Drifters – 04[Active Heart]

Even with a show that is style over substance, there comes a time when a story needs to sit down and lay out what’s going on. Though when I finished this episode I was surprised by just how little actually happened in this episode. Basically we get some info on the world, namely that a Kingdom of Orta is currently taking over large amounts of land and subjugated the elves and dwarfs. These guys seem unrelated to the ends and it looks like them will be a  major obstacle in defeating the ends. One particular detail that Oda figured out through questioning the girl was that the Octobrist organisation don’t have any armies or the like and seem focused on only gathering together the Drifters.

They have managed to provide the drifters with a means of communication with magic translation devices. Other than that however it doesn’t seem like they have much of a plan.This leads to Oda’s conclusion which does bring an interesting problem. Basically he figures the only way to put up a fight is to gain an army, and he plans to do this by taking over Orta. This brings a particular interesting point to mind, namely that Oda gives the people of this land two options. Either die or live under a foreign tyrant. This really does point out just how much damage these foreign invaders are doing to this world.

Hints of the Black Kings identity are shown as the man goes around his soldiers healing their wounds and he mentions that at one time he tried to save humans. I will be blunt as the hinting is getting heavy at this point but it is suspected that the black kIng is in fact Jesus Christ. In our current age I don’t know how controversial it would be to make Jesus the villain of this series. Possibly considering the niche nature of anime it could barely be a blip on anyone’s radar and it’s hardly the most controversial position Jesus has been in. But I love the idea of making Jesus the villain of Drifters. The ends are mainly Martyrs so who better than the most famous martyr in history being their leader. This pit stop is hopefully over and we will be right back with bloody carnage as the Drifters gather up the elves to fight the incoming army.

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