Haha! El Cazador is really getting fired up now! The first half did a great job of building up, and now the plot really starts moving! This episode, we get treated with an episode fully dedicated to showing Ellis’s time with the professor, before she shot him down (in fact, the cliff-hanger ends with the bang that killed the guy). My enthusiasm for this show is really growing rapidly with each episode!
This episode was entirely meant to show what the professor meant for Ellis. They’re the only two people who get some airtime, along with a couple of shots of Rozenberg. Ellis got first transferred to the professor’s house so that he could study her. Eventually, they began to have feelings for each other (cue insert song! ^^;). Not terribly original, but I still loved it. It also seems that the professor got shot down on thanksgiving, when Ellis first confessed her love for him.
The question, though, remains: how did the guy die. We do see a suspicious pair of feet enter the grounds of the mansion right before the shot sounds, but the fact also remains that there was a shot in the middle of Ellis’s package, right on the place of her chest. Where did that one come from? If I had to guess, then Rozenberg killed off the guy because he didn’t do what he wanted him to do (hence the shattered glass), but that doesn’t explain why Ellis blames herself for the murder either.
If El Cazador can be able to keep up this pace for most of the rest of the second half, this series can very well become one of the highlights of the spring-season. It’s going to be the highlight of this week in any case. The big question now remains: will the next episodes focus more on the plot, or degrade back to the cryptic first half? Only time will tell!]]>
Rosenberg ripped apart Ellis’ dear Teddy Bear, figuring that her emotional response would cause her ESP to jump a notch. He was right. So now he figures that shooting her dear Hakase will cause her ESP to jump right off scale. We haven’t yet seen whether he was right on that one.
The strange thing is that the shot at the end of Ep 14 does not seem consistent with the flashback that Natasha pulled out of Ellis’ memory in an earlier episode. Maybe Rosenberg doctored her memories?
That’s indeed the thing, it’s indeed quite obvious that Rozenberg shot the guy down, but that doesn’t explain why Ellis blames herself, or the hole in the present. You could be right about how Rozenberg messed with her memories after that point. The question remains, though: how did she end up in Mexico?
I watched the subbed version. The professor said they were at the 10th largest lake in the world with an area of 28560 square kilometers. I can’t find that in our world :/ If their geography is different from ours, then their Mexico can be anywhere too 🙂
According to wikipedia, the tenth largest lake is lake Erie in the US. The thing is that it’s got an area of 25,745 square miles, and the ninth largest lake, the Great Slave Lake, comes closer to that. Anyway, it seems that she grew up in North America, not Europe. Apparently, Ellis travelled south for many kilometers after she shot the professor for some reason.