Galilei Donna – 05

Oh… the fail. The huge, incredible fail. I was already flexing my muscles when I found out that this episode would be set in the Netherlands… but I didn’t expect that the creators got almost nothing right.

The only thing the creators got right was the names, and they spelled “voor” right.

Questionable but correct was the fact that it snowed. Heck, apparently it’s around January or February when the series takes place. We have periods in which the entire country is covered in snow. Way to go against the stereotypes, I like that. Although I do find it a bit weird that it suddenly out of nowhere started snowing. We’re not particularly colder than the rest of the world here and usually the snow just lasts two months, and even then it’s only a few days at a time. There’s also the way in which everyone just understood each other, but that’s something that all international fiction suffers from. Let’s just assume that everyone’s talking English.

And now for the gross inaccuracies. Let’s start with the architecutre: in the Netherlands, houses can basically be divided into two kinds: old and new. Old is basically the traditional style of housing, while the new is the calculated and well planned home, often built with reddish brick. None of the buildings shown in this episode fall anywhere close to that. I guess they were going for the old look, but they made one crucial mistake here:

Let me tell you, most cities in the Netherlands were built on swamp lands. When homes needed to be built, people would drive huge wooden pillars into the ground for the houses to rest on, because otherwise everything would just collapse on itself. This also meant that most homes couldn’t be built very large unless they have some very solid foundation, wihch is what most people couldn’t afford. Especially combined with the fact that it’s a country with a really high population density: especially in the cities there is not much room. Houses as huge as what we saw there: we only have that in the suburbs, and almost always they are built in a modern architectural style, not some oldish one that you see here. Even the largest houses in the old style are large because they are long. Not wide. When I go on a holiday to a foreign country, I’m always stunned by how big every building is.

Also, the church:churches in the Netherlands are mostly built in an old gothic style. All very old-fashioned, and a typical element of them is that the windows are slightly small. Not huge, like that giant stained glass window we saw here, nor do we have much churches in which the iron beams are plainly visible. Having huge open doors is also just a big no.

Then, the street view: our lanterns nowadays are much more modern: the old style you only see in historical centers like Amsterdam. Also, the creators cleverly managed to mask this with the snow and all, but Dutch streets are nearly always designed to be save: lots of traffic lights, very well defined pavements, lots of opportunities for bikes. I saw no hints of that whatsoever.

And here’s the big one: WHERE THE HECK DID THESE MOUNTAINS COME FROM!? Seriously? We don’t have those in the Netherlands. The single biggest hill we have is about 300 meters above sea level, and that’s in the southernmost part of the country. The other 11 provinces are pretty damn flat here. ESPECIALLY near the sea, which apparently this episode takes place in. Those fancy rocks you see at that beach? Yeah, the rocks we do have are really tiny. Nearly all of our beaches are sandy beaches, follwed by a few sand dunes.

All of this really made me wonder: why am I still watching this? Why am I still going for these kinds of series, when they’re so stupid that they can’t even manage the most basic of research. I mean, Kyousogiga and Samurai Flamenco: I can think of plenty of reasons to watch them. But this…. everything is just average. The drama is all pretty stupid. And I don’t just mean this series, but I’m starting to wonder this about every slightly “good” series. What makes them worth watching if the writers always put so little effort and thought into them?

I want to watch things that can challenge me, however I’m getting more and more the feeling that a lot of the writers are just idiots. Anime has over the past number of years made great strides in terms of animation, but in terms of writing… I’m afraid to say it but things have gotten downhill. There are only a few writers now who can deliver original screenplays, most adaptations are just done lazily. What really is good enough to really be worth your time and attention?
Rating: 2/8 (Awful)

105 thoughts on “Galilei Donna – 05

  1. 90% = Bitching about inaccuracies about Netherlands.
    10% = Calling show average.

    Come on, at least mention what happened in the episode a little. I like the death of the children at least…assuming they are truly dead. This show is not great admittedly but it’s still enjoyable.

