One thing I don’t get is how people are claiming that El Cazador is stuck in fillers. Heck, there hasn’t been one episode which didn’t contribute something to the plot, and all the episodes have spend some nice time fleshing out the different characters. This time, Nadie’s history gets a bit explored.
It seems that Nadie wasn’t always a bounty hunter. At one time, she worked at a local restaurant. In there, she started liking a boy, but he used her money to hit on another girl. Because of that, she came to hate the guy. In this episode, she runs into him again. The interesting thing is, that he tried to team up with the hunters. He still works at that same restaurant, as one of the guitarists, though his skills are terrible. I suspect that he could use an extra bit of money.
You wouldn’t suspect it, but apart from Seirei no Moribito, El Cazador has proved to be the most difficult anime to understand raw. That’s because there are so many details inside each episode that you just can’t miss, and I’m really noticing with my Japanese skills that I miss out on them more often when compared to other anime.
In any case, the climax was a great one. We’re never shown who actually did it, but after Nadie has taken care of the hunters, he ends up with two gun-wounds in his stomach. The girl we saw him flirting with in the flashback still is with him, and she’s shocked to find the guy in a state like that. We’re never shown whether he lives or not, or what happens afterwards, though. But in the epilogue, we do see the two of Ellis and Nadie crying.
And LA, I finally realized that he actually works for Rozenberg. I kept wondering how the guy was able to trace Ellis and Nadie’s every step, but now it seems that LA has been filming Ellis not just because of his personal fetishes. Still, I do wonder how he got hold of the footage with Ellis when she was armed with a pair of forks, since we see him trailing Lilio and her father during that episode.
Speaking of the two of them, I still have no idea about their role. They work for Rozenberg as well, and in this episode we see them react when Nadie comes running past them, but after that we never see them again… Is their job to be trailing the pair of Nadie and Ellis? But if it is, then why does Rozenberg use LA as well?
I’m also surprised at how this show handles deaths. It’s a bit confusing when compared to Wellber no Monogatari, where Tina uses a gun that doesn’t kill, but these people definitely do die. Because of the travelling nature of this show, these people are just left behind, as if they never existed in the first place. In most anime this is a bad thing, but somehow this really works for El Cazador, making it one of the most thought-provoking series this season.]]>
And the preview for 7 really messes up some of your post, as it’s LA and the old man dueling.
Next ep: petanko service
With “LA”, I’ve been wondering if Ellis is actually “LS”.
Wait… they’re dueling… and they both work for Rozenberg… that’s going to be interesting. 🙂
Dm: I wonder, what makes you think Ellis to be “LS”, was there some kind of clue given in the episode that I didn’t pick up?