Ghost Hunt – 05 – OMG!

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Whoa… seriously! This is a message to everyone with a younger sister: KEEP ALL DOLLS AWAY FROM HER! BURN THEM!!!

Seriously, I can’t believe how good this episode was. Never have I seen such a high-quality tv-series about ghost stories. There is so much mystery going on around Millie, especially considering that every child who entered the house ended up dying. Judging by the climax, it’s the work of the mother of the first victim. Her child probably died due to a natural reason, and she was broken because of it. She couldn’t live any more without thinking of her died child, and when she died herself, she remained as spirit, killing off all children who entered the house, hoping them to be her long lost child.

Also, this episode finally showed that exorcisms do work. At least, with the Monk and the Priest. I’m still wondering about Ayako, who has to do some interesting jobs in the meantime. ^^; Still, it’s an interesting approach, contrasting with the first arc, in which it became questionable whether their powers really worked or not.

Though seriously, there were so many good moments in this episode, it’d be almost impossible to list them all. I especially loved the professional approach to all of this, contrasting to other ghost stories, in which it’s usually a bunch of kids, chasing after a spirit without any proper plan or structure. This time, everyone has a task, there’s a clear leader, things go much smoother, and because of this, the creators can be more creative with the concept. Not to mention that the different characters get more interesting by the minute. My favourite character so far is the Monk. 🙂

2 thoughts on “Ghost Hunt – 05 – OMG!

  1. Episodes 04 & 05 were truly spine-chilling. I watched these episodes in the dead of night, it was winter, & the sight of Minnie the doll’s head rolling to a dead stop in front of the camera lens was enough to almost make me reach for the ‘stop’ button… almost! That doll is CREEPY… the eyes snapping open… ugh!

  2. I loved this episode, one of my three favorites! The doll stuff was brilliant. Never again will I see dolls as the sweet loving toys I once thought of them. Now I cringe whenever I see one in a store! Best Episode.

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