Death Parade – 12

So this is the end of Death Parade. Or at least this is the end of what may be it’s first and last season. The ongoing plot didn’t so much as tie itself up but rather fizzle out. Leaving a second season to tie up loose ends. A second season that may never come. I mentioned before that I didn’t understand why Nona didn’t what Oculus to find out about her plan as I didn’t understand what consequences were in store for her. Those consequences have been revealed to be…nothing. Oculus just let her carry on with it after questioning her. So why all sinister dramatic tension in his scenes if he does not even play the role of villain? But that isn’t the worst of it as as plot hole opened up. Nona reveals that she did this in order to change the judging system so that arbiters are given emotion to judge humans on human terms. The problem is this enigma of why the believe arbiters do not have emotion when they very clearly do. After all in order for Nona to want put this plan into motion she would need to have emotion to find something off with the current system. Really all her actions are called into question with this. Making it that she either had a poorly formed whim of a plan or she had miraculously planned for each and every detail. Even for those details which were completely dependant on people acting to plan even when unaware of any plan at all.

The matters between Chiyuki and Decim were over melodramatic for my taste. The nature of Decim’s offer was obvious from the start. This really did seem like a reenactment of the choice Mayu was given in the last episode except, as much as it pains me to say this, Mayu’s was done better. We all know Decim was not going to send Chiyuki to Hell so it was really just a waiting game. But they really tried to get you emotional with Chiyuki begging to live and Decim experiencing emotions.(Still confused on that. Decim does have emotions. Otherwise how can he respect and care about the guests?) All for the final tearful goodbye and Decim’s smile. Only to go back to business of judging except now Decim smiles and there’s a Chiyuki doll by the counter. So all and all nothing much changed. The ongoing story ended on such a weak note as expected hence why I was so opposed to one in the first place. As far as endings go it’s not bad. It could have been much worse. But nothing about it seems final. This is more or less a life goes on ending leaving things to a possible second season. Though if there is one I would prefer they disregard the loose ends completely and focus on episodic death games. As this series should have done from the get go.

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