Eureka Seven Ao – 09

This was an episode for character and setting building, but thankfully it also remembered to deliver some good drama and action along the way. I like that about this show: it has fairly more time than usual, but when it needs to build up it does try to make this build-up interesting.

The episode had two main goals. The first was building trust between Ao and Fleur and Elena, showing that they’re beginning to read each other more and more. This is interesting development, but it does have a potential pitfall: developing into something generic. The way they interacted with Ao so far was very interesting and there was a lot of tension between them. Them getting to trust each other is natural of course, but this will remove some of that tension. So yeah, this series will have to put something in to replace that.

Second was that we saw that Truth guy continuing with his plans to what I presume will be world destruction. In this episode he recruits a soldier who is surprisingly similar to Dominic from the original Eureka Seven. I can definitely see that the creators are trying to do something interesting with Truth, especially by introducing him so relatively early in the series. I like how his powers enable him to just turn up from absolutely nowhere, but this does have the disadvantage of making him a bit too overpowered. What this guy needs next, is flaws.
Rating: *+ (Great)

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