    1. yup and so is 99% of the aanime bwing showed every season nowdays

      “Anime has over the past number of years made great strides in terms of animation, but in terms of writing… I’m afraid to say it but things have gotten downhill.”

      This, The writters have just gotten worse and worse.

  2. Well I’ve always though Galilei Donna was pretty bad regardless, but hey whatever gets people realizing that is okay with me.

    1. Said this already… Samurai Flamenco is the anime Noitamina needs and Galilei Donna is the anime Noitamina doesn’t need.

      Heck Donna is the anime that anime doesn’t need. Moe pandering disguised in an unusual story. But at the end of the day, it’s still moe pandering.

        I’m surprised they would put out something so… average. I gave the show its fair chance solely because of psgels, and it wasn’t horrible (like I thought it would be), but this is far from the quality I expect from them. I mean, didn’t they give us great shows like Silver Spoon, Steins;Gate, Psycho Pass, Anohana, and others. Comapred to those this is just bad. As for the writing, I admit getting things wrong like this in an anime never pissed me off, but I see what you mean, as it’s a talltale sign of lazy/bad writing. That makes me skeptical of this show and anything else it says.

          1. Yeah I just looked at the shows that were in the timeslot on wikipedia. Some great, some not so great. I assumed Steins;Gate was noitamina because I saw it’s inferior cousin robotics;notes on there.

          2. The thing is, they had a bunch of good stuff in 2011 and a bunch of bad stuff. Since they started airing 2 shows (except for the second half of 2010), it’s been about 50% shit and 50% awesome. So they’re giving us about the same amount of good series, just mixed with bad. 2011 gave us Hourou Musuko, Anohana, Usagi Drop, and Un-Go. It’s largely because of those shows that to me 2011 was the best recent year in anime.

          3. I agree with he assessment Tassia is making about 2011 anime and Noitamina.
            I think we may though in the future see some more teenager-y anime though of Noitamina as guilty crown wasn’t a bad seller .

      2. “moe pandering”

        pretty much, finally people are begining to see this (this has been goin gon for years) and realyl It took me all of the time they mentioned “galileo” that I was like “yup, not watching this, gonna be crap.”

  3. Regarding your point about the snow. The world is on the verge of another Ice Age, so I see your whole argument with that as pointless. With the inaccuracies with the Netherlands, I can see your points, but for the average viewer who has no knowledge of that part of the world there should be no problem. I really don’t think this episode was really as bad as you’re making it out to be. At least from the viewpoint of the general audience.

    1. Just because we don’t know it, doesn’t give the writers and artist any excuse to phone things in. That just insulting our intelligence. And considering what this show has done, that is saying something.

    2. And that’s why its lazy writing. It’s really sad that people think its ok to do these kind of things. Lazy writers shouldn’t be writers at all.

  4. It’s a fictional series. They fly around in a huge robotic goldfish, and you whine and moan about the netherlands being portrayed realistically? The series take place in the future. Your country could have changed drastically, and once more… it’s FICTION.

    Sure, the series is badly written, but that something that has been apparent for the past few episodes.

    1. oh the age old “it’s fiction don’t bash my favorite show waaah waah wahh”

      I guess since it’s fiction you can just put mountains any old place (where there are none in the NON-FICTIONAL place called the Netherlands) yeah dude.

      GO back and hug your pillows of the main female characters, your fanboyism isn’t welcome here.

      1. If the show is to go for what Aegd said, then they should make clear and explain those in the future changes or really make something of it.
        This coming from someone who finds the show obnoxious and annoying.

      2. Yeah actually, you can. That’s what makes fiction, fiction. You can do whatever the fuck you want to do. They can put a Big statue of Stalin in Times Square if they feel like it.

        These kind of things only get focused on when the story / characters aren’t that engrossing. If you have time to nitpick the setting / realism (looking at you Coppelion) It’s time to drop the show because it obviously isn’t for you.

