Darker than Black – Ryuusei no Gemini – 07

An interesting choice for an episode this time. In a lot of other series, this episode was surprisingly formulaic, and yet I only noticed this when the end-credits rolled. There are only two real plot twists in this episode. The rest can all be reduced back to character-building. But I have to say that this episode was very sneaky in trying to hide this.

This again shows that the contractors with the biggest powers are often the easiest ones to die: they get cocky, and think that their powers will protect them, even when they’re not paying attention. I really was fooled in this episode: I thought that that extremely powerful contractor would pose a serious threat for Hei and Suou, the way he just walked in and pwned everyone easily. But yeah: he forgot to prevent July calling Hei, and in the end simply got strangled. Hei on the other hand may also have powers of instant death, but that whip looks very hard to control: he must have practiced a lot to perfect this technique. Suou’s powers too have a major disadvantage: as soon as enemies get close to her, she’s screwed. And that’s another reason why I like Darker than Black: the lead characters kick ass, not because they have unlimited godmode powers, but rather because they spent a lot of time to fill in for their weaknesses.

Now that we’re seven episodes in, it’s about time that the climax of this show is getting in sight. At this point I have no clue at how the creators are planning to end this. All we got from this episode is that Suou’s father is still alive. It makes sense in a way: if he spent so much effort into hiding Shion, it’s not surprising that he also prepared some sort of fake body to throw the enemy off. The question also remains where Yin fits into all of this: she feels like a bit of a random element in the whole story at this point.
Rating: ** (Excellent)

11 thoughts on “Darker than Black – Ryuusei no Gemini – 07

  1. Connect the dots:
    1st dot : Japanese agency with Yin
    2nd dot: Suon’s dad with Shion, seems to be waiting for something to happen
    3rd dot: Mysterious informant who seems to know everything and is waiting for something to happen

    I’m brain dead, anyone reckon a good guess?

  2. @Loba, I’m brain dead too and can totally not connect the dots. LOL!

    I’m glad they’ve placed a focus on July. For once it’s not all about Suou. XD

  3. There’s no way we’ll be able to fully connect the dots until the OVAs (that take place between DTB and Meteor) come out after this season finishes its run.

  4. You know, there’s something that’s been bothering me. How DID Hei managed to find Suou, July and Mao? There’s no way July (as Hei stated in the episode) could have contacted Hei; he is no longer a contractor and therefore cannot see July’s ghost anymore.

    On the side note, losing a couple of fingers before you death… quite funny.

  5. “But yeah: he forgot to prevent July calling Hei, and in the end simply got strangled.”

    It’s not that he got ‘overconfident’ (as contractors are supposed to rely on logic foremost), it’s that July’s help was unexpected as dolls are considered incapable of independent thought or action. It was intended to add to July’s character.

  6. @Gunslinger, I thought Hei’s powers were permanently gone; remember when July was captured and Suou got this message from him, asking them (Mao, Hei and Suou) to save him? Suou caught the message and stormed off to save him (with Mao) but Hei failed to catch it.

    I only have one speculation: Hei was on an ‘animal'(black cat label) truck. Perhaps… Mao tried to contact Hei by using his contractors’ powers’ and possessed a cat? @_@ That would only explain how he only spoke to Ilya shortly before Hei’s appearance.

  7. Yeah that is also possible,though i doubt if the creators have given mao any role this season except for cheap comedy

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