Eureka Seven Ao – 12

I already saw some reactions on the shoutbox about this episode, but as I started watching the episode I started wondering what was up. Sure, it brought in some nice plot twists and all, especially with the way in which Ao has been piloting the Nirvash, and how well it relates back to the first season of Eureka Seven. It was all interesting, but nothing like what the previous episodes have shown us. And then the Scab Coral crashed into the earth.

HOLY CRAP! Oh my GOD, my mind has been completely blown here. That was absolutely amazing! Christ, the reappearance of the Gekko-Gou already made me yelp out loud, but the actual cliff-hanger of this episode was the real shocker. I’m a bit speechless by this.

But yeah, with this it’s now pretty clear that this series was made for the fans of Eureka Seven. If anyone plans to check this series out: watch Eureka Seven first. This is pretty much what Last Exile – Ginyoku no Fam should have been doing: involve its older cast more: as side-characters who do have a significant meaning to the story, rather than being random cameos. With this, Eureka Seven Ao just became the best teenaged-focused sci-fi series of the year.

On a random note: why are people surprised with blue hair when there are purple-haired people walking around the world?!
Rating: **** (Fantastic)

35 thoughts on “Eureka Seven Ao – 12

  1. Yeah, this episode blew my mind at the end.

    BTW, I wanted to bring something up. People might already know this and I might be a bit ‘slow’, but I still wanted to bring it up.

    Isn’t Ao REALLY piloting the Nirvash type TheEND? The design is more similar to Anemone’s — the chest design w/ those Vascud guns, the head fins, the single pilot configuration, etc… For a long time, I always thought the original Nirvash had been redesigned or something, but now I think TheEND was somehow rebuilt… the wiki says we dont’ even know where the original that Anemone used came from.

    And as the end of this episode shows, we see the real Nirvash from the first season. Unless there’s a time jump or worm hole reason for it, I can’t see how they could explain two Nirvashes.

    And, who’s ‘old hand’ does that belong to in the preview for next week… Wow, I’m much more invested in this sequel than the original. Maybe b/c there’s a lack of annoying Renton. Yep.

    1. “Maybe b/c there’s a lack of annoying Renton. Yep.”

      Renton may have been annoying but at least I gave a crap about what he went through. Ao on the other hand I have difficultly giving a damn about. He’s just kinda…there.

      1. Was hoping to hear people’s thoughts about the MAIN point of my post — not my final quibble about Renton being annoying. Besides, Ao is more interesting to me b/c of the mystery factor, rather than the normal run of the mill boy in love with girl but whose selfishness grinds my gears.

        1. Mystery factor? What mystery factor? We pretty much know everything about Ao. Eureka’s kid, left to grow up in this world and that’s about it. There is nothing really mysterious about him.

          As for Ao piloting The END I really don’t think so. It’s interesting but not likely. The time paradox/sliding makes more sense to explain two Nirvash’s. People have pointed out that Eureka looks pregnant in this episode. And unless that was an animation error I would agree.

          1. I’m talking about why he hates his father so much, why there’s no blame toward his mother, how much of a relationship he actually has with Naru, what will really happen with him and Generation Bleu, etc.

            As for the END, I only thought of it as a possibility b/c the type Zero that Ao pilots is so different from the original — and not just a new paint job. As for Eureka, I did think that was a pregnany bump — but I’m leaning toward the type of animation error that also had people think that priest in Little Mermaid had a b***r.

          2. He hates his father because he abandoned him and his mother apparently. He loves his mother because he can remember his childhood with her and knew she cared for him. He is just childhood friends with Naru. And I stated before that I didn’t really care what happened to him because he didn’t really display any personality worth caring about. Though that last one is just me talking.

          3. Can’t reply below so here will do… All of what you say is pure conjecture. We don’t even know the whole story yet.

          4. I won’t deny that. However if you believe that Ao has actual complex reasons behind his emotions I would say that is absolutely not the case. He has never shown himself to be smart enough to have that depth of logic.

            But well lets wait and see. I still have this gut feeling the next episode is going to be very disappointing.

  2. When the scub started breaking away and you could see that familiar shape emerge I couldn’t help letting out a little squeal of joy.

    Then the Nirvash popped up and I couldn’t stop chanting “open the cockpit, open the cockpit, open the cockpit” as the episode got closer and closer to ending.

  3. The Gekkou even still has the hole in it’s hull from when Renton blasted his way out in episode 50.

  4. I nearly cried when I saw the ship and Nirvash emerging…


  5. There’s definite time travel/sliding going on here. It also seems that Eureka probably won’t be answering any questions as she doesn’t seem to know who Ao is.

    ” why are people surprised with blue hair when there are purple-haired people walking around the world?!”

    You know, that’s actually a very good question. Maybe after the disaster with a girl with turquoise hair it became less common to have turquoise hair.

    1. Eureka’s response to seeing Ao doesn’t necessarily mean she doesn’t know him. She left when he was still quite young and she likely wasn’t expecting to find him jumping out of an IFO after falling out of space.

      1. Nope, even if she separated from him when he was young the hair would be a dead give away and I don’t think a mother wouldn’t recognise her son. Not to mention he was flying the Nirvash she programmed to remember him.

    2. I dont know, we cant tell via animation, but in real life people can often tell the difference between dyed hair and natural hair color. I just assume people see his hair differently.

      Time travel does have to be the only explanation though. If Truth can shape shift, maybe others can too. I’m more interested in what is wrong with the world.

