Ghost Hunt – 15

Image Hosted by Image Hosted by ImageShack.usImage Hosted by Short Synopsis: Not only are there lots of spirits in the school, they also devour each other. Creepy. Good: Great tension! New ED! Lots of potential! Bad: Why doesn’t Mai tell anyone about how Sakauchi was fond of ghosts and occult? Overall Enjoyment Value: 7.5/10 Now that’s more like it! The pacing is much higher than in the third arc, which makes for some very nice scenes. In contrast with the fourth arc, which was comedic and the fifth arc, which was more touching, we’re really back to the usual arcs with Ghost Hunt, as they continue to develop Mai’s strange ability. You’d wonder why Naru-chan hired her. Because she looked cute, or because he knew that she had special powers. Regarding the bad points, it’s very strange that she doesn’t tell Naru, as the fact that Sakauchi was a huge fan of ghost stories and stuff is actually the key to the events which happened. We see Naru-chan wonder how so many spirits managed to gather from just amateurs. It’s because Takeuchi wasn’t an amateur. He probably had some experience in calling spirits, and he used Kokkuri-san to strengthen the effects of his summons. He probably wanted to call a really nasty spirit for the teachers to cope with, but something went wrong and he ended up committing suicide. After that happened, he went to the spirit world, and saw the spirits he called forth. Because of this, he just couldn’t resist to stay at the school, and wait to see what happens. Then the biggest spirit came, which had been devouring the other ones, and it ate him just like a midnight snack. The ending of the episode was pretty nice, but there’s something I noticed. It’s always the same people who end up fainting. Masako holds the number 1-title. Mai also knows how to collapse quite well, and Naru-chan also went down a few times. Bou-san, John, Lin, and Matsuzaki, however, have never had this.]]>

0 thoughts on “Ghost Hunt – 15

  1. I think Mai is not really comfortable with having psychic powers yet and don’t fully trust them. She probable see them as just dreams still. As for Naru hiring Mai I think it’s a little bit of both. Atleast I hope so.. Where’s my high school romance, damnit! ;P

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