Ergo Proxy – 03

This episode, again, takes its time in telling the story, ending in a very satisfying climax. The scenes are more focused around one place then in the previous two episodes, this finally gives for some neat opportunities to get to know the characters. This is especially the case for Vincent and Pino, as they finally get a good amount of screentime.

So many questions arose after watching this. Like, what were they both doing there? Why is Vincent involved in all this? Why does his eyes change color at times? What was that dream he had? And that’s just the tip of the iceberg. I found myself liking this episode very much. Especially Pino made a very good impression of both cuteness and seriousness. The climax really made me thirsty for more, as I doubt that everything will just end after this.

This also was the first episode of Ergo Proxy featuring an OP. Apparently, I was right about the three main characters, and Iggy seems to be playing a big role as well. The bad guys also made sense, although there was a bunch of guys I didn’t recognize. These will probably arrive at the next couple of episodes.

0 thoughts on “Ergo Proxy – 03

  1. Thanks a lot for adding Ergo Proxy in ur blog currently its one of my fav. anime
    I pretty much enjoyed this episode specially the last scences were vencentu decided to suicide since he did everything he could to become ” idel citizin” and the result is he turn to be wanted as a criminal.
    Pino is pretty interesting character. Specially after her owner ( highclass lady ) was murder in the mall, it looks like she is acting by her own will, so she is more as human than autorave.

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