doing a lot of impressive work.
    Jugding by the reaction of others, I may be the only one, but I rather dislike characters who can’t do anything for themselves. They’re whiny, and there’s nothing for me to relate to them. Mai fits this role perfectly, hence my frustrations.

  3. The thing about Mai that I dislike is she hides her dreams or visions till she finds them of importance. It annoys me since she should tell Naru and the others what she sees ASAP… I don’t think it’s that she can’t save herself she’s thinking she can’t do anything when she can. That’s the way I look at it. Hopefully it changes here soon!

  4. It will be silly though to think that every single dream is a prophetic dream. I mean, if Mai is going to disturb Naru everytime she has some queer dream and it does not come true, she will no longer be believed.
    Well, I cannot answer your question about why Naru has stopped appearing because it will spoil you but the answer is in episode 20 ^+^

  5. Actually, all dreams Mai had thus far have come true. Still, she only tells the group about a few of them. I can understand that she’s confused and all, but the fact remains that some of her dreams have had great accuracy. You’d think she’d want to help with sharing these dreams, but no. That’s indeed an annoying thing about her.

  6. I think that Naru was using Mai as a cover to hide the fact from Lin that he has and was using his special talent. Remember? Naru didn’t want Lin to find that he used his power to bend spoon, and that Lin later declared that he was appointed by Naru’s parents to observe him. This could be the reason that he hired Mai in the first place.

  7. Hmm.. Will Mai and NAru end up together. BUt I don’t think Naru’s interested. *thinking* ARGH! This is really bugging me.. I seriously need to find out. But haven’t read that far yet.. D:

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