Death Note – 23

Image Hosted by Image Hosted by ImageShack.usImage Hosted by Short Synopsis: The climax of the Yotsuba-arc. Good: Finally the Yotsuba-arc is over. Bad: The second half of the previous episode was better; A deus ex machina? Death Note, I thought you knew better. Overall Enjoyment Value: 8/10 Those who have been reading my blog know that I’ve been annoyed with the Yotsuba-arc. It was basically one huge joke, in comparison to the Misa-arc and the Naomi-arc. Still, I’m glad it’s over, and I’m glad that it actually managed to end well. The past episode and this one have been excellent, but they once again show that Death Note is a shounen-anime, where the pattern of good and bad episodes is almost predictable. SPOILER for the manga up ahead. Beware! What will happen next could be very interesting, in theory. Still, I’ve got a problem with it: the fanbase of the manga. It seems that after Higuchi got caught, the manga featured a huge plot twist. The problem with this is that the people who read the manga found this twist so amazing, that they kept dropping way too obvious and unsubtle hints about it. It’s almost impossible not to get spoiled by the fact that [SPOILER]L is about to die[/spoiler]. It’s just like the fact that I won’t be able to really enjoy Starwars and Final Fantasy VII, due to the fact that their plot twists also have become famous. The anime now has to deliver something really good in order to make up for this. Anyway, about the episode, it definitely was good, but the previous episode, as mentioned above, was better. Nothing much changed with Higuchi. He just was trying to find ways to kill Matsuda, and the huge change from calm to desperate in the previous episode never really found its equal. The police-cars at the climax also came from nowhere, what were the creators thinking of putting a deus ex machina at that point?]]>

0 thoughts on “Death Note – 23

  1. Blah, I hate when people make comments like that.
    Anyway, though, if one plot twist were what determined the value of the series, DN would be pretty worthless. So I wouldn’t worry about it too much if I were you. And I’m pretty sure they explained the police cars? I didn’t watch the sub, so I don’t know if I misheard or anything–L communicated stuff about Higuchi to the police as a warning to them, but then Aizawa and co. supported L by arriving on the scene instead of just staying out of the way. Higuchi’s movements were very conspicuous to begin with.

  2. Ah, yes, of course. Stupid me. Still, I would have preferred a bit more explanation as of how the police knew which flight route Higuchi would take.

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