Full Metal Alchemist – Brotherhood – 56

And King Bradley shows his fangs again. Apparently, he’s fast enough to avoid bullets and cut them in half, and his presence is so great that he’s able to create shock-waves of air to smack down his victims. Bones, that may have been a bit too much; those are tricks that cheap shows use in an attempt to make characters look really strong.

Nevertheless, talk about an action-packed episode. The previous episodes were full of euphoria, and here Bradley comes and completely turns the table. None of the characters who have a good chance of actually beating him (Roy, Hohenheim) are anywhere near, so instead characters as Greed and the people from Xing are going to have to keep this guy at bay. This episode already started with the first casualty on the good guys. In any case I love how even in the finale, the creators try to make everyone important.

The promised day was actually a very interesting way to bring everyone together at the same place: everyone currently is in central city, trying to prevent it from occurring. It’s a lot more impressive than what the first season pulled, as it tried to pull some really weird plot-holes, just to keep the characters inside the story. Thankfully, this season really knows that there are some characters who have no business being here, like Rose, and the library girl whose name I forgot. I’m also very glad that the creators also didn’t try to shoehorn Winry in somewhere. She really served her purpose well, but it’d be just stupid for her to suddenly appear int he middle of Central City, just for some extra drama for Ed. Instead, the climax really takes place between a lot of different parties that all do have their business and reasons for being there.
Rating: ** (Excellent)

28 thoughts on “Full Metal Alchemist – Brotherhood – 56

  1. I’m not the biggest fan of Winry, but you should stop mentioning her in nearly every single blog you put up…….honestly I get that it is your blog and you are entitled to say what you want but as a reader of numerous blogs, you want to see opinion without “shoehorning” every character in the episode into the blog, only write what applies to the episode.

  2. I have to appologise…….I went back and read some of your earier blogs and they are quite well written with relevent information prior to the episode. Sorry Dude or dudette 🙂

  3. Ha Ha Wrath is my favorite homunculus. I guess his power is a bit exaggerated but wow he is a great antagonist.

  4. You can’t pin the power exaggeration on Bones, that was entirely the mangaka’s doing. That said, I love watching Wrath in action.

  5. “The promised day was actually a very interesting way to bring everyone together at the same place”

    There is a plot hole, however, since nobody actually is supposed to know WHEN the promised day will occur, and i dont remember homunculi ever telling anyone the exact date. So how could everyone be sure they wont be too late is anyone’s guess.

  6. @karry: I’m guessing they worked out when the promised day would be from all the writings about the huge transmutation circle, it requires something that can be calculated and only happens on a certain day which has to be the promised day they kept mentioning.

  7. @Necromancer it is not a plot hole they know exactly when the Promised Day is. Let’s just say from the writings they figured out that the promised day can only happen during a certain event and from that information it is very easy to find out exactly when this day is.

  8. @karry: remember that Roy’s crew were passing a message some episodes ago, IIRC it was the date of the promised day.

    Psgels, I have been following you for 2 years but never feel like making a comment. I really like your blog.

    PD: Soory for the bad english, I’m not from a English-speaking country.

  9. everybody Hohenhime and greed told people that it takes place on the day of the eclipes then they managed to contact people and have them tell the others

  10. Eh, something felt off about this episode. It was as great as it was in the manga. Felt lacking. But I’m excited about all the episodes from here on out ^^

  11. @Clinton: Oh yeah I forgot about Greed passing on information 🙂

    Well either way I think we proved it wasn’t a plot hole.

  12. @Karry re-read chapters 81 and 82 (I don’t remember what episode these chapters correspond too). And actually one mistake it was Ling not Greed that first shared the information with Ed, but I imagine after Ed joined up with Greed he shared info too.

  13. Hey guys, did anyone else get vibes of “Aliens” when seeing Father’s true form for the first time?

  14. Ergo, i kinda agree with you. it was still a pretty good ep, but based on my anticipation going in, i was a little disappointed. i think they changed the layout/design of central HQ so the battle(s) kinda changed a bit compared to the manga, and for the worse IMHO.

    it still fulfilled my main requirement of highlighting that Wrath is one BAD melonfarmer (lol) so i’m fine with that.

    one thing i don’t get, why does the eyepatch affect wrath vs greed/anybody at all? he seems to be able to use his Ultimate Eye when it’s on regardless, so why it is suddenly a blind spot vs ling/greed? or are both of his eyes enhanced?

  15. not just his sword, he was wrecking with the knifes from the soldier as well.

    also, is the OP spoiling the fact that Roy dies? the shot of him going down the hole and Hawkeye crying. IRC they spoiled Greed’s new identity in the OP last year… hope it isn’t so.

  16. Meh, did not really care too much for this ep. For some reason while I was watching I wanted it to end sooner. I’ve felt like this ever since the Kimblee/Pride vs Al fight which was amazing; maybe I expect too much. Though Wrath destroys in this ep., it seemed that some of his scenes lacked quality animation.

  17. @Levon French You are partly right, The OP is spoiling –something– that happens to Roy. Once the series gets around to it, it’ll make perfect sense.

  18. I loved this episode.

    Everything they added just made it so much better. I actually liked it far more than the manga chapter.

    Why is everyone saying it’s a plothole they knew when the Promised day was?

    …Did they not watch episode 45? That WHOLE episode was showing that they spread the message to every one of their allies.

    Geez, people. Pay attention.

  19. And by the way, Ling and Greed both think he’s either blind in that eye, that’s why they attack him on that side.

    I don’t think Greed knows Wrath has the “Ultimate Eye” so he would follow Ling’s advice.

    Granted Ling saw the Oroboros on his eye back in episode 23, but I still don’t think he knew it was a super powered eye.

    To put it simply: They don’t know he has that ability and they think it’s a blind spot.

    Simple as that.

  20. You keep railing on and on and on and on about the original anime. Just shut up and review what you’ve got.

  21. even though I just started watching this the episode I just saw was awsome! though I’m still suprised that Wrinry was falling in love with Ed!(though when I first started watching Full metal Alchemist I thought she would fall in love with him), but with every episide I watched it seemed as though she would never fall in love with him

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