Death Note – 07 – “You Remind me of L”

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Okay that was such an annoying episode. I just loved it. Nothing much happens. The largest part of the episode consists out of Light, finding a way to kill “Maki”, and Watari shows himself. Especially the former part was strange, but great to watch at the same time.

I’ve indeed put “Maki” between quotations, as she indeed used a false name. Light has a huge deal of trouble, trying to figure out her name, without acting suspicious. After all, there’d be no way for him to know that she used a false name, so he can’t mention it. In the end, he makes use of something that’s in every human: longing. The moment Light found out that she’s been working for L, and that she trusts him, he knew that she was longing to see him back. He made use of that, by pretending that he was member of the investigation team, and offered her a place in this. If you asked a normal person, he or she would react sceptical to this, but with “Maki”, it’s her weak point. Light made good use the fact that he wouldn’t have to continue his act as soon as he got her name written down.

The best part of the episode, though, was the ending. Not because Light won at the end, but because of two other things: the soundtrack, and its mystery. I just love the tune that the creators made for this. It fits the atmosphere perfectly. But so many strange things happened in such a short period of time. And before it has even time to sink in, the cliff-hanger sets in. First of all, one of the officers on Kira’s case gets sent to the police office, in order to make sure that one of them always is there, in case someone (like “Maki”) comes with an interesting tip. He just walks right past “Maki”, handing over her ID and nothing happens. Only seconds later after he passed, Light tells her that he’s Kira. Did he hear, or did he not? Talk about close calls. Also, why did Ryuk laugh more hysterical than ever when Maki agreed to hand light her ID? I also loved how Light reveals he’s Kira, two seconds before the Death Note takes control of her. The fear really was in her eyes.

I believe that L’s weakest point is Matsuda. Whenever Light figures out that he’s part of the investigation, L will be dead. He’s just too inexperienced and unprofessional for such a job. I wonder if L already noticed this. Also, only now I realized when this anime’s taking place. The current episode takes place at December 30, 2006. That means that Light should attain his Death Note, right about now. It’s a freaky thought that perhaps tomorrow, the newspapers will be full of strange deaths. Is this some trick by the creators of the anime, or were the same dates used in the manga?

0 thoughts on “Death Note – 07 – “You Remind me of L”

  1. I’m pretty sure it said 2004 in the manga – in the English release anyway.

    I thought Ryuk’s hysterical laughter sounded… very different to how Ryuk normally sounds, actually. It was odd.

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