        This entire post was a waste of time, no one gives a shit what the Netherlands is really like, especially not the Japanese viewers who are the actual target of the show.

        1. Precisely. You can nitpick about the setting in almost any show. If you look outside anime, you will find that many Hollywood movies are not even filmed on the location they are supposed to take place in. Hell, most movies are not even filmed in the same COUNTRY they are supposed to take place in. This is obviously going the be very apparent to anyone who happen to live in that country/city.

          The post was a waste of time because it didn’t actually cover the show. It covered PSgels view on how his country is portrayed in a fictional anime setting… which makes no sense at all.

          How about next time, maybe focus about what happened in the show?

        2. You don’t understand shit about what you’re talking about. It being fiction doesn’t excuse the fact that the writers didn’t make their research, they didn’t put mountains there to enrich/define the setting they put it there because they made a mistake. Being fiction doesn’t excuse bad/lazy writing.

          Besides who are you to decide if everybody gives a shit or not about what Netherlands is really like? You may not give a shit, but believe it or not a bunch of people do, and I could bet that between those people there are some Japanese.

          1. Listen up shitbag, these scripts are put together on a weekly basis and mostly have a STRICT deadline of 36 hours to be written in order to get animation and design done on time. There is NO TIME to spend researching architechure and topography for fictional town in some non-existant place that set in the future in an alternate universe because frankly – it only matters to faggot nitpickers like you, who aren’t going to buy the show anyway from the Japanese creator.
            So yea, no one gives a shit what you think.

            YOU don’t understand anything about how an actual anime works.

          2. Whoa whoa whoa there. This was a very personal post, I understand that. I completely understand it if you disagree with me and all.

            But putting the other party down with insults and pulling the “nobody cares about your opinion”-card? Come on, I expected better of you, Spike.

          3. Fuck you are way more stupid than I thought. That’s why a planning phase exists, hell that’s why mostly anime are adaptations. “We don’t have time” is no excuse for bad writing or bad anything.

            And whatever people from the other side of the world are going to buy their product or not shouldn’t matter at all, the whole idea of making anime (or any other form of media) these days is making it good or interesting so people buy it, whoever and whatever in the world they are.

            As for the 36 hours bullshit, did you read it in a interview or you came up with it by yourself. Anime make in such environments are usually Jump stuff who goes on for 100’s of episodes and even those are animated weeks in advance.

            Writing is not something you do on a routine, if you need time to do research you’re going to go at a faster pace through the already defined plot so you have the time. So as far as writers go, if they need time to do a great job, they can make time.

            Besides if time was such a problem, every single anime ever would have been a big piece of crappy from a writing standpoint, which obviously is not the case. So instead of making up shit use your brain.

            So yeah you`re the one that doesn`t understand shit and whose mind can only think in 1+1 terms.

            But seeing as usually you start your posts swinging shit I`ll just assume you`re a angry 12 year old and stop wasting my breath.

          4. Sorry Psgels
            But people posting are showing a complete lack of understanding of the medium. A show like this simply does not care about anyone outside of Japan or anyone outside of it’s demographic which skews younger. An early evening show with a broader demographic is more likely to invest in research and accuracy. Here it doesn’t matter if they fight in Alaska and there’s a sandy desert, it’s unimportant to the intended viewer and the writers.

            So my post may have come off as too harsh, the correct phrasing is *the writers and intended audience do not care about you opinion* which is 100% true. I know alot of you have been watching anime a while so you must know some of this stuff by now.

      3. In what part of my post did I ever say I even enjoy the show? It’s one of the worst noitamina shows since Guilty Crown.

        The Netherlands being portrayed “like some other European country” is a minor problem. The show has MUCH bigger problems than some houses and streets looking like some German town or whatever.

