Ah, I’ve missed this one. Unfortunately, it doesn’t look like we’ll be seeing any new episodes soon, as it seemed that the translator of ACG has vanished without a trace. While his translations were crappy, at least there were some kind of translations. Let’s hope that they’ll find a new translator soon. I’m starting to regret waiting for the subs for this series, but right now I’m just too far behind to catch up.
Anyway, this episode wasn’t a special one, and it mainly focused at Lief’s sense of justice, and the truth about the Yurunai, or the Noratz, as they’re officially spelled. They live so secluded and clean because of their fear of rats, which overran their original city.
Especially Lief was cute in this episode. The fact remains that Tom is a merchant, and he’ll help anyone, whether it is the resistance or the Shadow Lord. Lief just can’t accept that there’s someone with a different sense of justice than his, which leads to quite some amusing banter between him and Jasmine. He even refuses to use the things he bought from Tom in the beginning.
I wonder what’s up with the ending of the episode, and what exactly made Jasmine to decide to give up. I suspect it’s because she just can’t keep up with Lief’s pace. She’s exclaimed clearly that she was out of energy, but Lief never really paid attention to it, and he wants to move forward at all costs.
And it’s true; Lief is an idiot. He’s got a sense of justice, he wants to help others, but he remains a kid in not taking the feeling of others in consideration. He just can’t act against his own feelings. While I usually hate these bratty ignorant characters, I can’t help but find Lief cute. It’s probably because he’s not a flat character, unlike most other shounen-shows. While this episode wasn’t really anything special, it did remind me why I fell in love with it, because its attention to detail in terms of storytelling is superb.]]>
I thought they stopped subbing this because it was licensed.
I hope ep 11 and beyond shall be translated too!
I also don’t understand why Jasmine would want to leave. If i remember correctly this scene never happens in the book @.@!!. I suppose the animators have good reason too do so, but i just don’t see Jasmine as the type to give up so easily.
As a side note i thought that the water crystal tower things were pretty awesome.
Oh and i thought that Jasmine couldn’t swim? Or is that my memory failing me again haha.
Well i do hope ACG would continue to sub this series. I would sure love to see more
I love Deltora Quest!!!!!!!!!!