Dumped by Blogsuki, an interesting development

Okay, so suddenly, Jason removed Star Crossed from BlogSuki. Why? I have no idea. He gave two reasons in his little post, about the criteria of blogs to be removed. The first one is that you make make too many off-topic posts. Well I don’t recall having made absolutely any offtopic posts at all, or maybe my entry about my exams, back in december suffices, though I doubt Blogsuki ever existed at that time, so that can’t be it. The second reason he gave, was that you do not get enough readership.

So far, in the month May, Star Crossed gained an average of about 500 unique visists a day. This number has been rising ever since I set up this blog (November: 55 pageviews, December: 1233 pageviews, January: 1808, February: 2795, March: 6369, April: 13811, judge yourself). In my opinion, this is a pretty large number, though it makes me wonder what number will be good enough. In fact, I’m wondering what is even defined with enough readership. Let’s take a look at the stats for this month, shall we? What are the two pages with the most people viewing it? Higurashi no Naku Koro ni 04 and 05. Ironically, the anime with one of the most people blogging it is still way ahead of the anime I’m the only one blogging (say, Popolocrois). I just know, that if I started to blog Haruhi, Mai Otome, Fate/Stay Night and Magikano, that these would also have the same amount of readership. Does that mean that I have to start blogging just the popular shows now? Or did Jason mean something different by readership?

To be clear, this post is definately not intended to bash Jason in any possible way. After all, it’s his site, he can do what he want with it. I do admit that I’m not pleased with him kicking me just out like that, without any message whatsoever. Though I realize that it was me who sent him an e-mail in the first place, not the other way around, so I’m the one to blame in this part, it was my own responsibility. Anyway, this post is more meant as a bit of self-reflection. What am I doing wrong? (I’m obviously doing something wrong) And what can I do to improve it?

I believe that the biggest problem people have with this blog is the writing-style. Yes, I’m friggin’ Dutch. Of course my writing-style couldn’t par any of the native guys and girls out there. Just add this to the fact that I haven’t had any interest in writing until about a year ago, and you have an even more horrifying writing-style. I’ve aquired most of the writing experience I have right now in that year. One of the reasons I started this blog was also to learn more about writing, and it definately provided enough material for me to write about. I’m also finding that I’m not the best comment whore out there. And yes, indeed. I should be commenting other blogs a lot more often, though that’s just my nature. I’m horribly shy in real life. On the internet, this is significantly less, though I still find myself unable to write giant-length comments about just anything. I’m still amazed about how people like kawai are able to write such behemoths of comments, they must have some kinds of superpowers…

Then there’s the issue that passed about a week ago on Blogsuki. About the content of blogs, and how bloggers should not only post summaries, but also some in-depth articles. And indeed, all about I’ve ever done is make posts about individual episodes, write series reviews and posting previews of the upcoming seasons (heh, I’m probably the blogger who posts the earliest first impressions of all the other bloggers out there ^^;). I have some ideas about articles, though. For example a rant against people bashing RPG-based games, or a little opinion about the Naruto-fillers. (Note to self: write these articles once you have a lot of free time on your hands) I indeed hate it how lazy I am concerning these things. Another thing I’m lazy about is keeping up my blogroll. I’ve been wanting to update it for a long while now, as there are so many new interesting blogs which caught my eye.

When I look back to my earliest posts, I can see a lot of differences. At May 22nd, I’ll be celebrating the half-year aniversary of this blog, and since November, a lot has changed. First of all, my writing style was even more horrible than it is now. I think that that’s the worst thing about my posts back then. Another thing is that it really surprises me how short my posts were at that time. Most of them were as big as my individual quick first impressions right now. If you compare this with my recent posts that average about 500 words, alongside some entries which even manage to get as far as 1500, it really is interesting to notice. Though, I do have to say that I had something back when this blog was just fresh, and which I don’t have right now: my fanboyism. In the past, I used to get all giddly about some episodes, while currently, I’ve taken a way more objective look at things. Though, I’m not even good enough to say objective. I’m too happy with almost each episode I watch. Every episode is good in my standards, with only Bleach being a healthy change. I especially noted this when comparing my own entries of Ayakashi to Hopeless Sensei’s. I just had the same opinion I always have. And still, I seem to have lost my inner-fanboy. This makes me wonder whether I should pick up a show like Gintama… Anyway, I’ll try to find ways to counter this.