        What about how they derailed the entire story in episode 4, just because they wanted to tell some story about a doctor who built a robot to save his kid, and how he just happened to have found the map they needed in a broken statuette? How about how they threw in two stupid pirate side-kicks, just so they could get one of the main girls hurt to fit the contrived story?

        What about the stupid generic characters, what about the stupid generic villains?

    2. Just because a work is fiction doesn’t give an excuse for lazy and stupid writing. It took me like less than thirty minutes to properly research the place using google. It isn’t that hard. Stop making ludicrous excuses.

  5. While I certainly wouldn’t call Galilei Donna a great show (or even necessarily all that good of one, outside of a pretty decent sense of adventure), I really don’t think whether or not it’s an accurate portrayal of the Netherlands to be all that big a deal. Maybe something to call it out for, but not something to base one’s entire opinion of the show on.

  6. I don’t understand it’s creator’s freedom to whatever the hell he wants with his own. Let me say the writeup for this episode was hell of an overreaction if I’ve seen one.

  7. To those who are coming down on this post can I put the question to you. If it was your country how then would you feel if it was misrepresented whatever the setting?

    1. Not a thing.

      I would only ever be mad at something like that if it was relevant to the story at hand. I can easily classify this as creative license for the simple reason that it doesn’t matter to the story’s premise or goals.

      For example, if Ikoku Meiro no Croisee misrepresented France to the same degree (and assuming I was aware of it), I would have a huge problem with that; because that series requires a certain authenticity of its setting to work properly.

      1. This too. If it was a key part of the story, I’d be annoyed by that. But not because its my home country, just because something like that would likely get on my nerves.

    2. Frankly i wouldn’t care, I’m sure america has been misrepresented many times. I just find it funny the writers couldn’t spend an hour researching what the place actually looks like. It can’t be that hard.

      1. Honestly, people saying “this is nitpicking” seems like a flimsy excuse, because you actually don’t have anything to argue with the contrary. Psgels is using evidence. Where is yours.

    3. I think the issue isn’t so much as “misrepresentation” but using familiar visual clues that the average audience could immediately pick up. This isn’t new – it happens often with so many cultural stereotypes portrayed in anime – China, India, any part of Europe. It could be argued as a budget problem or even endemic ‘laziness’ or ‘carelessness’. IMHO it could be a combination.

      That said, when producers do have the right budget, visionary director and creative manpower, they can really do a fabulous job – Katsuhiro Otomo’s “Steamboy” is a great example.

      I think it is a waste of effort to expect historical accuracy in television series like this (even if it is in noitamina slot).

  8. Thanks for the fascinating post about architecture in the Netherlands. It’s cool to see that you have so much appreciation for your home land. I went to Amsterdam once but I don’t much about the Netherlands so it was interesting.

    Also, you write very good English for a native dutch speaker.

    1. Yep, it was an interesting read about the architecture.

      And ha! psgels’ writing is better than that of many native english speakers.

  9. I don’t think anime has been going downhill so much as a combination of different trends and your taste changing over time. There’s a bunch of stuff I’ve seen in the past that I go back to these days and realize “yeah, that wasn’t very good”. And wasted potential isn’t exactly something new with noitamina, let alone anime in general.

    I know Galilei disappointed, but I don’t think that’s an indication of any new downturn in anime. I’ve been burned in similar fashion with many anime in the past before it came. But that’s just me.

  10. @Spike This is to your comment about them only having a certain amount of time so they can’t research things like how a country looks.

    I was looking at a few comments on Crunchyroll while marathoning Space Brothers, and was surprised when multiple people commented that he places the cast visited were actually real places (one episode, they visited a steakhouse I believe, and a few people confirmed its based on a popular on in houston or something). And it wasn’t that one time, it happens multiple times in Space brothers (trust me, I’ve read quite a few of those comments lol). If space brothers can do it, why can’t this show? Granted, this was a manga first and all, but it doesn’t change the fact that SOMEBODY went out of their way to look this stuff up, and I give props to shows that go the extra mile.

