Eureka Seven Ao – 08

It’s back to the regular storyline with this episode, as we finally get a good look at the president of the whole operation. He’s a rather witty character who isn’t afraid of manipulating the international news in order to get his way. He’s an interesting character, reminiscent of Shinji’s father from Evangelion, but less of an asshole on the surface.

For Ao, this was an episode of bonding and getting to know his team mates. Right now I’m most afraid of the romance getting forced in, but at least so far this just got limited to some delusions from a side-character. It’s also a plus that Fleur’s character doesn’t just exist for Ao, but she has her own issues and will too. The car accident backstory is a bit forced, but at the same time it is very vague: this episode showed some of her feelings about it, but not all of them came to the surface. This series can be really subtle and un-subtle at the same time, and I like that about it.

also, Ao hates his dad. That’s something pretty major here being casually revealed. How does he know his father if Eureka crashed down from the sky being pregnant of him? Why does he hate his “father”? Did he actually meet him?
Rating: *+ (Great)

12 thoughts on “Eureka Seven Ao – 08

  1. I’m wondering what Oyaji actually refers to here. Is it really “father” or “chairman” (for Ao, I mean). A lot of Japanese companies call their leaders oyaji-san.

    I’ll be dropping this, or at least putting it on hold for a while.
    It seems to be flirting with the same plot devices and pacing as it’s predecessor, albeit at a different angle. Thing is, I don’t have the time to watch more than 2 shows on Thursday, and Tsuritama and Apollon are getting priority over the rest right now. Only have Thursday and Sunday nights (Hyouka + past week’s Space Bros) free to watch anime, sadly.

    1. Oh, I do manage to squeeze Lupin into weekends sometimes, though I wish I had more time to catch up on Shirokuma Cafe as well 🙁

  2. For the last few episodes the only really interesting moments were when I learned anything concerning Eureka, how this world has anything to do with the original and in this episode – that Ao hates Renton (most likely because he thinks he left them and didn’t even know him).
    Take those bits, change names and we have random children piloting mecha shounen show.

  3. How does he know his father if Eureka crashed down from the sky being pregnant of him?

    I feel like Chitanda right now. きになります

  4. “How does he know his father if Eureka crashed down from the sky being pregnant of him?”

    He saw the first season of Eureka 7 and was like “this Renton guy is so fucking annoying”

  5. Honestly, I think the only reason he “hates” him is because he was never there, and nothing more. Absence doesn’t always make the heart grow fonder.

    1. The thing is there’s got to be something there to hate in the first place. If something was never there, there’s nothing to hate. He’d be more like Mero in Sankarea whose only memory of her mother is a cold hand on her forehead when she was a sick child. He might be envious of other families with a father but wouldn’t really know what having a father would be like.

      Did Renton cross over into this world/time period/dimension? There’s nothing so far that even implies this. Heck, it’s not even clear if Renton is Ao’s father. Eureka could have broken up with him and hooked up with someone else. The other thing is Eureka is a scab coral life form. There’s no info on how their species have children. She could have procreated Ao asexually for all we know.

      So who is Ao’s father figure? I always thought it was the old doctor but Ao always seemed close to him. So who is it?

      1. It was revealed in EUreka 7 that Eureka can have children like normal humans.
        And well…Ao is a young teenage boy who hasn’t had his real father around and doesn’t probably know why. He could be frustrated and maybe angry for this. Or it’s something he has heard from Eureka?

        1. Hm. I don’t know. It seems to be a very specific, focused grudge on someone he acknowledges as his father. It has to be someone he actually knows. I was wondering if Eureka might have filled him with stories about Renton but if so I’m not sure why he’d have such a grudge against him. Well, I suppose we’d need to know more about how Eureka wound up transported to this dimension in the first place.

          1. from the looks of it, it’s a father hating island in general, maybe he’s just trying fit in?

            Seriously though, If Ao spends enough time with Eureka, he’s bound to have heard her speak lovingly about his father. Memories can be something concrete to hate on, especially when the reality of his absences was in contrast with Eureka’s memories of a guy that’s always there for her.

      2. That might be a twist, but the outcry from jilted fans of the original will cause damage to Bones studio and threaten the livelihood of their employees….

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