Durarara – 12

And we’re half-way through. I’m really curious to the second half of this series, considering how well written the first half has been so far. This episode really hinted at a completely different focus with Izaya’s proposal to give that ‘fallen angel wings again’. Because Baccano was only 13 episodes, I have no idea what to expect here. And that’s one of the great things about this series.

And again, I really have to praise the creators for how well written this episode was. The dialogue was very inspired and even allowed the seemingly one-sided Seiji Yagiri to shine. Izaya’s ramblings were also better than ever. I’m not sure when it was that he found out that Mikado was the founder of the Dollars; I actually believe that Izaya helped a lot in making the Dollars big. it’s just something for him to go and experiment with it.

Celty in the meantime also developed a bit,which is always a good thing, especially considering this only is the halfway point. Apart from that, the characters in this series have been rounded in their background, but not so much changed as us learning more about them. My guess is that the creators are saving the bulk of this character-development for the mysterious second half.
Rating: ** (Excellent)

15 thoughts on “Durarara – 12

  1. I think one of the things that keeps this show so interesting is how successful they are at providing more suspense even when resolving previous mysteries. Previously we’ve been introduced with the mystery of Dollars, the Black Rider, the disappearance of Mika, the whereabouts of Celty’s head and so on. In a way we still don’t know what Dollars really is, because we don’t know the extent of Izaya’s influence. I still have no clear idea of where the story will go, because of all of the different underlying parts. It keeps the plot fresh.

    The characters are pretty interesting too, and the interactions of the main characters are nice to watch. At this point in the show, they’re comfortable people you sort of know with daily lives. Which may mean it’s time to break something.

    Which leads me to my concern that Shinra has triggered his death flag by obtaining some measure of happiness by the half-way point. That’s never a good sign, Shinra. That fortune cookie didn’t help either.

  2. I’m not a novel reader, but I know that this is just the end of Novel 1.

    According to someone on AS, they’re going to adapt Novels 2&3 in the second half, and I think 6 are out so far. So we’re either in for an original ending or a second season. Or the Baccano route, which I sincerely hope will not be the case, since they skipped 9 volumes and only adapted 1-4 and 14 >_>

  3. As I understand it, yes, this concluded the first novel. However, i’m sure it’s been said that elements from the 2nd and or 3rd novel’s have been woven in, such as the slasher. Though that may be incorrect, I really can’t say that with any authority.
    Also, I think they’re up to 7 volumes as of January Serpit. 🙂

  4. “Baccano was only 13 episodes”

    OK, I haven’t seen that show yet, but I have 16 episodes on my harddrive. What are the remaining 3? If spoiler, don’t answer.

  5. @darkerthanblackswordsman:
    The aired series contained 13 episodes. Episode 14-16 were DVD only bonus episodes.

  6. Izaya said he was the one who continued to grow the dollars at the midpoint, when mikado realized the joke was getting out of hand and quit spreading it. My guess is that he may be responsible for some of the more interesting members like Selty, etc…hell, as twisted as Izaya is (and I mean twisted in the best, best sense) he might have even sent shizuo his invite…

    What I want to know is…Just what kind of service did Izaya do for Yagiri that she traded him the head, and what were Izaya and Yagiri initially plotting to use Seiji and Scar-Neck that Yagiri wimped out on because of her love affair with her brother.

    Also, did anyone else think hearing Selty narrate Mikado’s romantic “epilogue” was totally awesome? (I would NEVER have guessed, btw, that Selty had feelings for Shinra, not like she expressed here)

  7. After the wonderful job that was done with this arc, I am looking forward to a completely unpredictable twist, and another great set of episodes upcoming. The one thing that worries me is I have read there will be a new OP/ED. I love the current songs; could they possibly improve on them?

  8. They could certainly improve that lousy ED, which is the worst kind of r&b. The OP, though, I’m in agreement.

  9. Never thought that Mika Harima would go to such extent just to prove her, uh, love? All of the characters here are extreme…whew!

  10. respond to comment 9. Yagiri originally asked Izaya to find her brother when he ran away and she promised him “anything” for that favor. That’s how he got Selty’s head as payment.

  11. That wasn’t romantic at all. The only way you can make any sense out of it, is that Shinra has put some kind of geasa or magic on Selty, or that being without her head has seriously warped her judgment. The guy is creepy, he’s always been creepy, he’s a giant liar, and he doesn’t want Selty to be herself.

  12. Oh, and Izaya’s theory is not mythologically viable. At all. As a display of his issues, it works fine.

    Bah. Lousy followup ep.

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