    1. The extra effort is very appreciated, but I wouldn’t harp on a show like Galilei Donna too harshly for an inaccurate portrayal of a setting.

      Let’s remember that Space Brothers is designed to be more grounded in reality than a prodigious girl who can create a goldfish-shaped vessel complete with holographic AI and a minigun.

    2. They don’t even have to go that far. Just looking up basic architecture and topography on the internet and getting an “idea” of what the Netherlands looks like would be preferable to dreaming up a fantasy European world from scratch.

    3. Comparing an anime based on a monthly manga to an original work written week by week is apples to oranges. The audiences of these 2 shows is apples to oranges. The settings’ importance is apples to ornages.

      Texas space Center is an important part of the show so having Houston as realistic and accurate as possible is important. Gal Donna is your basic – go to a place, retrieve X, go to next place. The place is not important it is simply a device to move the plot along. I didn’t hear anyone crying about a misportrayed Italy the past few episodes… It’s simply Psgels getting worked up about something he’s familiar with and frankly – doesn’t matter.

      1. Honestly, while you’re right about manga and original anime being completely different, that doesn’t mean we give Galilei Donna a free pass here. And it doesn’t matter if no one was complaining about Italy, two wrongs don’t make a right. The fact that it literally can take an hour of ones time to research and that clearly none was done is quite frankly unacceptable. It’s lazy and stupid and psgels has every right to complain about it. And it being fiction doesn’t give it a free pass either.

  11. what the fuck? i’m dutch and this is bullshit. As Aegd said, they fly around in a huge robotic goldfish, and you whine and moan about the netherlands being portrayed realistically? wasn’t expecting that.

    1. I never knew what a horrible excuse for a human was until you came along. Congratulations. You have now insulted everybody with autism.

      1. Not really. Getting obsessive about a singular topic can be a sign of autistic tendencies. It is what it is. It’s not meant to be an insult on that alone.

        1. You honestly expect me to believe that sigh didn’t use that as an insult and was actually concerned that psgels might have autism? Right…

          1. Speaking as someone who actually is autistic being compelled to do/say things and becoming driven on getting something done a specific way/in a certain time limit/before doing something else or latching onto things or ideas is a massive part of it. Can lead to a sense of feeling incomplete, unsatisfied, lack of worth, loss. In some cases when a fixation goes challenged or unmet it can lead to physical manifestations.
            Some autistics have difficulties with being touched, in social/relationship situations or being passionette/emotional about things. Generally will only get pissed off if they can’t satisfy something they feel they have no choice but to do.
            Hopefully that clears a bit up about autism.

          2. Additionally prudishness can be associated with Autism.
            I’m not really offended by the comment though. If someone makes an insult like that then surely they simply don’t count and why would an insult from a person who doesn’t count have any baring on me?

    1. I liked this anime, it’s not horrible but with the way it turns out now, my expectations gets betrayed as it continues on despite the fact I have hopes that the show have potential thanks to the unusual direction based on episode one alone.

  12. psgels whines about shows like this, wishing for something that can challenge him, and then poo-poos series like monogatari. Maybe you should quit letting your hipster-ism get in the way of your sensibilities and open up a bit more.

    That said, I feel the same way about modern anime writing. So many series this season that had massive potential and then just kind of fell flat. I’ve been watching a lot of older stuff (and by older I mean pre-2009). I wouldn’t mind seeing you check out older shows that might have been missed or came out before you began blogging. I noticed you don’t have Suzumiya Haruhi in your blog history. Check it out! I’m sure I’m not the first one to suggest it to you.

      1. I see it now. I was searching for it by its Japanese name. That was painful to read. Like I said in my last post. Psgels doesn’t have anything to complain about if he’s going to turn up his nose at a series with good writing just because it’s well-loved. He even admits it in his review. Then you go around and praise series with awful writing and horribly flat characters like Birdy the Mighty and Noein. It makes no sense.

