Gambling Apocalypse Kaiji – 20

Oh my god… I’m speechless. I know I have been whining against this series, but that doesn’t matter for this episode. All I know that these were 20 of the most disturbing minutes of anime I’ve seen. Let me warn you: do not watch this episode if you can’t stand gore. I still can’t call this series great, but damn… this episode was so worth it.

I’m going to keep this entry short, because even though it was an awesome episode, it’s also one that I’d like to forget as soon as possible. In this sense, the gore is even worse than in Shigurui because there, you can see it coming. I didn’t expect for Kaiji to be this screwed in the mind to just cut off his ENTIRE EAR.

12 thoughts on “Gambling Apocalypse Kaiji – 20

  1. What was so disturbing about the first 19, then? But yeah, this was a good episode. My only complaint is that it seems as if Kaiji’s judgment would be affected by blood loss, meaning he wouldn’t be in the best position to think of traps or winning strategies. But, I like this series alot more than pgsels does in the first place.

  2. Ack, that was a typo. I meant to say minutes. Oh, and I agree with that point of criticism, as it does feel a bit hard to believe that Kaiji will remain to think straight with that kind of bloodloss.

  3. i can’t figure something out

    how come the next bet is another life or death one?

    he’s already cut off his ear so how can he still gamble?Even if he’s talking about his other ear 18 mm isn’t life threatning,or do they put the drill at the same place it was on the other ear?

  4. Yes, I think that he’s just going to bet his other ear, at the same distance that it was on before with 18 mm left. I mean, if he’s crazy enough to cut off one of his ears, then he probably doesn’t care about the other one anymore either.

  5. “In this sense, the gore is even worse than in Shigurui because there, you can see it coming.
    => Well, thanks for the false advertizing. This is nowhere as gory as Shigurui. I mean, you don’t even see a thing…

    It doesn’t mean that this episode wasn’t the best of the series so far…

  6. Hmm. I still thought Shigurui’s was tad worse because of how ludicrously violent it all was. I always thought Kaiji was a great show but this one really nabbed that limelight. Now it needs to finish well.

  7. As much as I agree with the awesomeness of this episode, all we saw was A LOT of blood. No messy gore scenes in my opinion. MPD Psycho is where the gore is, if that makes any sense. xD

    I didn’t think about the blood-loss until now. And you have to imagine the scenes after E-Card ends. The reality of Kaiji not having his ear will hit him pretty hard.

  8. People, people… have you considered that the part that he removed was just his OUTER ear? The pinna is just the receiver, as long as he doesn’t lose his INNER ear he’s fine. And that’s probably why they allow him to still play on.

    I mean think of it this way: if he wagered the other ear, wouldn’t he bet MORE than 18mm?

  9. One thing which I would like to see in this show is more on-the-street happenings, like how Kaiji was working in a shop.

    Also, alhtough 9 million yen is not a back – breaking sum for the yakuza, do you think the they will actually pay up? Akagi showed that this is not always straightforward..

  10. @AG

    They can cheat, but they won’t go back on their word. Kaiji must use this chance now.

    Go Kaiji!

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