Flying witch – 02

You know, I always have problem with the 3-act structure, where usually they imply that the story need to have a meaning and the main characters have to grow. While those incidents that change your life indeed happened, each people have 4 or 5 of them at most, and the remaining time between those incidents we function like those in slice-of-life series, where everything don’t seem to change and we stay the same as well. So for me, slice of life is a genre that I certainly appreciate. The main problem with slice of life series in not because nothing happens, but rather because they tend to repeat things that we already know or the cast is not endearing/ interesting enough for us to care. I’m happy to say that this is not the case for Flying witch. The show already demonstrated strong execution in both fronts. I enjoyed a touch magical realism and characters feel like real people, without all those annoying exaggerating gestures.

The episode splits into 2 parts, and we got introduced to a harbinger, the spirit (I guess) who brings summer to town there. The harbinger has quite an amusing character’s design. Chinatsu’s reaction towards the harbinger steals the show for me. The comic timing is great, and she also acts like someone her age, and not in moe-mode (This season does offer many strong 12-years-old-and-under female characters, with this show along with Kumamiko and 12-san). The flowers just bring a smile to my face all the time. The second half is also wonderful, with her dream is my favorite part. I love how she keep rambling that witch’s dreams are like a prophet, and right after that just plainly say “It’s all myth”. Bakke cooking scene is very endearing as well.

The thing I love from the show so far is there are still too much to explore from their world. Just by 2 episodes they already provide something new each time, yet never distract the atmosphere. The score used in the episode also fits nicely to enhance that atmosphere as well. You know a show is good when 20 minutes run almost effortlessly and I enjoyed every moments of the episode. The show certainly gives you a charming feeling, with beautiful winter-turns-summer background and if you don’t mind slow pacing and almost no conflict situations, you will enjoy Flying witch.


3 thoughts on “Flying witch – 02

  1. It’s too mundane for me so far, and I like slow slice of life shows “where nothing happens”. Aria showed me the delight in its mundane situations; this seems content to just show me mundane situations and hope I’ll be delighted by them. But it’s not enough to tell me something is tasty or show a little girl acting shy every time she sees someone new. This is lacking that spellbinding quality for me, basically.

  2. I’m getting the same feeling as the above above poster unfortunately. I have no problem with boring slice of life, but there isn’t even a spark of delight here in their everyday. Other than Makoto having a delighted reaction to every situation, this is bland, stoic, and boring. The character designs are standard, the range of voice tone has not varied and the setting is generic.

    Am hoping Flying Witch embraces the “witch” aspect very soon, or finally give us the feline friend promised on the promo picture.

    I do actually enjoy watching though. It’s just not leaving me impressed.

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