      1. I’m more interested in what is wrong with the world.

        The only thing I can think of is how it’s not overrun by the Scub Coral the way it should be in Eureka 7? Or perhaps how Scub Coral are appearing too early in Earth’s history? From what I vaguely remember from Eureka 7, the Scub Coral just came en masse, Earth considered them a threat, a war broke out and the Scub Coral woudn up covering the Earth. Anybody have a rough idea when the Scub Coral actually arrived on Earth in Eureka 7’s timeline?

        Well, it looks like Truth may be another scub-coral “infested(?)” human like Naru and Elena though. No parents, strange eyes. He might be one of the experimental Scub Burst survivors from those facilities. It may explain his hostility towards military types or those working on Scub Coral facilities. It seems like what he knows may have been learned from his foster father, which sounds like the Professor’s personal theories. No telling how close he was to the actual truth. Truth seems to know Nirvash and Eureka though, perhaps from a distance?

  6. Agreed, now that’s the way to do a sequel! I just hope that the Eureka(if she’s not)and maybe Renton we know from the first series will be in soon.

  7. why are people surprised with blue hair when there are purple-haired people walking around the world?!

    I think it’s more like Ao has the same hair color as the very famous *original* alien girl, Eureka, that everyone in Generation Bleu in particular seems to know.

  8. Why is everyone so against time travel plots? one comment I heard was “after watchign steins gate and madoka time travel is lame blah blah blah” or something like that. . .

    THOSE WERE GOOD SHOWS! Why would plot devices in GOOD shows turn you off of that plot device, or make someone say “show A is bad because it uses a funny side kick” I don’t get it at all, I mean if a show is bad (which this one isnt thank god. . .I mean I dont find it super wtfomg awesome, but I somewhat like it) then yeah its bad but, just because some people dont like time travel, it automatically sucks? that just doesn’t make sense. If said persons actually liked steins gate and Madoka then…whats the problem with time travel again?

  9. excuse my language but near the end I was like “shit shit shit holy shit shit shit shit……FUCK~~~~”

    on to actual content, eureka does actually look younger than what we have seen of her in this series so far.

  10. I’m still in a state of elated shock myself at the sudden appearance of the Gekko and Eureka but I’m not sure what to make of it yet. I’m not even sure if that’s the real Eureka/Gekko. I mean, where’s Holland, Renton, Talho, etc? It looks like something Naru summoned from/created out of the space-borne Scub Coral in order to save Ao.

    We kind of have a really good idea that the original Nirvash was left behind. If those pillars of light serve as gateways between the Eureka Ao world and the Eureka 7 world, then it looks like Eureka could have traveled back to her own world already, leaving Nirvash behind to be converted into what Ao is piloting now.

    It’s also strange that this Eureka looks a lot younger than the one who mothered Ao. Perhaps she was created out of Naru’s memories from when she was saved by Eureka? But wait, wasn’t Naru saved around the same time Eureka disappeared? Also, say this Eureka and Gekko are entities created by Naru, where would she have gotten memories of the Gekko itself?

    I also found it extremely creepy that Naru can so readily accept the carnage around her in Brazil. I mean, she could have gotten Truth to evacuate the trapar refinery before destroying it or something. She still seems to care about Ao but I really don’t like what she’s become right now.

  11. And with this “comeback” one of my favorite anime returns, only a thing: why it tooks 12 episodes? This one have only 24 episodes, not 50…

    1. Development for the current cast/setting? As it is, it feels like there’s still a lot of questions left unanswered.

      We still don’t know who or what Truth is, what his motives are or why he’s so powerful.

      Elena and Naru may be entities similar to Truth but perhaps with different abilities. Naru seems to be telepathic. What’s Elena’s ability? Does she absorb/store personalities?

      What are the Quartz collected by Generation Bleu? Why are they being stored away in space? It sounds like the space station up there is supposed to be a last sanctuary for humanity in case Earth is overrun by…either Secrets or Scub Coral? What role to the Quartz play? If Generation Bleu is supposed to be a parallel to Evangelion’s NERV organization, then their objective would be….?

      What are the Secrets? They seem like some kind of system to destroy Scub Coral or perhaps send them back to the world/dimension they belong. The problem seems to be that the process causes a lot of damage to the area the Scub Coral appeared in. Also, humanity may desire having the Scub Coral around to mine trapar, unaware that they may wind up overrunning Earth altogether the way they did in Eureka 7. The mining process also seems to be uncomfortable to the Scab Coral entities themselves. I wonder if there’s any meaning to their differing appearances. Are they supposed to resemble children’s toys or something?

      There’s a mysterious LFO-like shape hidden underground at Generation Bleu headquarters. What’s that about? What are they really hiding under there? The US forces seem to know something about it. NERV was hiding **** deep inside their Japan base so….?

      1. What you say is true, there are a lot of questions unanswered, but i think that 24 episode at this rate can’t be enough to solve all these questions. And i hate when they rush in the final episodes, at this rate maybe there will be a second season (or more episodes)?

  12. Wow, wow, wow, wow!? What just happened!? Eureka! Gekko-Go! :3

    Have to just wait for the second episode I guess…I wonder what happened to Eureka’s wings by the way? Maybe she can hide them? Maybe that will never be answered either. xD

    Can’t wait for the next episode though. From all these child pilots brings my mind Holland’s brother for some reason from the first season by the way. Even if it probably doesn’t have anything to do with it.


    I put this series on hold for a bit because of life getting in the way. I was a bit iffy on the first 12 ep’s. Some were of significantly higher quality than others.

    At first I thought that the OG Nirvash was a hallucination. Again I am baffled at what role Naru played in getting Eureka and the gekko-gou appearing once again.

    Of course, generation Blu is hiding something. At this point I’m guessing its a sinister purpose for the quartz or covering up an underground world. Still, I shed about 1 tear from the awesomeness.

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