Short Synopsis: This time, we find Ellis and Nadie in a local monastery, where the two cross-dressers from last time are out for revenge.
Good: Ellis was too cute.
Bad: The climax was a bit unbelievable.
Overall Enjoyment Value: 8/10
Okay, so this episode was a bit silly, but it definitely was fun! The episode starts by throwing us right into the action, when the two cross-dressers from last episode have finally caught up with Ellis and Nadie. They don’t know about LA, so they blame the twosome for messing with their car. The three nuns who live in the monastery prove to be another very interesting case this time, solely because they take a step away from what you’d expect from a bunch of nuns. Ellis, armed with a pair of forks was also hilarious to see. ^^;
Obviously, there are many similarities between Noir and El Cazador, but there’s one fundamental difference: Noir started off mysteriously, and it took a very long while before the first mysteries started to get solved. El Cazador, on the other hand, has already answered a lot of questions in its first four episodes. This episode, for example, shows a lot of things about Blue-Eyes, while Rozenberg is also seen doing a few things here and there. Those scenes were a tad difficult to understand, though.
What is clear now is that Blue-Eyes and Rozenberg don’t have the same intentions or goals. It seems to me that Blue-Eyes is trying to find out what Ellis actually is, either that, or she already knows this, and tells this to the viewers. Ellis is some kind of witch, I’m not yet sure whether she was born one, or that she gained her abilities from the professor. What we also learned was that some strange experiments were performed on her, till she at one point begged the professor not to do them anymore. The professor promised he wouldn’t, which could suggest why Ellis killed the guy: he broke his promise, and she couldn’t take it anymore.
Blue-Eyes seems to be trying to figure out what Rozenberg is after, as she continues to spy on him. Lilio’s father, meanwhile, is seen to have made a phone call with Rozenberg, which suggests that they’re on his side. I kept wondering why LA didn’t appear in this episode, but it seems that he’s been trailing the other twosome. I suspect that the next episode will bring them a bit more in the spotlight.
Finally, what was up with that final sentence in this episode? Ellis isn’t god’s child? What could be the meaning after this?]]>
Because she wasn’t created by God, but by human hands, with witch’s blood…
I know that’s what the show means but I question the intention of that statement. But this gets into science and ethics. Is a person still a human being if s/he was created for some kind of artificial purpose?