Death Note – 10 – “L, do you know love apples? Shinigami”

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One thing about Light and L irks me a bit. They’re great characters, which match each other perfectly, though I’m beginning to fear that the creators went a bit too far into making them as perfect as possible, aside from a few flaws. I can understand that Light has to be rather smart in order to carry off his plans, but making him end up with perfect scores of one of the most prestigious universities in Japan is going a bit too far. Also, making both Light and L tennis champions does the same thing, and it’s not like these things add anything to the story.

Anyway, apart from that, this episode was as fun as usual. This time, it focuses on L’s attempts to unmask Light. It was interesting to see small flaws in both their deductions and Light’s acting. One thing the tennis game was good for is to symbolize the constant dialogue between Light and L. It’s also interesting to see that Light does care about his father. As the episode progresses, Light keeps making small flaws, which raises L’s suspicion of him. Until his father has a heart attack. Because of this, Light’s acting skills suddenly turn up a level, and L’s suspicions of him actually decrease. This’ll be interesting for later.

The new arc, introduced at the end of the episode, seems pretty interesting, as in I’d love to see Light and L’s reaction to the sudden announcement, made by the fake Kira. Furthermore, who made that tape in the first place? It also seems that another climax is going to arrive in about two or three episodes again, in comparison to the last three episodes, which mainly focused on Light and L’s relationships. I’ll be looking forward to it. 🙂

5 thoughts on “Death Note – 10 – “L, do you know love apples? Shinigami”

  1. I was so surprised when his father got a heartattack. I wonder if any of the other death gods will play roles in the upcoming events because it’s getting really interesting.

  2. well the perfect score and tennis match have nothing to do with anything…

    oh and dont be mistaken, he Light doesnt care about his father as much as you think. He wouldnt think twice about killing him if it was to his advantage, and the only reason he acted this way in this episode was to throw L off track 😀

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