For the people living in and around Paris

I apologize for being late on this, because I just finished booking this myself, but after all the talk about a week ago in the shoutbox I do at least want to try and get some sort of meet going.

Upcoming Sunday and Monday, 13th and 14th of May, I’ll be in Paris for a short holiday. It will be my first time there, so are there any places that I just have to go to visit? Also, if any of you happen to be in the neighborhood, I’d love to meet up somehow.

11 thoughts on “For the people living in and around Paris

  1. Too bad, i’ll be busy on these days :/
    What kind of place do you want to visit? Museums, shops or something else?

  2. ohh too bad, i will be in bordeaux for holidays…but i guess you juss need visit th e classics : Tour effel, arc de triomph, Le louvre, Versaille if you have some time too

  3. I can tell you all the places to go eat, if you’re a foodie.

    Go up to Sacre Coeur.. there’s a great view from up there.

    Musee D’Orsay is brilliant, I loved all the art deco /nouveau stuff, and it’s worth shelling out for the audio tour thing.

  4. I’ve been a few times to Paris and if I had to choose one place to visit it would be Notre Dame’s tower.

    Arrive early in the day (the cues are huge), and cue up on it’s right side, near an iron gate and be prepared to walk up a LOT of stairs, but the pay off is huge. You’ll need a ticket.

    It is by far THE best view of Paris, and you’ll get to see and take pictures with lots of gargoyles. You won’t regret it.

    Sacre Couer view is wider, since it is higher above the city but it is also further away. I saw no use to being able to view a great portion of the city if I had a hard time making out individual buildings. Notre Dame all the way.

    Protip: Buy Paris travelpass. It’ll save you a lot of time and, maybe, some money.

    Protip 2: Use the subway. The maps just look confusing, but once you get the hang of it, you’ll be able to breeze through the town. BEWARE of the doors though, they can slam you pretty hard, as my GF would tell you 🙂

  5. From my own experience of Paris I would recommend the Musee Rodin for its beautiful sculptures, France is a great place for art as I’m sure we all know so the museums are well worth looking around/into. The eiffel tower and arc are worth it, the Louvre is kind of disapointing though for the Mona Lisa, its pretty damn small in real life that painting.

  6. I live there, though I’ll be away next week…
    I won’t comment on the museums, it all depends on your taste. From Egyptian antics in the Louvre to modern and contemporary art in Centre Georges Pompidou or Palais de Tokyo, there’s a bit (a lot) of everything.
    If you want to enjoy the atmosphere of the city, try to wander in the Quartier Latin (evenings) and in the Marais (daytime).

  7. I went to Paris a few years ago Just see everything that people normally recommend. That’ll be more than enough. And if you have time, I spent an afternoon at the district La Defense . Paris has many good things of the past, so my mother thought it would be good to see its modern side as well and she was right, I really liked it. You could also shop there, and next to the shopping was some huge building which you could go to its top and have an awesome view. That view and the view from the Eiffel Tower are the best ones of Paris imo.

    Also, do get yourself one of those pens that can start playing the French hymn while showing different colors, they’re cool.

    Also, BREAD WITH CHOCOLATE! Theirs is epic.

    1. The subway is really good, do use it! I remember that the Defense was the last stop of some line if my memory serves me right.

  8. Well, i live in Paris, and I would recommend the 1st arrondisement!
    especially around Opera de paris there are so much amazing asian food
    there! Then you have to go to Champs D’elyees, it’s so pretty. Oh, and visiting montmartre is a must. Don’t go to La Cite though, you get mugged really easily there :/
    And if you are a food junkie, go and eat on a bateau mouche!!

    Have fun!!

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