Dennou Coil – A Circle of Children – 12

This episode was wrong on so many levels, but I think everyone can see that by looking at the screenshots. It’s not what it looks like, honestly. ^^; Basically, those hairs are tiny illegals who have settled on the faces of people. It looks quite hilarious and wrong if you don’t know what’s going on. Oh, and Kyoko kissed Daichi and later Denpa. Don’t ask. I do love, though, how she keeps hanging out with Daichi. They do fit each other perfectly, they’re both obnoxious brats who got sent away by the people they look up to. And somehow, I like both of them, Even though the past two episodes have done rather nothing to develop Isako, they did a great job in fleshing out the characters, and introducing new kinds of illegals that just sparkle with imagination. To be honest, Dennou Coil is turning into one of my favourite series at the moment, as it’s currently doing just about everything right, there are no obvious flaws, and it perfectly combines comedy and drama. Especially this episode was hilarious. (Notice the blush on Mega-Baa’s face when she sees Daichi’s new look? She also looks hilarious with her beard on; ^^;) The interesting thing also is: these illegals were perfectly sentient, and they all had a mind of their own. Yasako had some great conversations with them, and we see them actually develop, change and learn in this episode. Especially the final part of the episode was really thought-provoking, when they started to have war with each other. I also love the solution for the problem: transfer all of illegals to the old guy’s head, and the background music that was chosen for it only made it better. So basically, I’m ashamed to say it, but I absolutely loved this episode. ^^;]]>

0 thoughts on “Dennou Coil – A Circle of Children – 12

  1. Nothing to be ashamed about in loving this episode. This episode is the best episode so far in this show which has been excellent in nearly all its episodes. However, your brief blog on it does the episode a disservice as it failed to grasp the significance of what is being played out.

  2. Hmm, you’re right about that one. Thanks for pointing this out, I’ve been having a tendency to make some entries a bit too short, especially those for the really good episodes.

  3. This episode is full of win. I was practically laughing so much from everyone having hair. 😀 And Kyoko kissing Daichi! That was so unexpected. I thought it was interesting how the illegals made small little communities on people’s faces. That ultmitely changes my view on illegals. ^___^ Wonder if we can meet a very human illegal one day?

  4. While we laugh very hard (which I know I did) over the infection which causes nearly everyone to sprout cyberbeards, take note of what these cyberbeards represent – the sentient illegals that develop their civilisation, the disputes that crop up, and their use of ballistic missiles in their warfare. Funny to watch but fascinating and inventive in execution.

  5. >>So basically, I’m ashamed to say it, but I absolutely loved this episode. ^^;
    As leongsh said, no need to be ashamed, Dennou Coil is already a fantastic anime, and I felt this episode was the best one so far(there honestly is not 1 weak episode among them).
    I laughed out loud at many points this episodes, the story was very imaginative as well. And you’re right about the short blog post, psgels. An episode like this needs some more explanation about what exactly is going on in the entry.
    In final, I applaud Anonymous for picking up this series as well, and assuring me of fast releases of Dennou Coil. 😀

  6. what i find amazing about this episode,is that i’ve seen this concept done before ( notably the simpsons and south park) but this was so much better than those since i feel it used the potential of this concept way better than the other shows,and in a much more imaginative manner.

  7. I was rolling over laughing for 2 reasons.
    1. It was funny just watching the illegals bomb each other.
    2. A few hours before I was doing research on micronations.

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