Eureka Seven Ao – 03

The setting of Eureka7 Ao is completely different now that Eureka somehow traveled through time, but I like that: it shows that the creators really attempt to go for something different here, rather than to dwell on what worked. The big challenge with this approach will be: what can they do in order to make up for it?

In any case, I like how not nationalistic this series is. After so many series that are about Japan being in danger,this series actually split up the country and made Okinawa declare independence. Of course having this set in a country beside Japan would have been even better, but at least this is a step into the right direction.

This episode also dedicated a lot of time to the islanders and i must say that I like how this series already has many different parties with their different interests. what’s more, the way they are portrayed makes them all feel alive. The best example of this was the scene where Ao arrives back at his grandfather’s house, and saw his grandfather busy salvaging his stuff from his burning house: it shows that even when the camera isn’t focused on them, they’re busy with their own agenda. It’s been a while since I watched a show that had this done well.
Rating: *+ (Great)

18 thoughts on “Eureka Seven Ao – 03

  1. I also like how this series doesn’t rely on the old one. Keeps it feeling original and (hopefully) it won’t suffer the same drawbacks as the original, like uneven pacing, poor character development, pathetic Renton…etc.

    Animation/Art took a slight nosedive this week. Naru’s face in the opening scene was weird. They seem to have recolored Ao’s hair in the opening (OP), which is a nice touch.

    The next paragraph is a cross-post from another blog:

    One thing that has a chance to ruin this show is that whole idol thing (the 2 Blue Generation girls). I hope there’s no stupid cheesy Macross-like J-pop scenes. Seriously, which idiot thought it a good idea to have idols (or whatever they’re called) singing and doing PR work while war/battle rages? Boost morale? You must be joking!!

    1. It is definitely a different timepoint than the original E7 universe, but perhaps it’s just a function of what happens when you move between parallel universes which is what appears to have happened to Eureka

  2. Ah. Alot of questions answered. I’m surprised they were answered so quickly. I was expecting it to be an end of season reveal. Eureka is so Sheeta. And she’s kinda hot as a slightly long haired brunette. Damn, she and Renton better be alive and happy somewhere.

    pathetic Renton

    So here we go again with the delicate balancing act of having an effective protagonist, while still buying that he’s only 13 years old. I’m considering a younger target audience this time, considering all the little bits of comedy sprinkled around and I buy him so far. I loved his retort to Gazelle as he’s getting into Nirvash. Uwah, kakuii.

    Interesting that LFOs can only be piloted by kids now…

    Naru’s face in the opening scene was weird.

    Was wondering about that too. It feels like a something they added at the last minute.

    Seriously, which idiot thought it a good idea to have idols (or whatever they’re called) singing and doing PR work while war/battle rages?

    Hm. Why does Captain America wear a bright blue star spangled banner costume instead of something that could at least be useful camo or blend in a bit more with your standard army uniform? Their mecha and combat suits really stand out too. And apparently they have their own anime. Little kids recognize them and call on them for help. I don’t think it’s a bad thing if done right, even if there’s actual singing involved. Hey, it looks good for greasing wheels when the local commanding officer is a closet Hatsune Miku fan. (And they didn’t actually show them dancing. Safe. ^^;) I’m kinda curious how Bones could pull off an idol show scene. Somehow, I seriously doubt it will fail.

    In any case, I like how not nationalistic this series is.

    I don’t. Seriously, I would prefer to be able to love everybody, work with them and enjoy their company without having to think about what country they come from. (or their religion or what the color of their skin is for that matter.) I’d rather see Ao get into a cliched love triangle with Naru/Fleur rather than see Ao have to face off against the Pied Pipers/the Okinawan Navy/the Japanese Navy, etc over custody of Nirvash or Okinawa’s independence. Not saying that it won’t happen, or that it wouldn’t make a good story if done right. I just won’t like it.

    Just my personal bias though. I think Bones should just go ahead and tell whatever story they want to without having to worry too much about what individual fans feel. Hopefully, the story they want to tell may wind up exceeding all our expectations and imaginations, and that would make it a real success.

    1. In any case, I like how not nationalistic this series is.

      Not a good statement reference, sorry. I missed the “not” nationalistic and was responding to Gazelle’s intention to use Nirvash to start a war. I hope that’s actually not a good thing in this story.

  3. Time Travel?

    uhhh…. Renton is obviously the head of Pied piper. He wanted Eureka to be safe when she gave birth to AO so he left her on the island. He has probably been searching for her since the Americans got to her during the last scub burst.

    Am I missing something? I didn’t watch any of the movies.

    I love the drama this series brings with younger chars who aren’t useless, emo, or make generally bad decisions nearly all the time. I was a huge fan of the original despite all the cheese. I hope they rescue Eureka during the final arc, and I can easily see the rebelous teenagers teaming up with Pied Piper. This is 1# for me right now and head over heals better than Rinne

  4. Non nationalistic?
    With Okinawa acting as the racist separatists who blame all their problems on the gaijin, jeopardizing the national unity, taking cash from China and the US?

  5. I like to think Bones has stepped up their story writing skills after working on something as epic as FMA. So far they haven’t disappointed.

    1. I think FMA was actually a step down for Bones who just cruised along with a pre-written story concentrating on their trademark visuals.

  6. I love Bones, but i find some series from it.

    Too forced to be epic, or just plain copy pasted Shonen.

    Towa no Quon, Darker than Black, Bounen no Xamd,have all the similar themes.

    Being darker than black the best of the three, but perhaps Bones tries to pull epic series too much.

    But lets face it, Bones animation rocks, and some of the ideas are really good.

  7. Darker than black season two is in my top 10. Bones really rocks with their use of younger chars.

  8. Episode 3 is totally awesome.

    It got badass mecha actions, moeness that’s not over the top, lots of comedy, story that pushes forward, characters build up and development, likable side characters…

    And last of all, a main character who really got guts =_=!

    Some of Ao’s lines in this episode made me to give him a big thumb up, such as he knows he’s being hated for being a foreigner and all that, but he ALSO KNOWS he “didn’t do anything wrong” (so many MC in the other shows in this situation would just go all emo on you…)

    Also loving those other 3, especially Jiro.

    Although it’s known that he’s been bullying Ao for years, he actually seems not that a bad guy, just unable to express himself in the past due to everyone especially his parents thinking badly of Ao.

  9. I don’t know, but I find this sequel a bit boring. However the animation is better than the prequel that there’s it to it.

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