Gakkou Gurashi! – 09

In a world with no way to get to the beach, Gakkou does the impossible and manages to have a beach episode. Using the biology fish pool on the roof the gang get up to water antics and fun in the sun. I found this episode to be a bit unnecessary as we already know what’s coming and this looks to just be delaying that outcome. Though we did get heavy foreshadowing about Taromaro as that puppy got more death flags than a man one day away from retirement. From the dog walking alone in the ending, meeting Megumi in the last minutes and making up with Miki in the episode. That dog is ready and primed for Max suffering.

I decided to read the manga up to the point the anime has reached and in trying managed to spoil myself on two things. One was fairly obvious but the other was something that would have been a complete shock. Of course I won’t say it here but let me warn you that if you are planning to see the differences between manga and anime then it’s best done after the show is finished as it’s very easy to spoil. Adaption wise the anime does well to cover the manga though in execution the two are very different beasts. Overall the anime is the stronger of the two as it handles the reveals and twists a lot better than the manga which tends to show them rapidly without dramatic flair. The manga has some scenes I wish were in the anime such as Kurumi visiting her house during the “field trip” and Miki trying earnestly to snap Yuki out of her delusion before joining the club but the anime handles the story so much better than the manga does. The anime does tend to add extra Moe into the bundle such as our mainly anime original pool episode here but in terms of presentation and execution, it trumps the manga.

There isn’t much to say about this episode besides it being fanservice galore which I find somewhat amusing considering how the episode ends. If the blu-rays of the show are going to be brightened up then this episode after showing girls run around in minimal clothing has Megumi at the end looking quite…unappealing shall we say. If you took out the moments with Taromaro and the mentioning about the passage under the school this could be labeled a filler episode. Even though I have spoiled myself using the manga I am curious about what will happen with that passage. For the anime looks to be changing what happens down there. With the last boss Megumi guarding the passage, anything could happen next episode and it’s gonna be good.

3 thoughts on “Gakkou Gurashi! – 09

  1. So you’re saying I can open the wine and the put the meat in the grill and play in the background some Carmen Bizet. I’ve been sharpening the knife from the very beginning waiting for the feast and the fireworks to start.

    1. This episode was a feast for the eyes. Next episode is a feast for the sadists. Eat hearty my brothers for this week we dine in HELL!!
      …Well I hope we do. They can’t put this off any longer.

      1. For me it felt more like a corporate checklist:

        Moe – Check
        Watersports – Check
        Montage of characters doing something – Check

        Although it might be just me, considering Shimoneta and Prison School keep pushing the boundaries of censorship and in some cases even mocking the concept.

        I also hope so too, this gorehound is thirsty for a payoff on the level of the buildup.

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