Death Note – 05 – “Shinigami only eat apples”

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Death Note’s huge power comes from the power of surprises. This anime really is one of the best anime out there when you look at that aspect. But, at the same time, while this is a huge strength, it’s also a huge weakness: because it’s so focused on surprises, it has almost no rewatch value. I’m seeing this from lots of sides. People who’ve read the manga really can’t seem to enjoy this anime, which is perfectly understandable. This is one of these anime you do NOT want to get spoiled on.

There was one thing I didn’t like in this episode: Ray Penbar’s girlfriend. She’s a former FBI-agent, but after she met Ray, he forced her to quit her job and work as a housewife. Emancipation, anyone? Ah well, it seems that she’ll become the next antagonist to cross Light’s paths, so I think we can expect a bit of background from her, which will hopefully explain why she chose to leave the FBI. Another thing I didn’t like about this episode was that L secretly hoped that Light was connected to one of the remaining police officers. It just remains too coincidental that Kira’s father just happens to be the police investigator who’s in charge of his investigation. That’s a chance of about one out of one million (or whatever the amount of people is who live in the Kantou-region and could have a child of Light’s age is).

Okay, those were the things I didn’t like. Now for the things I did like. 🙂 First of all, Light’s actions at the first half of the episode really surprised me, in a very good way. You would suspect that he’d try not to be seen, though he actually reveals to Ray Penbar that he’s Kira, without showing his face, and makes him kill all the FBI-agents who were sent to Japan to investigate on Kira. Never thought that he’d actually attempt to do such a reckless task. It just shows how much research Light is putting into his plans.

Another thing I really liked about this episode was the police. Lights father offers every agent on Kira’s case the chance to resign, as it seems that everyone who stands in Kira’s way dies. This only leaves a total of six people on Kira’s case. And suddenly, the police officers all get their own personality. Something which couldn’t be done with such a huge number of people on the case. I’m hoping that each of these officers will turn into someone significant, later in the story, as they’re really interesting characters. L’s decision to reveal his face also was great to see.

And, of course, a number of small details:
– Ryuk not knowing that you can write the cause of death first, only to write the name of the victim later and the Death Note will still work, and especially his reaction when he found out about this.
– “L, do you know shinigami only eat apples?” A very creative way to tease L. (^^;)

This series is pacing forward really fast. You’d wonder how Light’s struggle versus L can keep up for 32 more episodes. Some strange things really have to happen in order to make this happen. I’m very interested to find out how this story will be continuing.

0 thoughts on “Death Note – 05 – “Shinigami only eat apples”

  1. L did not HOPE Light was related to the police, he THOUGHT he was since information was leaked that should only be available to the police. This means it’s most likely that either the police or people related to them (friends etc included) is Kira.

    “L, do you know shinigami only eat apples?”

    That quote…oh no Light, you shouldn’t have done that!

  2. No, I meant one of the police officers who didn’t retire. We see L, right before he’s about to reveal his identity talk to himself, and there he hopes that Kira is actually related to one of the six remaining police officers.

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