Durarara – 18

So this episode delivers Kida’s background. I have a few problems with it, but that doesn’t take away that this was a very interesting episode. This episode has been hinted at ever since we saw that mysterious girl in the hospital, and I’ve been dying to know what happened to her. This episode tells exactly what’s up with her, and why she’s so important to Kida.

As amazing as a middle school gang leader may be, he was quite naive in thinking that he could just do what he wanted, and therefore ended up paying the price when the blue squares he was at war with went too far. While I don’t quite get why she’s still in the hospital after all these years (couldn’t she have gotten herself a wheelchair or something), it gave quite a bit of insight into Kida’s character. The reason he went back to the yellow scarves turns out to be the need to protect, ironically from the threat of the Dollars.

This has me slightly worried about an annoying climax, though. I mean, it’s another one of those “talk to each other dammit!”-finales. It’s going to have to come down to the creators properly balancing everything out and make it believable why the three friends refuse to talk to each other. I’m especially looking at Anri, now that she knows about Kida. Please talk to someone about it, rather than gathering your army of zombies in response.

We also finally learn about the strange board-game that Izaya has been playing: as it turns out the three kinds of pieces stand for the dollars, yellow scarves and saikas. In this episode he grabs a bunch of cards to symbolize the rest of the cast. It was just a way of foreshadowing and symbolism, and as everything went into flames here, another possibility of the ending could be total chaos, rather than total annoyance.

I liked this episode quite a bit now that the story is coming together very nicely. However, this episode did leave me disappointed in one area: the way that it did not show how Kida actually managed to become the respected leader of an army of people older than him as a middle schooler. It just starts him off as the leader, but we never actually get to see what makes him such a good one; we never get to see why he was so special. While Mikado and Anri had very good and believable reasons for being special, I just fail to see that with Kida: how did his network grow? How did he pull that one off? To attract these kinds of people you’d expect him to have tons of money, but we never see any hints for that.
Rating: * (Good)

12 thoughts on “Durarara – 18

  1. Money? Why would that ever be a factor in building a gang? You make money with the gang’s illegal activities, not build a gang with your allowance.
    The novel doesn’t go into much more detail than the show did; it basically just started as him and a few friends from school, and they gradually drew a larger crowd without ever really recruiting. I got the sense Kida just stayed in charge because everyone liked and trusted him.

  2. you what you’ll see 🙂 beside thats not the ending 🙂 i want to spoil you people but you’ll definitely kill me if i told yah

    but i’ll give you a clue its not money damn it
    that’s your way of thinking because we are adults or at least money lacking person.

  3. I think it’s a no brainer that people like Masaomi and let him stay as the leader,hell even I like him.Most people that join gangs don’t really care too much as long the leader is charismatic,they will follow him.Beside,people who actually have lots of common sense and can think for themselves won’t really join gangs in the first place ^^;

    I think it starts off with the teens surrounding him due to his charisma and you know crowds will gather bigger crowds.And the gang members don’t really WORK for Masaomi,so he doesn’t need money to like,PAY them ^^;

    and to ayami123 above,spoil us and I will slay thee and thy family!j/k 😉 but seriously though,I have been spoiled for Mikado and Anri by reading comments on this blog before *_*

  4. out of the cards, i really looking forward to Simon’s role though, he doesn’t get under the spotlight very often

  5. Everything is about charisma, I’m sure of it. Kida has been defined as a pretty likable guy so far.

    I don’t see how money comes in play under this circumstances.

  6. The questions will be answered about Kida at the end of the arc 😉

    As for Kisa’s legs, they really toned down the damage for the anime…if I read it correctly her legs were damaged so badly it wasn’t certain if she could walk anymore (if the damage is that bad rehab could take years)

  7. Did anyone esle notice the two older guys in Kida’s gang were two of the guys who were in the van with the blue sqaures. Could have something to do with how they end the anime. Hopefully theres a second season cause there is a lot more they can do with this.

  8. Not just the “two older guys” there were 3 of them: the “Horoda” guy(back right seat), big guy with the brow and lip piercing, I think he was called “Higa” or something(back left seat), the guy with the yellow bandanna(driver)

  9. Not just the “two older guys” there were 3 of them: the “Horoda” guy(back right seat), big guy with the brow and lip piercing, I think he was called “Higa” or something(back left seat), the guy with the yellow bandanna(driver)

  10. If Anri finds out about Mikado, the fight’s not gonna happen. I’m sure she’ll be pretty hesitant to engage the Yellow Scarves now that she knows about Kida. Probably going somewhere else with this ending than the three way fight.

  11. My only real problem with this episode was that Kisa was still in the hospital after a whole year. Even if she was beaten to a bloody pulp, I would think after a few months you would be released. She must have the world’s greatest insurance if she is still in the hospital. Who’s paying the bill? Haha. Unless she was in a coma for like 10 months and just resently woke up, she would be home or at least at a secondary facility. Wow, this gap on logic really bothers me…

  12. Izaya is her guardian, and working for him Namie makes more money as a SECRETARY then she did as the head of her own family farmacutical company. So yeah, she is funded by something that’s filthy rich.

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