        1. Just to clear things up: I did not drop the Monogatari-series because it’s well loved. I dropped it because it nearly pained me to sit through.

        2. Gee… I had problems with Noein, but flat characters most certainly wasn’t it. Credibility lost? More like credibility launched into orbit, come crashing down to earth in a fiery conflagration and being smashed by 100 people with really large hammers…

  13. Honestly, the biggest problem with Galilei Donna is character development, which feels a bit rushed for the girls and non-existent for the rest thanks to a cast that is way too large for it’s own good.

    This show is 11 episodes long; and it’s already seen fit to have the three sisters, the Galileo nerd, the sisters’ parents who are operating separately, the underground criminal organization (or whatever vague sort of establishment it is), the front for the criminal organization, the pirates, and all the new characters they’ve been revealing for their weekly stories on top of that.

    It’s way too cluttered.

  14. I feel your pain about your review (and yet funny!) but i don’t truly mind about the inaccuracy about that country so much or what so ever…
    i just focusing on the plot…that’s all!

    Sure this Show (or perhaps this episode only) has technical disappointments and difficulties. but i don’t think i despise it a lot more than any other show this season! JUST ASKING!

  15. Wow, I didn’t realize there were so many inaccuracies. Personally I thought the episode itself was about average, but this makes me rethink it a little. Thanks for the review! ^__^

  16. I don’t know why you people hate Galilei Donna so much
    It’s actually the series i look forward the most this season
    It got that sense of adventure, neat character designs, with engaging battle(and cute AI) and a very neat soundtrack. It may not have the most groundbreaking ideas each week, but the story in a bigger scope has a great potential. Give it a rest, stop over analyzing, and try to enjoy the adventure guys. Geez

  17. I absolutely loved your post! I do understand the complaints saying that the review content is inappropriate since you hardly cover the episode at all, but personally I agree with you: Screw this boring show and let’s talk about more interesting stuff like the Dutch streetscape the series addresses. Also, I don’t think the inaccurate portrayal of the Netherlands is the main reason of your dislike towards this show, but I have the feeling many people do.

    Now the reason why I like your post is that I’ve never stood still thinking about the consequences of the Dutch polder model on the architecture of buildings. I realized that most terraced houses here are indeed small and long, you’re right about the gothic churches with small windows and the infrastructure is indeed build for pedestrian and cyclists safety. But to my knowledge most buildings in the Netherlands have a concrete foundation, only the area under sea level in the west use supporting pillars (“heien”).

    Anyway, great post and maybe next time you can promote our open and tolerant culture towards controversial humanistic issues (well, at least compared to other countries).

  18. Pretty hilarious reading the comments on this one. Thanks psgels, this was all far more amusing and entertaining than the episode itself. The people taking this post of yours too seriously need to check themselves for a sense of humor. It’s nice to have someone call anime out on their BS once in a while. Plus it’s tacky to say “that’s just how it is with anime writing”, much moreso than focusing on the exceptionally poor presentation of the Netherlands here. The writers chose to put themselves in this position, and if there wasn’t anything else psgels noticed about the episode then you should probably get the hint that the episode wasn’t noteworthy beyond it’s bad understanding of other cultures.

  19. It’s alright it won’t matter the next episode, because the goldfish wont be in Netherlands anymore.

    It’s just one episode

  20. I think Hogart’s comment sums all this quite well haha. By the way, a bit out of topic but psgels, i noticed that you have not reviewed a lot of episodes recently, or should I assume that your last paragraph answers this question.

  21. Really funny post 😀

    Everything is set in an alternate reality so you shouldn’t think to much about anything resembling Netherlands. It’s a world where they only use that methan-something as energy source and there are flying fishes. The episode was bad enough with that ending and those absurd pirate-terrorists.

