Gangsta. – 04

I have said it before but these twilight characters rub me the wrong way. This group of superhuman individuals just sticks out like a sore thumb in a grounded setting such as this. They are a Shounen element in a otherwise Seinien show so when they come out and start leaping on rooftops this just becomes another show altogether. While Black Lagoon had its share of superhuman individuals such as Roberta, at least the show recognized that they were indeed completely ridiculous. Here we have a kid wall jumping about the place and the main characters just treat it as another day in the office. It really undermines the skill of our main swordsman when you know that there’s a whole group of people with his level of ability, all of whom got it from some experiment. That’s one of the reasons I would respect a hero like Batman more so than Captain America, one was forged with skill and the other got it handed to him. Woricks photographic memory also runs on the borderline of being supernatural. True a person can have a good memory but you just cannot collect and process information just by flipping through the pages of a book. The father figure to the handymen looks to to be a old Cop which is admittedly a bit of a cliché. The crook that happens to have a mentor/guardian in the police is something that’s seen a bit too often. That said he seems like a decent enough character being kind to them in his own way while not such a morally upstanding person to not take advantage of their skills.

Woricks past suffers from characters who I will for now refer to as forced drama devices. The maids talking trash perfectly within earshot of him and the teachers being obstinate to teaching a boy who has already been taught. I have never been fond of these kinds of characters, they are less people and more the prodding hands of the writer. It’s lazy and merely a means to get the characters and audience to feel what the writer wants them to without putting in the effort to make less one sided characters or situations to do the same. But it at least reveals how the two met though it doesn’t quite explain why he killed his parents. Thought Worick does seem to have some paranoia that maybe he was given a deaf bodyguard on purpose so that he’s more easily killed off. Alex looks to be haunted by her experience with her pimp as it does seem like she started in a similar manner with them as she has with the handymen. It would make sense if they took her in and slowly pushed her towards prostitution. Its nice to see her get some development though I wish there was a bit more to her. At the moment she’s acting as a plot device to introduce and develop other characters so it would be good to see her gain more personality. This new twilight kid isn’t the most interesting, he mostly just comes off as a one time villain. Acting cocky, decimating the minor background characters and soon to be taken out by our main protagonists.

4 thoughts on “Gangsta. – 04

  1. No, Nicholas is ranked A. Not everyone has his level of skill, and that’s the point. This is the first A/0 we’ve seen him encounter. The other guy (I think it was in episode 2) was very strong, but he was never a match for Nicholas, and (in an educated guess) this kid cut that dude up when he failed. I would hope that a bunch of A ranks don’t show up, but there has to be at least a couple more to come.

    I totally agree that superhuman ability was not what we needed in this show. It could’ve been totally grounded in reality, and nothing would be lost.

  2. Yeah yeah, so maybe the superhuman ability and the quick backstory were a little mainstream but lets talk about everything else! We have a gratuitous amount of prostitution with street blowjobs, people getting shot and stabbed, badass characters who dont give a shit, blood going everywhere, and dead bodies piling up. This show has got some serious potential.

    1. It’s not a gratuitous amount of blowjobs. That was only the first episode. Sex is not happening in every episode, but with Worrick’s status as a gigolo, you never know.

      1. You’re right i got a little overboard but my point is that this show has got a lot of great things going for it. So far, on a psgels rating scale this has got to at least get an 85 if not a 90 lol. I hope the rest of the season continues the same pace.

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