Another good aspect which I did have back in the old days, but don’t have right now is a simple one: Mahou Shoujotai. This is simply the best anime ever. No discussion possible. It was also one of my biggest sources of fanboyism, and one of the reasons I started up this blog in the first place. Now that I’ve finished it, I’ve ever since been searching for an anime which would be able to call Mahou Shoujotai its equal. I haven’t succeeded yet. I’ve seen a lot of amazing series, though, but they’re all just a bit below the awesomeness Mahou Shoujotai managed to create.

Though, when I look at my recieved comments, I indeed realize that this is one of the lesser sites out there. My maximum number of comments on one post remains six, while other people somehow manage to bring in fifteen comments for each one of their posts. Even if it was something as simple as a visit to the bathroom, they will be swarmed with at least ten comments, while I have to hope to get any comments at all. The comments I do get, however, are greatly inspiring. I especially love Hopeless Sensei, along with lolikitsune, Anga and Mina. I’m also incredibly glad with the people who keep pointing out mistakes I made in some of my posts, even though I don’t always show it. Believe me, I might be making the most mistakes of anyone in the blogging community.

The final flawed aspect of this blog that I can think of right now is the fact that I’m a post whore. At times, I really make four or five posts a day, because of the fact that I reserve one post per episode. When you have a day at which five episodes come in, the numbers pile up. I also keep thinking that I’m blogging way too many series at the moment. There are fourteen of them at the moment, which will soon be twelve when Noein and Jigoku Shoujo have their final episodes subbed. Then again, it will be thirteen again when Mushishi comes back into action, which could be any moment now. It’ll be most likely to come sooner than Noein and Jigoku Shoujo can finish, so I’ll eventually end up with fifteen blogged series at one moment. I might be experimenting with multi-episode posts in the future, though for organizational purposes, that would be horrible again. Still, I have been worse at times in the past. For the last couple of months, my maximum number of posts per day has been at april 1st and 2nd, after the combination of my exams and a sudden tidal-wave of new Jigoku-Shoujo and Utena-episodes coming in caused me to fall behind, and forcing me to catch up an incredible lot. Though, when you look at my christmas update, there appear to be even more posts made in one day (12, to be exact, in comparison to the 10 of april 1st).

Ah well, this event certainly won’t be keeping me away from blogging. It’s not like I needed Blogsuki anyway. Yeah, ok. It’s good and convienient for bringing in visitors, though I managed to survive for more than three months without it anyway. Also: if you’ve got a suggestion, or if you’ve got some critizism for this site, by all means, do not be afraid to post about it. I read all my comments. I’m an active member in a game-design community, so I KNOW that constructive critizism is extremely valuable. And for anyone actually bothering to get to this point of finishing the article: thanks for actually reading this little rant of mine. ^_^

0 thoughts on “Dumped by Blogsuki, an interesting development

  1. Hmm. That’s kinda rough! Yours seems like one of the better blogs on blogsuki. Maybe it’s just a bug or something. I’m sure he woulda contacted you or something.

    I’ve noticed there’s blogs on there that haven’t updated in months, so I dunno why yours would be on the chopping block.

    Ironically, I found this post using the animeblogger.net antenna…

  2. Thanks. It’s indeed very strange. Though, it may be a bug as well, in combination with me being incredibly compulsive and acting without thinking.

