From the New World – 11

This was a bit of a build-up episode for From The New World. Nothing too shocking like last episode happened, but nevertheless it’s the kind of episode that takes a step back for us viewers to get to know the characters a bit better. For fleshing the cast out, this was a really good episode because we finally got to see some of the sides of the minor characters who haven’t been in the spotlights like what Saki has been.

Ryou also was this interesting addition to the cast, in which an entire person has been replaced in everyone’s memory. Where did that guy come from, I wonder? It in any case was a very nice way to make the characters paranoid, and I like how difficult tampering with your memory is in this series: the adults did their best to cover up the memories, but some things just can’t fit. It’s now also clear that certain key parts have been erased from their memories and this goes as far as being able to cover up an entire romance, but it’s very difficult to hide an entire freaking crater appearing from nowhere.

Also this episode used lots of flashbacks and dream sequences, which of course is pretty obvious when the main character is trying to recall things. It actually worked quite well to tie up the past ten episodes together.
Rating: 5/8 (Great)

14 thoughts on “From the New World – 11

  1. Choppy storytelling yet again… The plot just chugs along jumping from point to point. I’m assuming there was a decent sized timeskip again. I know it’s supposed to be mysterious and all, but the ‘this happened, then this happened, then this happened’ with little to no explaination and random time leaps is just frustrating to watch. I want to watch a character develop – not Oh he’s like this, then like this 6 months later, then like this a year later. That’s highschool level writing…

    1. I disagree, I’ve actually noticed when Saki’s older version narrates, there has usually been a time skip of some sort so its really not that untold. would you prefer them to have some words appear on the screen stating that its “two weeks later”?

    2. Other than than the time skip (which I have no problems with), I disagree about this episode being choppy. Episodes 5 – 7 (or whenever they got back from the camp) was the only time I really felt the storytelling was choppy. So far everything else feels better planned out and I think the mystery does get across pretty well.

  2. I think its really disgusting what the adults are doing with these children especially ryou who was pretty much used to fill a memory he was never apart of, meaning he lost his own. I mean thats just so wrong to toy around with that. they’re probably wont show it but ryou must be like so fucked right now because of that and I wouldnt blame him if he even commited suicide. I mean can you imagine how you would feel.

    Also I loved how they brought up the girl from episode one because I really was curious about that the most.

    Every episode just makes you so excited in this series I mean I cant help but sucked into the show because of how much it makes you focus. Like everyone has been saying the episodes feels like 5 minutes, thats true magic, to be able to do that to not just one viewer but an entire audience is really something. Whether thats a good thing is entirely different though.

    Mamoru’s feeling are completely understandable but I can see people calling him a wuss and stuff even though they probably wont understand (some people are just idiots) that he’s emotional incapable of handling that train of thought.

    The best scene for me was when they went to that place in the end, and as soon as the door closed maria and saki were all over saturo with questions. It was funny to see that reaction.

    Also no mention of the animation? This was it’s best week so far! some of those shots were amazing. they clearly love to play with maria’s hair too.

    Welp! We only have 14 episodes left now……… sad face.

    1. This isn’t just with the children, though. Everyone is raised this way. In a way, this is necessary. The human race was given this HUGE power that can greatly influence the world around them. They need to be controlled. If people who were weak were allowed to reach adulthood, the strong would be able to control them and abuse them. In order for there to be as little violence as possible, everyone needs to be equal in strength.

      In a way, what they did was kind. They’ve given this group of kids so many chances to live a “normal” life when they could have just disposed of them.

    2. Regarding Ryou, I think it depends on how well their “brainwashing” goes. He may truly believe he is their friend. Pieces may be cloudy, but if that is the case then he may have no problem with his situation. Now if he starts figuring out things like our main group has, then I think he may start have serious issues and lose it.

      Of course we haven’t been shown enough of him yet so it could go either way.

  3. I’m loving the story of the characters themselves, but I’m just so impressed by this series’ setting. It’s very rare (at least in my experience) to see an anime that is so meticulous about asking the question “Where is the line?” and not providing the clear-cut answer. Such ambiguity on a sensitive topic like this is extremely refreshing.

    I mean, sure, we tend to be shown it as negative since most of it’s through the eyes of the children who are affected by the system, but it’s always careful to give some points to the other side as well (such as the flashbacks where the rulers abused their Cantus, or Shun’s being an example of what can go wrong with their abilities). Loving it so, so much.

  4. Loving the suspense and the storytelling as well as the character interactions. Each character is unique in his or her own way and really contributes to the group. I don’t feel things to be choppy so… not a problem.

  5. Another great episode! I’m loving this series so much, especially the soundtracks. Looks like next ep will be awesome again.

    “Who’s that Ryou guy?” Saki did say in the episode that he’s a boy from group 2 before they placed him into group 1 which is Saki’s group. In fact, if you rewatch episode 2, in the scene of the final match between group 1 and group 2, you can see this Ryou guy, his name being mentioned too.

  6. Good chapter. I ended up telling to the screen “Don’t go there, it’s a trap!”. I hope Saki does not let herself be deceived next chapter. Remember Shun!

  7. Its really a very bad anime.

    Gloomy feelings, poor drawing, ridiculous monsters, and a general “it’s magic and shit” atmosphere. Almost as bad as Claymore.

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