Death Note – 25

Image Hosted by Image Hosted by ImageShack.usImage Hosted by Short Synopsis: Finally, we get to see a part of Ryuzaki’s background. Good: The first plot twist was awesome. The background was awesome. Bad: The background could have been more, certain parts could have been cut out of your resident bishie-anime, too bad I saw the second plot twist coming. Good: Still, the results of that plot twist were awesome as well. Overall Enjoyment Value: 8.5/10 Oh boy. I had a hunch about what was going to happen in this episode, but I never saw Light’s plan coming. Instead of the easy way around, make Misa meet L, and write down his name afterwards, which would obviously place Misa yet again on the place of a major suspect. Instead, he uses Misa in order to place Rem in an inescapable plan. He makes Misa kill people again. Because of this, it’s evident that the Death Note has to be researched yet again. Once L finds out that the rules are fake by testing it on actual prisoners, Misa will become a major suspect yet again, and will definitely face the death punishment with all the charges found against her. The genius plan: the only way to save Misa from being killed: Rem killing Ryuzaki, and taking her own life with her. She can’t take Light with her in the process, as this would bring great sadness to Misa, who apparently does have a short life-span. She has NO choice but to kill Ryuzaki, and sacrifice herself for it! Not only does this not place any suspects on neither Light nor Misa, it also removes the pesky problem of Rem, preventing Light to kill or harm Misa. Still, she probably would have been smarter to kill off Light right ahead. After all, I doubt that Misa will survive long. Then again, she does prove him useful with her eyes and all. He’ll probably decide to keep her, and kill her off when he really needs to. Also, Ryuzaki’s background definitely was interesting, albeit a bit vague and short. L hints that he’s never told the truth to anyone he knew before. We hear some bells, we see a couple of kids playing and crying and we see Watari stand with a young Ryuzaki right next to him. This probably means that L lost his parents at young age, and then got put in the care of Watari. Watari then probably taught him how to think like a detective. Also, the wet-bishie-towel-scene may have been a bit too much. Still, the underlying thought was quite interesting, as we see L struggling with his own morals. Obviously, the only way to really find out about the Death Note is to try it out. This means nothing other than to kill somebody with it. Not only does this mean a to go to the same depths as Kira, it also means big trouble for Rem, so she kills both Watari and L off before they have the chance. The fact remains that this final thing was predictable, but it still was great to see it! Also, Light is now not only Kira, he’s also head of the research, in charge of tracking down Kira. One thing I’d love him to do is look at Rem’s Death Note, and look at Ryuzaki’s real name. I’ve been dying to know what it actually was, and I do hope that the next episode will tell a bit more about Ryuzaki’s background. The guys we’ve been seeing in the OP will probably arrive also in a couple of episodes as well. Sounds promising!]]>

0 thoughts on “Death Note – 25

  1. This makes me wonder if Rem is seriously gone. She probably is but I mean she was a Death God so maybe she’ll somehow magically return since she wasn’t killed by falling in love. I’m sure Light won’t think about killing Misa anytime soon. So now Light has 3 Death Notes in his possession. One from Misa, his own, and Rem’s. This is going to be very interesting.

  2. Well, she disappeared in the same way as the shinigami who died before her, so the chance for her to actually return is very small. These three death notes are very interesting indeed. One is for Misa, one is for Light, while the final one obviously has to remain with the kira-research group.

  3. Yeah I was watching the raw… I didn’t think she died that way so… Anyways yeah three death notes. I think maybe another shinigami is going to show up. And another thought is that Light can’t hurt Misa as Misa could hurt light since she and Light are both owners of the same death note. Since Misa made the eye deal with Ryuk in the end. This means Misa could get Ryuk to even kill Light somehow. But not probable but still very interesting.

