Death Note – 04 – Meaningless Symbols and Dying Messages

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Haha! He actually didn’t accept the deal. He’s more human than I thought he was. Still, the deal can be made any time. Could it be that at some point in the anime, the deal will be made after all? Anyway, this episode had some extremely creative ideas. I loved them. ^^

First of all, the police are notified of another six deaths, though three of them contain something weird. One cut off his finger, wrote a pentagram and then died of a heart attack, one wrote a dying message before dying and one escaped to the toilet, only to get a heart attack afterwards. What really happened was Light, who carried out a few tests about the details of death on six person, from which three of these failed. One was written to die in front of the Eiffel Tower in France, for one, he wrote “draws a perfect likeness of L’s face on prison wall” and for the last, he was supposed to write on the wall that the know that L is doubting the Japanese police. Am I sadistic if I actually found that funny? (^^;) In any case, these results showed that you can make people harm themselves and draw symbols, but you can’t draw things you’ve never seen before, you can make people go to places they can reach, but you can’t make them go to places they can’t reach, you can make people write things they know or think, but you can’t make them write things they don’t know or think. I loved how each of these tests come in pairs.

The purpose of these tests was to unmask the guy who’s been following Light. Now that the results are in, it’s time for stage two: Light goes on a date, and boards a bus along with the woman who’s going out with him. A while later, a criminal enters the bus, and hijacks it. Light then drops a piece of the death note and makes the criminal touch it. Ryuk appears and makes the guy get out of the bus, only to get hit by a car afterwards. But not before Light discovers the name of Ray Penbar when he starts suspecting him of being an accomplice of the guy who hijacked the bus. I’m beginning to see Light’s strategy. For the normal cases, he just uses heart attacks, so that he can kill the ones who would raise suspicion by death in a more subtle way. A nice way to keep yourself hidden.

Another thing I like about this show is that both Light and L lack information, and therefore at times, they pull the wrong conclusions. L, for example, starts to think that there’s actually a message behind the random symbols and poems Light has been drawing, and he actually falls for Light’s trick. Light, on the other hand, starts suspecting the cop, who’s just doing a routine research which is carried out on every acquaintance of every member of the NPA.

Also, there’s that matter of Ryuk’s second Death Note. He does have another one. What does this mean? And what happens to Shinigami who lost their original Death Note. Do they get another one? And where did the Death Notes come from in the first place? And I’m also going to be anal again. Don’t you think it’s a bit suspicious that Light chose the date which would be the last day for the Ray Penbar to follow him?

0 thoughts on “Death Note – 04 – Meaningless Symbols and Dying Messages

  1. Blah, I can’t say anything without spoiling you one way or another. I have to admit they did the adaption nicely, Death Note isn’t easy manga to animate. Hopefully anime cover the whole story since I didn’t never read all chapters due to lack of time.

  2. i think the deal with the eyes would probably mean light has a lot of time left to live, or else why would ryuk be willing to trade his eyes for only half of it?

  3. Regarding some of your questions about Light, keep in mind that his objective of creating a ‘perfect, crime-less utopia’ is always 1st on his priorities list, otherwise he could just stop using the Death Note and free himself from this mind game.

    “Don’t you think it’s a bit suspicious that Light chose the date which would be the last day for the Ray Penbar to follow him?”

    This was coincidence: Light didn’t know it was his last day.

  4. I’m beginning to think the death of Ray Penbar will make some girl go after Light for revenge. Possibly his wife or daughter as in the opening of Death Note it shows a girl holding a dead body.

  5. Anga: I’ve heard from different sources that it’ll be tricky to put the entire manga in just 37 episodes, so I probably think that the anime will focus on the battle between Light and L. But, having never read anything of the manga, I could be totally wrong.

    Danny: That’s what I meant. It’s a bit too coincidental. Why did the scriptwriters picked that day? I’m also wondering whether creating a perfect, crime-less utopia is “always” on his mind. As episode two showed, he’s willing to burn the death note to keep it away from others. The interesting question remains, of course, what will he be doing when that actually happens?

  6. emmm… about the date and death well light used the girl becuz he knew someone was following him and he knew he would follow him on the bus…then find out his name.

  7. death note is very nice.iusully like 2 watch manga that were detective,adventure,comedy,harooo…where did i can buy d.n in pulau pinang..but in case i already watch d.n v1-7 only…i trully want to know what will happend the end of d.n…LIGHTis very cool & Lis cute,hehe..

  8. ya la L IS CUTE … did u did LIGHT cool… u
    will seport what side..i think i wiil seport 2 of them…it kind of grazy…hehe

  9. DEATH NOTE(anime) I already finish watched all……..The ending is so sad,i cry when I see Light die,it was not fair…All the main chracters die,First Misa’s shinigami(deathgod),L,Light,Ryuk(light’s shinigami) & misa…
    why I think misa & Ryuk wiil die,because Misa say that she cannot live without Light…Ryuk maby die because he let Light die(the truth Light life still did’t end yet,but Ryuk let Light die,the Death note say that if shinigami write someone name if the person life still did’t end yet,the shinigami wiil turn 2 dust)
    Death note live action movie also nice(>-

    1. No, no, no. The shinigami will only die if they pro-long the life of a human. Like, killing a murderer and saving the life of a victim.

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