It’s interesting that while in High School, I had no interest in art whatsoever. And yet I really find all the references of GA to different artworks, techniques and equipment very interesting to watch. But yeah, in high school I also hated reading, writing and subjects as French and German. I really wonder how my high-school self would react if it learned that its grown-up version would create a blog with thousands of posts, dedicated to an art-form and blogging series in a foreign language learnt as a hobby. ^^;
Anyway, this episode starts out with Kisaragi daydreaming about entertaining an kindergarten class with pieces of art, nearly running into a statue. Next up, due to a shortage of clean sheets, Kisaragi picks up one with a bunch of scribblings on it (including “NICE TRAP” (lol) and a black cat, which Kisaragi obviously can’t resist to add a few more of them.
We then turn to the other Art Club, in which Awara created a cheesy but charming fairytale about a country where all of the colours were solen, and a fairy that somehow resembles Kisaragi being born and having to take care of it. They spend a while thinking of how to continue this (including some really bad suggestions by Oomichi), and Mizubichi ends up inviting Kisaragi for ideas.
The second half of this episode shows Kisaragi as she goes after a bargain day on a local art supplies store, and antics ensue as usual. Yeah, I’ve gotten bored with writing summaries at this point. It still was a really fun episode as usual, though. A real trend of the series for the past half year was consistency: delivering, and doing so consistently for every single episode, and GA is also really good at it. I can hardly remember any weak moment, other than getting used to the other Art Club, which happened soon enough.
it’s a shame that there’s just one episode left, and by the looks of it the creators aren’t going to pull a forced dramatic climax in the end. I know the director, he did Cromartie High School and that one too had an ending that in no way tried to cheap out on the ending. Because of that, I’m looking forward to that final episode. it’s really been a fun series to watch and I was right to blog this one. And the amazing thing is that we’re 11 episodes in now, and it still doesn’t feel like this series has run out of ideas.
Rating: ** (Excellent)]]>
This series is teaching me a lot of art-related terms. For this episode, it’s Kamishibai 🙂
On an unrelated note, argh Noda-chan is so kewt
My high-school self didn’t even know anything about anime (besides the word itself). People do change a lot.^^ I stopped watching GA because it looked too much like “Sketchbook”. And, though there are still some similarities, it proved to be a real gem. So thanks to your blog once again! I hope a lot of people started to watch it due to your posts.