  4. Actually, episoe 24 showed that Light isn’t the owner of Misa’s Death Note anymore. He buried it, and when he was held in confinement, he gave up his ownership. Then Misa dug that Death Note up, and Ryuk became her shinigami. It all depends whether Ryuk will start feeling something for Misa as well (speaking of the guy, where did he go? I don’t recall having seen him through the entire 25th episode…)

  5. I expected the plot to be different to the movie’s, but not as different. L wasn’t too smart this time. He should have taken precautions since he figured out there are at least two Death Notes.

  6. Well, I think that this episode was meant to display L’s weaknesses. I believe that he became so obsessed with catching Kira, that he somehow forgot to care about himself, which is why he didn’t consider that the Shinigami might have evil intentions as well.

  7. Personally I think this ep was brilliant, it did it a lot better than the manga, and that’s something that’s rather uncommon.
    About The toe-washing scene, I found it very strong, it’s in fact a cameo of a famous biblical scene.
    But for once I think you over analyzed this ep, it was more an episode that you feel than one that you think about.
    And the atmosphere was just great.
    And seriously if you hadn’t been spoiled I don’t think you would have seen it coming, I remember when I was reading the manga it appeared so improbable, after all L is one of the main characters.
    I just hope the anime will differ from the manga, which isn’t too good in is second half.

  8. Maybe a special ending for the anime ? While I LOVE the movie’s ending, the manga’s is quite… hardly credible. Plus, the two dwarfs we’ll surely see in episode 26 are far from matching L, charisma-wise.
    I hope the anime will at least reveal L’s true name (even’t the manga didn’t)…

  9. Aidanael: It would be quite strange if they didn’t reveal it. I mean, Light can practically look it up. Even he has to be curious, hasn’t he?

  10. Believe me or not, but the manga didn’t reveal L’s name. It only appeared in a special “encyclopedic” volume, on a sort of tarot card.
    So, I just hope the anime doesn’t follow the same way, since as you said, even Light must be curious to know.

  11. Yeah i agree with one comment that killing off L kind of leaves you feeling a bit…well….MEH – i mean the battle of wits and interlect between the two characters , L and Light, is what makes death note so brilliant! Perhaps i, too myself am letting my emotions get the better of me, but i absolutly love L and i feel that the rest of the series would be kind of empty without him.
    I have never read the mangas, and had a theory that perhaps L comes back as a death god, although unlikely, but would be great! i just cant accept the fact he is gone … and the next ep is called Reincarnation… or even if he doesnt literally come back, perhaps he left something, some missing peice of the puzzle that would be enough to catch Kira , or at least help, in the most likely event that he would die…..
    I know i dont want it to be spoiled…but at least let me know if i am wasting my time hoping and wishing L would return….: )

  12. Well, for as far as I’ve heard, he doesn’t come back, but I haven’t read the manga either, so I can’t be sure. Still, the thought of him, coming back as a shinigami is a bit far-fetched.

  13. I agree with Cos. I think the scene where L and Light dry eachother is a re-enactment of the Last Supper, which most people didn’t pick up on.
    ‘(He) rose from supper, laid aside his garments, and girded himself with a towel. Then he poured water into a basin , and began to wash the disciples feet, and to wipe them with the towel which he was girded.’
    ‘I have done this to give you an example of something that you should do.’
    ‘If I then, your Lord and Master, have washed your feet, ye also ought to wash one another’s feet. For I have given you an example , that ye should do as I have done to you.’
    The last supper is supposed to be the thing Jesus (should you believe he ever existed) did before death.
    It’s not the first biblical reference in Death Note, so I think that’s what the creators were going for.

  14. Okay, maybe this is just…wishful thinking, but as someone who’s seen all the eps and hasn’t read ANY of the manga…would it be possible that Rem could only have killed ONE of the two of them before she evaporated? Perhaps Watari being targeted and erasing everything triggered a plan that he and L had developed?
    I mean, think about it. L fakes his death and leaves Light in charge. What better way to see what Light’s true intentions are? Besides, the “background” scenes showed more of how Watari was important to L, not so much what happened to L when he was younger. Perhaps that’s the point, that the reason they didn’t go so indepth is because they’re planning on returning L at some point and develop that a little more later.
    Again, wishful thinking.