    As they like to write “This work is fiction, any resemblance with… bla bla”.
    This also happens to people in other countries with other supposed decent shows too often (anime, films, all kind) ¬¬. The problem is not just inside anime and its writers, I can assure you.
    (Plenty of foreign storywriters have made a terrible job with Spain, I don’t want to start with the list)

    1. Hollywood routinely misrepresents Washington DC, for cripe’s sake (did you know there are no skyscrapers there? At all?). It’s not limited to foreign countries, and sure as hell not to Japan.

  22. Well, I got the feeling that this show will be a bad noitama show when i saw the promo picture and the premise. No matter how I look at, it had the “The Next Guilty Crown” vibe from it. It’s really weird and i can’t get pass that. I just feel the whole premise even the art reminds me of Guilty Crown.

  23. Just would like to specify so I’m not entertaining hypocrisy if it was my country it would also bother me, in addition to that now that I know this happens in other things like movies in places like America I can also see how that would bother me/someone.

  24. I just watched this, and I have to say, as someone who doesn’t know much about Netherlands, the inaccuracies didn’t bother me one bit. So I think that if that was ruled out, the episode was probably just your average episode of an anime that is probably average.

    I liked that they didn’t save the kids at the end, but to be honest I’m overall left with a ‘meh’ feeling about it all.

  25. We get it. You hate moe, you are itching to call anime creators idiots and like some old crank, can’t get over the fact this show obviously takes artistic liberties with Netherlands.

    I thought it was a fine and entertaining episode.

    If you have to rage that hard on nonconsequential liberties with setting, I sugest you drop it.

  26. Oh my! I always appreciate your opinions on the series I don’t watch but follow reviews of. Attention to detail (or lack of!) can really tip the scale of worthwhile-ness.
    I have to agree, there have been less and less shows that I’ve been interested in writing wise these past seasons!

  27. I feel for you. Every time that Dayton, Ohio is portrayed on screen, be it in American live action drama or comedy, or in anime, said portrayal is pathetic and unrealistic, and the architecture is usually as far off as the landscape.

    Of course, the best one is how the Wright Brothers are always testing their planes by running off cliffs in the gigantic mountains of Ohio and Indiana, when they actually did all their local flight practice in nice flat pasture areas. The fact that the Wrights actively avoided jumping off cliffs was one of the many instances of their superior engineering, piloting, and survival savvy.

    1. And yes, there are no gigantic mountains in Ohio. Some fair sized hills, cliffs, and gorges, but nothing close to mountains.

  28. The writer of this article, though i assume he is Dutch as well, has a very poor understanding of the culture this country harbors. Dat wou ik even gezegd hebben.

  29. It’s funny that you whine so much about the inaccuracies about the Netherlands but doesn’t mind reviewing a show like Michiko to Hatchin, which is a very good show, but portray an image of Brazil that is nothing like the reality.

    1. That’s probably because he knows a lot more about his ho,e country then some random one that (I assume) he knows little about.

  30. I have been reading ur blog forever now and never knew u were in the Netherlands…I also live here and saw the ep AND agree with u totally. I was laughing with my friends about it…anyway, keep doing what ur doing 🙂

  31. Goddamn inch pincher, who gives a fuck about some miniscule inaccuracies when watching portraying a fictional town in the future in a series with flying mechas, space colonization and some shit Galileo pulled out of his toches people several hundred years later give enough shit about to go and shoot each other up!? No-one, including about 99,99% of the Dutch viewers, I bet. Hell, about every animé ass-raping any language except Japanese with a piledriver and no lubricants is way much worse (no idea, why the fuck can’t they get some native speakers on the team, the isolation of Japan ended a few centuries ago!) than that!! The “Please, please, please get a life” Foundation was notified.
    P.S.: And this guy, who used “autism” as an insult can stick a grenade up his ass and mail the security pin to the show’s producers in Japan, cause he’s an asshole.

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