This episode had lots of different focuses. It’s the time of the year for the summer-festival to come, and let’s just say that a few couples get developed: Yasako and Haraken, and Fumie and Daichi. We especially get a lot of Daichi this time. Oh, and Isako looks quite strange in a yukata.
Anyway, the usual list of new information (new for me, at least):
– According to a legend, if you wear your glasses at night, a child can enter its own dreams.
– Yuuko has the strange dream again, where the boy’s voice advices her to run away, after which she’s attacked by a giant illegal.
– Haraken’s aunt seems to be interested in Yasako and Isako for some reason.
– There’s a white mist in the teacher’s office as well.
– Yasako’s dad is Haraken’s aunt’s boss, instead of the other way around like I first thought. He also was the one who designed Sacchi, and gave it its name and made it say “boku sacchi”.
– Ken keeps contact with Kanna’s mother. She fully supports his research. In this episode, she gives him Kanna’s glasses. She wants to know what happened to Kanna on the day she died as well.
– Daichi has had a crush on Fumie a long time ago. He wanted to ask her out to the sumer festival since a long time ago, but every time he was too scared to do it.
– Either Haraken or Kanna had a dog, called Kuro. This dog went lost, and in this episode, Haraken finds out that it turned into an illegal. It gets blown up by a Kyuu-chan, though.
– Kanna seems to have had a few hidden files behind a password, and Kanna needs some sort of key to access them.
– Kyoko hates Daichi.
The most important focus of the episode, though, was Daichi. He had been too scared to ask Fumie out to the festival, but now Isako orders him to duel her to obtain her glasses. Why? Because she wants Michiko-san’s power. Why Isako would want Fumie’s glasses for that, I have no idea, it must probably have something to do with the data she stole. In any case, the plan is for Daichi to challenge her during the festival, but he ends up having fun with her. Isako was quite evil when she forced him to actually fight.
We also finally get to know what Isako has been after: Michiko-san. What is she, actually? And why does Fumie play a role in it? I also wonder why it took Yasako so long to mention that her father wwas the one who developed the Sacchi.]]>
I’m sorry if this comes across as rude, but – sometimes I don’t even know why you watch these shows raw, seriously.
1. Daichi DID ask Fumie out to the festival before, when they were in Grade 3. Fumie mentions this to him.
2. Haraken’s aunt would obviously be interested in Yasako and Isako because she’s heard that it was a “Yuuko” who has been doing all the various damage to the city’s cyber-infrastructure all this time. You wouldn’t think one of the system administrator sort of folks would just ignore this…
3. Chloe was Kanna’s dog (I think Haraken says Kuro as a short form later when he guesses it was the illegal.)
4. Isako didn’t ask Daichi to get Fumie’s specs because she wanted to get Michiko’s power. What she told him was that she COULD have done it with Michiko’s power if she wanted to, because she had the ability to call it out whenever she wanted to, but it’d be the least troublesome and most peaceful if she got Daichi to do it.
5. Daichi actually DID challenge her – the plan, from the beginning, was to challenge Fumie to a fight at a later date in school. He just took a long time to do it properly. I believe Isako’s plan is to get them to wreck a lot havoc and distract each other, as well as the teachers, from the places in the school Isako wants to get access to. Though I’m not sure about this, but anyway…
I can imagine for someone as skilled in the Japanese language to find my posts annoying, and I myself can’t believe I made so many mistakes for this episode. As for the reason I’m continuing to watch these series raw, it’s actually to improve my level in Japanese. Writing up these entries is helping me in this (which is also why I stopped watching the series I don’t blog raw, it takes time to try and understand them). With especially series like Dennou Coil, El Cazador and Seirei no Moribito, little mistakes like these might slip past, however.
Your mistakes are few – so don’t worry about it. You’ll also get better as you watch and understand more. Denno Coil is an excellent series – don’t ever stop blogging it (^^)
Your mistakes are few, and I actually like following the way that insight and understanding into what is happening in the anime develops over time– since that’s the experience I’m having, too. That’s one of the key qualities of the series, creating mystery/puzzles and slowly revealing the truth. It’s quite fun.