  15. Nice idea, but if my memory doesn’t fool me, then we see Rem write in the death note after Watari dies. The thing she writes in her Note can only be L’s real name.

  16. I saw L’s foot-massaging as more of a ‘good sport for losing’ deal. I got the impression that he knew he was going to die the whole episode, and basically just comforted Light, as if to say “You won, congratulations.”
    Also, A Death God dies when it does a good deed. I have a hunch that they don’t really die, but maybe turn into an angel? With this, I can definintely see Rem coming back in some way.. but we’ll see, right? ^^

  17. This episode was meant to show Light’s strength not L’s weakness. In fact, L kinda predicted his death and that’s why he told Watari to delete all the data. Plus L
    Had hired someone else to take over
    lolz, sorry about that, but I couldn’t think of another way of putting it. Some people speculate that maybe Sodoshiin’s theory is true. L could have faked his death. I’v only heard one guy other than Sodoshiin to say that, but again, doesn’t seem all too realistic. I think that REM had written L’s name after Watari. Again, not sure.
    REM is dead. No question about that. Plus the bells thingy. I think, like many other people, that the bells refer to Edgar Allen Poe’s THE BELLS poem, where black bells refers to death.(If I didn’t get the color wrong).
    Anyways, another SPOILER ALERT>>>
    Light gets what he deservs in the end
    These dam spoilers just suck, don’t they?

  18. Unfortunately, this isn’t the first time a fan of the manga tried to spoil me this. Yay for subtlety. Anyway, I edited the comment a bit, for those who didn’t want to read that.

  19. nice job with the spoiler psgels…i just noticed the stupid “use: the font color on the top….”
    My bad.
    But anyways, I haven’t read the manga. I’m just like you, i watch the anime and get spoiled by many others.
    Truthfully, though, i didn’t see the Spoiler info in the comment section.
    I have, like many others, a tendency to not read directions.
    EP 26 IS OUT!!!! w00t. Think YouTube should have it by now.

  20. I decided to add my theory. I think L faked his death. But my reasoning is a bit different. If watari’s death had triggered rem’s destruction than the necessity to kill L is removed. Rem knew by killing light she would be upsetting misa. But what if the time of death for light was set the same as misa’s? I have not read the manga so my theory could be flawed. But it seems to me that she knew everything was working out in his favor and may have wanted to do something to spite him. Or furthermore the deathnote allows you to control a persons actions before their death. But it never specifies any definitive guidelines for the application of it. For example she could put in that L would die, and specify when, maybe even 1 day after his natural life span would end. Then added that he would fake his death upon watari dying and for whatever reason suspect misa of being kira less or not at all. This is all well within the range of the deathnote and would allow rem to get some revenge on light. No matter how you add it up it doesn’t make any sense that she would walk right into it without having made any plans to negate his. Any of those would effectively remove misa from danger while at the same time keeping light IN danger. Shinigami have a long time to live. I doubt they are dumb.

  21. That’s a very interesting theory, Phil. Unfortunately, it’s not going to happen, because of two simple reasons:
    1. The manga readers never hinted at such an event.
    2. L’s body remained where it was, so it was easy to see whether it was dead or not.
    Still, you made me really wonder why Rem didn’t pull such a stunt. This anime has shown that it can come up with a number of very clever plans and plots, so why wouldn’t Rem be able to fake L’s death?
    If I had to guess, then the reason could be in the flashback, in which the first shinigami sacrificed himself for Misa. Remember how desperate he looked? He definitely was not in a state to think clearly, so he used the death note to protect the one he loved. I think something similar happened to Rem. Because of her feelings, she just couldn’t think clearly anymore.
    Still, I am disappointed that she didn’t do anything. It would have made the anime a lot more interesting at this point. 🙂

