I don’t understand why people actually claim that the second half of Death Note sucks. This episode was great, and L’s absence didn’t really hurt it. In fact, the Yotsuba-arc was far more annoying than the current one.
The focus of this episode was Light’s family. His sister may not have been physically hurt by the shots, fired at her, it did destroy her mentally. Because of this, Light’s father especially is put in deep thoughts. When Light then comes with the plan of revealing himself as Kira, after having found out Mello’s location, and give the police a second Death Note, so that they can make the eye-deal and kill Mello by only having to look at his face, he just feels obliged to be the one to do it. He really had to find a way to become useful, and this was the perfect way, even though he’d die himself. It’s quite interesting how he turned out.
His death alone wasn’t really spectacular, but everything around it was. Yet again was Light incredibly close to killing off his opponent, but just like Misa got caught before Light could reach her, Light’s father went to depend on his morals, and tried to arrest Mello, instead of killing him. Because of this, Mello could act back and kill the guy. Light wasn’t happy at that point.
On his death-bed, Light also lost his cool for probably the first time in the entire series in front of others. I’m not sure whether this was because he just was angry that he missed an important chance of murdering a threat, or that there was a tiny bit of sentiment in this.
It’s quite interesting, Near is now left with only two assistants, while Mello, or Mihael Keehl is all alone now, now that his former companions are either dead or arrested. I assume, though, that he’ll get them out of jail soon enough. I mean, if he can take over a plane, busting into a prison would be nothing for him. It’ll be interesting for Light now, this quite possibly is the first time that he actually knows a name, but not a face. Apparently, the drawing of the guy isn’t enough for this.
Meanwhile, we’ve still got Near as well. This means that if Light does kill Mihael at one point, he has to do this very carefully, or Near will find out that Light could have been the only one to do this. But then again, it’s quite possible that while he did know that L possessed a death note at one point, he probably never heard that Light was the main suspect of being Kira.
Also, what was up with Shidoh? He really surprised me. Don’t get me wrong, I loved his part in this episode, but I really expected him to have a really dark role in the future episodes, in which he would help Mello get even closer to Light, but in the end, he only had two roles: remove one Death Note from the game-board (this just leaves Ryuk’s original Death Note, still with Ryuk, Rem’s Death Note, now with the police and Misa’s Death Note, who now continuously touches Light in order to prevent him from forgetting everything), and the second role is to inform Mello that Kira has actually messed with the Death Note and added two fake rules. This will probably be used in the future.]]>
I think it’s because the manga dragged quite a bit during this arc. This episode was moving an incredible pace compared to the manga. They managed to cover 9 chapters in one episode!
Maybe that’s why the anime version seems more exciting
Nine chapters… whoa…
As for me, I wasn’t disapointed by this part in the manga. I’m really looking forward the anime, which is very exciting, even if I know what will happen.
That’s quite a performance for the anime to keep us (the ones who read the manga) entertained, without the plot twist surprises.
Well I’m pretty confused with the notebooks now :S
There are now 3 notebooks. But why they are three? Weren’t they supposed to be only 2? One was Ruyk’s (Light’s) and Misa’s was Rem’s notebook. The third was Shidohs. Whose is the 4th one (the one that Misa now posses)?
Remember that Rem also possessed a notebook of herself. When she died, Light quickly found her remains, and snatched away her death note before anyone could notice.
bleach iz da best biatch
OK, this is addressed to Sasha, or whoever said that Bleach was the best. Bleach is a good manga and anime, but nothing, nothing can beat DeathNote. Do you seriously believe that Ichigo could beat Light? It is highly improbable, and I would even go so far as to say that it is IMPOSSIBLE. There, I said it.
I love Bleach just as much as the next person, but who doesn’t love DeathNote more? Anyone who does … well, you disgust me. Just kidding, but still…
No doubt, this is a good TV Show. I watched it many times.
I got pleasure to read about Death not TV Show’s blog. No doubt this is a good blog to sharing idea related to this show.
Man…sorry to say this…but your writing is really bad….I can’t keep track of what you say or about whom you speak.