    But the fact does remain that all my entries are now gone from BlogSuki. It’s interesting to see how the series-page changed, shows like Jigoku Shoujo and Noein suddenly took a large step downwards, and Ergo Proxy suddenly disappeared. 😛

  3. For what it’s worth you’re still listed on the AnimeBlogger.net Antenna and we’re not planning to delist anyone. In fact I just approved 5 new feeds for it last night and 1 more tonight.

    Personally I prefer having more blogs available to look through, judgements on what is a quality blog/blog entry are highly subjective after all. What I think is good you may think sucks and vice versa.

    Oh yeah, I don’t see anything wrong with your entries, they’re easy to read. 🙂

  4. Oh man, after reading this post, I immediately checked on Blogsuki and noticed that my site has been removed from the cache of blogs as well. My entries still remain under the archives, but I’m pretty sure that my future posts won’t show up any longer. Maybe it has to do with my poor writing skills or the fact that the comments from my Elfen Lied posts have turned off too many people from visiting the site.

    I’m not sure why he decided to remove your blog because your posts are really well written, and I’ve never read any posts that are off-topic. It would be nice if he provided an explanation, but I have an inkling that he probably won’t. In any case, I am a fan of your blog, and I’ll continue to visit regularly. 🙂

  5. Wow, I’m surprised you were cut… A suggestion? I suggest a banner with… a bit more. Other than that, I have no problem with your writing. When we were establishing our blogroll, I would usually add blogs that had a post that was just so good, it stuck out to me and since we linked you, you must’ve done SOMETHING totally awesome. And dont mind the grammer thing. Most likely, you’re better than all of us at KS.

  6. This is the first time I comment on a blog about anime. I think your blog is really good and I think the simple English is just so much better to read. Often the simplest writing is the best writing. It doesn’t really matter whether you comment a lot or not… honestly, people have lives to live and you can’t spend it all trying to make everyone happy by giving them some attention their forums. Ah, oh well. Just wanted to show a little fan support is all. I visit this page many times a week… one of four anime blogs I frequent. heh. Hav a nice day, anyway.

  7. Maestro4k: That’s indeed the big problem with Blogsuki, it doesn’t give all of the material available. It’s basically Jason’s personal blogroll, and if he doesn’t like your entries, you’re out, apparently. Especially the newer blogs are put at a disadvantage here, as they all have very valuable content. Ah well, I’m happy with Anieblogger as well. ^_^

    Kawai: That’s very strange… when I check up on Blogsuki, Itsumo’s still there, even in the cache… Still, I don’t really find your writing style bothersome at all. I believe it’s better than mine. Heh, I guess we’re the same at this. 😛

    Though indeed, the major reason why I’m a bit annoyed with Jason is the fact that he didn’t even attempt to notify me. I know it’s his site, though posting a small comment about removing me really isn’t too much to ask.

    Os: The banner, yes. Now that you mention it, it does look a bit empty. It’ll be at my to-do-list, though I’m not the best banner-designer out there. I do have a few ideas, though.

    Every commenter: Whoa… I can’t believe that people are actually enjoying my writing. I’ve always believed that I was one of the lesser blogs out there. I’m really happy that people are actually enjoying my blog, other than looking at it. Thank you for replying. ^_^

  8. Interesting that you did this post because I am very sure each and every blogger he removed would feel the same way. I am fairly sure he does not judge through a fixed criteria, but rather personal fancy. So it doesn’t really matter anyway. Anyway, I am grateful for Maestro4k since he’s doing all this for free and still isn’t putting on any airs.

  9. Heh, yeah. It´s very easy to say that you wouldn´t mind if he removed you, and I´m seeing a lot of bloggers who actually state this. Though I wonder how many of them are actually speaking the truth. In the end, it does not feel right, I did care about my readership on BlogSuki. It´s very easy to try and ignore this, though.

  10. I’ve always found your writing easy to read and no worse than native-english writing bloggers. and I love reading your blog. Hopefully you’ll continue similarly in the future! I think you’re far from a lesser blog, especially since you deal in many series that most people do not.

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