  22. Well, I have to disagree with your ideas.
    First off I think that L wanted to actually become friends with Light. He wanted to catch Kira but he is still human. I’m guessing he grew up in a “hole”. The Wammy house.
    The Wammy house is a place where the train the super smart kids of today to be the super smart adult devectives of tomarrow. L was one of those kids and I’m guessing in the Wammy house L was one of a kind. He didnt fit in with everyone else so he might have been alone. When he met Light he noticed they were both par in intellangace and he wanted to make friends. Whats wrong with that? You even see right after L falls from the chair, Lights expression, he catches L.
    At the moment when L falls from the chair I think Light is actually human, he doesnt expect him to actually die and mabye part of him doesnt want to. I think L was the last thing keeping him from becomeing a complete Kira. When L is in Lights arms and he is fadeing away Light smiles, no Kira Smiles, I figrue Kira is pleased that L dies. Light is no more. The human Light is gone, he has become a monster, Kira.
    The the ringing bell and that whole towel scene where L knew he was going to die. I don’t know how he knew but he knew in some way shape or form he was going to die-.
    He met with Light, mabye to have a final chat with him, to show that in the long run of things he still held his head high as a advid of justics but he still wanted to be his friend.
    Then with the kids crying and watar and L. I think thats when he left the Wammy house, the crying kids are kids jealus that they didnt get chosen to go with Watiri.
    So… Thats what I think.

  23. Also, the biblic idea of the towel scene haddn’t crossed my mind but if you put it like that.
    Light-Simon Peter
    Here is the whole part of the Bible where the feet are being washed
    Jesus washes disciples’ feet
    Joh:13:1: Now before the feast of the passover, when Jesus knew that his hour was come that he should depart out of this world unto the Father, having loved his own which were in the world, he loved them unto the end.
    Joh:13:2: And supper being ended, the devil having now put into the heart of Judas Iscariot, Simon’s son, to betray him;
    Joh:13:3: Jesus knowing that the Father had given all things into his hands, and that he was come from God, and went to God;
    Joh:13:4: He riseth from supper, and laid aside his garments; and took a towel, and girded himself.
    Joh:13:5: After that he poureth water into a bason, and began to wash the disciples’ feet, and to wipe them with the towel wherewith he was girded.
    Joh:13:6: Then cometh he to Simon Peter: and Peter saith unto him, Lord, dost thou wash my feet?
    Joh:13:7: Jesus answered and said unto him, What I do thou knowest not now; but thou shalt know hereafter.
    Joh:13:8: Peter saith unto him, Thou shalt never wash my feet. Jesus answered him, If I wash thee not, thou hast no part with me.
    Joh:13:9: Simon Peter saith unto him, Lord, not my feet only, but also my hands and my head.
    Joh:13:10: Jesus saith to him, He that is washed needeth not save to wash his feet, but is clean every whit: and ye are clean, but not all.
    Joh:13:11: For he knew who should betray him; therefore said he, Ye are not all clean.
    Joh:13:12: So after he had washed their feet, and had taken his garments, and was set down again, he said unto them, Know ye what I have done to you?
    Joh:13:13: Ye call me Master and Lord: and ye say well; for so I am.
    Joh:13:14: If I then, your Lord and Master, have washed your feet; ye also ought to wash one another’s feet.
    Joh:13:15: For I have given you an example, that ye should do as I have done to you.
    Joh:13:16: Verily, verily, I say unto you, The servant is not greater than his lord; neither he that is sent greater than he that sent him.
    Joh:13:17: If ye know these things, happy are ye if ye do them.
    Joh:13:18: I speak not of you all: I know whom I have chosen: but that the scripture may be fulfilled, He that eateth bread with me hath lifted up his heel against me.
    Joh:13:19: Now I tell you before it come, that, when it is come to pass, ye may believe that I am he.
    Joh:13:20: Verily, verily, I say unto you, He that receiveth whomsoever I send receiveth me; and he that receiveth me receiveth him that sent me.

