Eureka Seven Ao – 06

Eureka Seven Ao’s best episode yet. Seriously, this episode marked a huge change from the first five episodes. It starts off like a completely different series when we suddenly move to Peru and Myanmar for some side-stories, only to turn over to Ao again with a message that lives really are on the line in this series.

And I must say that that death really made impact. It made great use of red herrings of the girls introduced last episode. I did not expect that so early on in the series. It took a second watch-through to make out what exactly went on during their deaths, but this was very tightly written.

Then we also get to see what looks to be the main villain of this series. His scenes were completely standalone from what happened in the rest of the episode, but the creators did succeed in making him seem menacing, and feel like a threat. Next up will be giving him flaws, motivation and background.
Rating: **+ (Excellent+)

17 thoughts on “Eureka Seven Ao – 06

  1. Unless I missed something, only the big guy of team Goldilocks died. The other girls are still in the hospital.

      1. I was a bit surprised to see him go that fast. I mean, he even got a place in the intro. Was he there just to show that just because a character as a slot in the intro, it doesn’t make him or her safe?

        Then we also get to see what looks to be the main villain of this series.

        Hm. I’m not sure whether to peg him/her/it as a villain yet. He’s powerful but seems to have amnesia and is somehow linked to Nirvash and possibly Secrets. The conflicts he was in (in multiple locations simultaneously?) all seem to involve fishy characters so I’m not sure what to make of his true motives yet. He was shooting at the Secret too but to no effect. Was he trying to lure it away or keep it’s defences up? He reminds me of one of the homunculii in FMA. Well, he seems to remember original Nirvash in flight in the third person so he’s probably not some form of Eureka…right?

  2. This show has remarkably detailed backgrounds. I have to say this episode reminded me of the directing of Darker than Black a little bit. Anyone else?

  3. @VyseLegendaire

    I’m with you on that, I thought the same thing regarding DTB. Particularly the first half with the scenes with Truth, it definitely felt reminiscent of some DTB scenes.

  4. Somehow I highly doubt he’s dead. There are too many hints of fake death here. For one we didn’t see his actual dead body. Just a crashed ship. He is presumed dead but chances are that he isn’t.

    Meh…I don’t find myself invested here. There’s nothing particularly bad about this show. Just that I can’t really get into it. If I had to guess it would be that in trying to differentiate itself from it’s previous show and it doing so stripped itself of what made Eureka seven unique. Just look at the set-up now guys. Ao is has joined an organisation that fights of strange monsters of unknown origin with giant robots. The standard set-up of most Mecha anime in existence.

    1. Can’t blame you. Ao has way too much competition this season and I think has some pretty big shoes to fill in it’s predecessor along with other Bones series like FMA:B and Zam’d. Still, maybe it’s too early to tell.

      Somehow I highly doubt he’s dead.

      The thing is I find myself uninvested either way. He’s no Hughes or even the Beams. He barely got any airtime before apparently getting bumped. Hm…maybe I’m still a bit numb from F/Z. There’s a good chance you’re right. For all we know, he could have been a part of that Truth entity. There’s something that bothers me about how he hugged Ao last episode.

      1. I had him pegged as Renton actually. He had the same hair colour, same kind of jacket and his treatment of Ao was somewhat fatherly.

          1. What?! I was talking about the big guy on Goldilocks team. I thought he was Renton. Why would he resemble Eureka?

            If you are talking about Ao’s resemblance to Eureka that was obvious from the get go. He’s her son after all. No doubt.

          2. I mean that Bruno didn’t seem to have enough of a reaction to Ao’s appearance. There didn’t seem to be any sign of recognition or strong emotion. I suppose it’s possible that he may have been aware of Ao’s identity and location all along and was suppressing his reaction but his words are a bit ironic if he was aware that he was Ao’s father, yet advised him to return to his family. What family did Ao have left? If anything, his words seemed to signal a kind of ignorance of Ao’s situation. That’s just my impression though. You could turn out to be right.

    2. @Aidan: I agree with you there. It feels a bit more …. “generic” than the original Eureka did. It’s still really really well done though.

      6 episodes in the original Eureka I wasn’t feeling invested either. The series grew on me in time. I believe you are comparing the original Eureka after it managed to warm up to you, with a series that hasn’t had the chance to do so yet.

    3. I mostly agree with this. While I think this show has artistic merits, its just not that interesting or engaging of a show…yet. I find that it feels like a mish-mash of styles and tropes and has trouble establishing its own identity in any meaningful way…

  5. Was that a reference to Eden of the East?

    First the episode title is “Noblesse Oblige”, then (in the scene after the ED) *truth* does the “bang” gesture and something explodes, kinda like in eden of the east. Considering how meta this anime likes to go with its references and jokes, I think that’s deliberate.

  6. I’m glad this series is finally getting some love here. It’s BONES doing a show about a younger cast. I had zero doubts that it would turn in to perfection. I love the colors, backgrounds, and mechs. My number 1 for good reason.

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