Another building-up episode. It’s a bit disappointing, since most of the airtime was dedicated to a revelation that everyone probably already figured out: Isako’s brother is 4423. Yasako and Akira find this out as they find her, visiting her brother, conveniently located in room 4423 in the hospital.
I do woner what Isako’s been up to, by the way. She’s obviously waiting for something, but what exactly is it? Right now, it looks like all she’s been doing is visit her brother with regular intervals and nothing else, so it must be something really important. Anyway, the only new pieces of information is that we now know that 4423 is inside the library now, so Isako has been able to recover his cyber-body somehow, and Isako classifies Yasako with “all those other adults” after telling what happened to 4423. This explains a bit more about her reasons and personality.
Apart from that, we finally know the reporter’s name: Nekome. He seems to be an acquaintance of Tamako, and he apparently contacted her to help her. I’m feeling that he’s also after Isako (we see the pink cat again in Room 4423, and I’m getting more and more convinced that it’s owner is Nekome), and it seems that he’s now the superior of Tamako.
The interesting stuff about this episode came from Fumie and especially Haraken, though. They’re both in the library, researching the Illegals and Michiko-san after Fumie finds a few urban legends about her in a local tv-show. It’s also the hardest to understand part, so I hope I got this one right.
It seems that Haraken posted on an on-line forum, asking whether other people have heard of accidents with the navigation-equipment. I like this part; it shows that our main characters aren’t the only ones in the world with affinity to the cyberworld. It seems that there are more cases about people disappearing. One article also speaks of “cyber-clothing”. I’m not sure what this means yet.
Fumie then brings a few books about urban legends, and they show quite a few interesting things. It contains hastily drawn pictures of people and shrines, and a certain keyhole that we both saw in Yasako’s old diary and on the Illegals, as soon as Isako tried to open them. I’m not exactly sure what the book said apart from that, but if I had to guess, then it’s got something to do with people, disappearing into the cyber-world. We see them walk either towards said keyhole, or along a couple of train-tracks. The interesting thing is, of course: what was that keyhole doing in Yasako’s diary? Right now, it looks like she just fled once 4423 got eaten, but I’m beginning to think that more happened afterwards.
Still, I do wonder whether Yasako will be able to carry the second half of this series as a main character. She has been developing nicely for the past few episodes, but she never really turns into the highlight of an episode. It’s always another character that turns out more interesting than she does: Daiichi, Fumie, Haraken, Denpa, Kyoko and Takeru are all more interesting than she is, and I’m beginning to get worried about that. The only time where she really shined was in episode nine, where she was on her own and had to protect her teacher from Daiichi’s attacks. Ah well, only time will tell.]]>
4423 has been in the hospital before he met Yasako? Otherwise, he wouldn’t have come up with the codename.
What really happened to him?
Interesting theory. I didn’t consider that 4423 might have met Yasako after his mind and body separated. It does make sense, indeed, as it happened in an old cyberspace.
*eyes whirl* Yon yon nii san in the hospital while meeting Yasako with his Dennou body already out there. Wow. Yeah, that’s a good theory.
Speaking of railroad tracks, in the PV for the next episode, it shows Haraken covering his face in front of in-coming bright lights. It’s as if he was actually standing on some train tracks…. Don’t tell me he really is going to investigate in the next episode? O.o
What day of the week does Denno air?
It airs on Saturday.
Hello. I always enjoy this blog. Dnno Coil is very well-made show and I love it.
You mentioned about “Denno-Iryo” on the post, I ‘m afraid you’re making mistake. in this context, the translation should be “Cyber-medical” (Iryo means medical as well as clothing).
And, the thing like railroad in the strange drawings should be found as crosswalk sign you can find on every road in Japan.
In the library, An article on a magazine told Hara-ken and Fumie that there once happened some accidents on the children wearing cyber-glasses, and you can find name “Amasawa” there. Of course we strongly suspect this have relation with Isako and 4-4-2-3. but time can tell.
For your infomation, Thank you.
Ah, thanks. Cyber-medicals indeed sound a bit more likely than cyber-clothing in that context (although cyber-clothing could be an interesting idea as well ^^;).
Sure, we could also call cyber-glasses the characters wear (as well as cyber-bodies they are given in cyber-space) “cyber clothing”.
These two Japanese words “iryo(clothing)” and “iryo(medicals)” have completely identical pronounciation, it’s so difficult to tell without seeing Kanji spells of them.
I respect your effort to introduce Japanese animaitions for English speaking people, Plz keep up good work, laterz ^^