  24. Iouwho: I’m not sure if you’ve seen beyond this episode, but from what I’ve seen, Kira doesn’t turn more into a monster than he already was. I won’t spoil it for you if you haven’t.
    Also, I still believe that Light was acting at that point, simply because he wanted the guy dead, ever since the second episode. You do raise an interesting question, though: did non-Kira-Light have any effect on Kira-Light when he lost his memory?
    I also didn’t think much behind the crying kids. Heck, I already forgot it until you pointed it out again. Your comment gave me another theory, because why is it that L had to leave this orphanage with Watari at such a young age? I mean, if he was brilliant the Wammy-house would be the perfect place for him. What if L caused something horrible to happen in this orphanage? Could these bells be funeral-bells?

  25. psgels u raise an interesting theory. but its really horrible that they don’t explain more of L’s past in the later episodes…:( its so frushrating because we don’t understand wat happened back then!!!!! >

  26. Oh GOD,I can’t take it!L is dead…I don’t want to believe it…it’s so sad…soooo sad…I’m just crying… ;O

  27. I know for a fact that Rem isnt gone Kite, go to to figure that one out, but the story gets very interesting, cause i cant understand that why misa still loves light cause the only reason she loved him in the first place was because he was kira and punished the burgeler who killed her parents.

  28. I just finished watching the 25th episode and I just started crying around the time where L was outside in the pouring rain. I already knew that he was going to die, I just wasn’t so sure how.
    I stopped reading the manga a long time ago, and Adult Swim keeps playing the Anime, and I was wondering how Light, and Misa-Misa were accused of being Kira–so I had to watch, LOL!
    I there was something I was wondering about though…did L really consider Light as a friend, or was it a lie to get close to him and keep him under surveillance because of his assumption?
    If he really did meant that he considered him as a friend, then it’s really sad to know that his supposed “friend” had killed him off…
    *goes to a corner and cries for L’s death*

  29. I’ve had a really hard time interpreting this.
    It’s clear that L knew. But what is shocking is that he sanctified Kira and then went to his own death willingly.
    L seems to have been one of the survivors of what appears to have been an overman project. That means he’s an artificial product.
    What he endured growing up must have been unspeakable.
    The urge inside him to punish those responsible, those who could even conceive of creating someone like him in the first place, in my opinion is why he allowed Kira to kill him.
    In my opinion, when he blessed Kira and surrendered he was letting go of everything he had been manufactured to do.
    And may God have mercy on his soul.

  30. well, yeah im crying right now. i ruined everything because i found out L dies. i loved L and i meen really LOVED him. i wished and wished i would meet someone like him one day to save me from everything but i feel like thats all over. well CRAP i REALLY do feel terrible. i feel dead. and im not joking. (sniffle sniffle) and not that fake cry im REALLY crying. email me if you want i dont care anymore.
    thanks i guess. im gonna go cry again.

  31. its not fair. naruto is over 250 episodes and death note is only thirty seven. it stinks. maybe there will be a sequel… like the afterlife or something

  32. I wonder if some diehard fans would create a doujishin or anime that creates an alternate ending hehe
    or sequel where L returns! 😛
    but yeh, love the parallels with Christianity…
    but Jesus they So should have followed that too.. and resurrect L

  33. damn it TT-TT i was so freakin pissed when L died =( but i do have to admit, Light planned that out quite nicely, even though i cant stand him =_=



  36. If i had a Death Note i would do the same. I know many people who deserve to die. Life would be so much better. All those who support Kira`s teachings should help get rid of Criminals.

  37. i think the ending was kind of stupid i mean before the final 2 episodes he was a perfect villian but near the end he wasent thinking correctly he should of made sure he had a fake one write everyones name down remember N’s name then with his hidden note kill N and he would of won up untill the final 2 episodes he had it all planned out so if it wasent for light being dumb he could of won im not a person who would do the stuff he would do(murders) but i could easly surpase him in a heartbeat

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