El Cazador de la Bruja – 10

Awesome, it seems that my worries after the previous episode were completely unnecessary. This episode featured lots of plot progression, new information, character-development and a great case. And not to forget the awesome background tune that returned! I had just one problem with this episode: PLEASE MAKE THE TACO-SONG STOP!!! Seriously, I’m fearing that I can’t get it out of my head if it continues for much longer. The case this time features a guy who works at a taco-shop, along with his wife/girlfriend (Margarita). The guy, however, spent a part of his life as a serial-killer. At that time, he became acquaintances with a guy named Markes, who was about to be sent to prison. Margarita was with him, back then. For some reason, when he got out a year later, he begged the guy to kill her. He couldn’t kill her, and fell in love with her instead. Or something like that. You wouldn’t suspect that El Cazador has such a difficult dialogue to understand. Anyway, Ellis was awesome this time. She really takes lead of the episode at times, for example when she starts wearing the waitress-costume. A large part of the episode also focuses on her, learning to smile at the appropriate times (with some hilarious results). During the climax, when Markes comes to take his revenge she also makes sure that Margarita is out of danger, and knocks the guy out by smacking a bunch of maracas on his head. That last part was actually quite interesting. You wouldn’t say it, but Ellis definitely knows how to fight. I mean, maracas can be hard and all, but to knock out a grown male with them, and breaking them in the process does require a lot of strength. Because of this, I really do wonder what the second half of this anime has in store for us. Seriously, this series keeps dropping hints that something special is going to happen in the future. Either that, or I’m turning paranoid. I’m also glad to see that L.A. finally escapes from Rozenberg. We don’t see him for the rest of the episode, but the souvenirs he left suggest that his sanity took a turn for the worse. Something tells me that this was exactly what Rozenberg wanted, so that he’d awaken “Ellis’ true powers”. I also loved Blue-Eyes. While she was a bit silly in the previous two episodes, it was a perfect build-up for what happened at the end of this episode. She finally got her hands on the document, explaining everything about project Leviathan. It seems to be a project that was started a long time ago. If it succeeds, it might even have consequences on te entire earth. What kind of consequences, we’ll never know, as she then reaches a page with “You look much better without your glasses” scribbled on it. Seriously, how did Rozenberg know, and why did he want her to actually read it? Heck, why did he want her to know that he knows that she read it? Ricardo also once again proves how dangerous he can be. He seems to have a bad history with Markes, so he brutally kills the guy after the climax, when nobody’s looking. The strange thing is that he just let Lilio come with him. I’m not sure whether she saw him actually kill, but that is not something you should do near a little girl. We also see hints that Lilio isn’t his real daughter. Why did he decide to take care of her? Heck, what happened to her voice? I’m glad to see that this episode restored my faith in this series. It also was great to hear the music back, seriously, it should have been played more frequently. But then again, the track has become so awesome because it has only been played so little.]]>

0 thoughts on “El Cazador de la Bruja – 10

  1. I think Markes/Marcus wanted Margarita’s husband to kill Margarita because Marcus was destined for a life forever behind bars, and the only woman he could ever love was Margarita – thus, he wanted Margarita to only ever love one man (himself) and couldn’t picture him with another man – and the only way to accomplish that would be if she died.
    I wasn’t really sure why Ricardo killed the hitman – at first I’d thought Ellis had busted the guy’s brain open with her powers. I hope they do something plotwise with Ricardo soon, though – he’s the only one I feel like is wandering around aimlessly without much to do.

  2. Well, I think that the reason why Ricardo killed this hitman was because they somehow knew each other. It’s indeed true that we need to know more about his character, yeah.

  3. It was chauvinism at work, yes.
    Ricardo killed the hitman to protect Ellis. It’s not he who’s supposed to threaten her life. 🙂

  4. I think it is not markus, it was just another Bounty Hunter contracted by him. And I though L.A. killed him that bounty hunter because he was a bad boy to Ellis, you know he is obsesed. It makes more sense this way I think.
    Might be totally wrong though.

  5. Yeah, it might indeed have been a bounty-hunter, sent by Markes, otherwise he’d be released from jail with a life-long sentence, which doesn’t make any sense.
    Ricardo did kill the guy, though. We first see his dead body, and then we see Ricardo walk away from the store, along with Lilio. And after all, if LA went after the guy, he’d be all sliced-up, instead of shot down. 😉

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