Dennou Coil – A Circle of Children – 21

Whoa… I expected a quiet episode to introduce the final arc of this series, and then it comes with this! The amount of development that Isako gets is astonishing, and while the production-values may have dropped a bit, this was one episode not to be missed. It all starts when the building for the school that Yasako and the others go to gets demolished, so all the students move to the other major school, in the middle of the city. This is especially disadvantageous for Isako, as the guys from a few episodes back attend this school too, and quite easily they manage to turn the entire school against her. Things go much deeper than just that, though. Remember the orange cat? Its master is behind everything, and it ends up erasing 4423-s room in the hospital! It seems that Isako was just used, and 4423 never had a chance to live in the first place! That room in the hospital was just an old cyberspace! Apparently, there was something that happened in the last episode that made Isako lose her importance, so the decision was made to terminate her. My best guess would be that Nekome was behind everything, as he refuses to answer Isako’s calls. I don’t however think that he’s alone in this (after all, he’d never know which children beared a grudge against Isako), and there’s quite a large possibility that Takeru is his ally. Then there’s also the question of why Nekome is doing everything. What are his true goals? And why did he approach Haraken in episode fourteen?]]>

0 thoughts on “Dennou Coil – A Circle of Children – 21

  1. my guess is that isako is no longer useful is because she used up all her kirabug she collected. i think she gave the last one away to yasako for her to save haraken. just my guess 😛

  2. That drawing Tamako showed Yasako… It reminds me of one part in the ED where Densuke walks by 4 manholes. The shape and the formation are exactly the same.
    I wonder what that meant?

  3. I believe it was because the group that nekome is operating for was after something that’s located in C Domain. And after episode 20, that something has been attached to either yasako or haraken.

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