Crystal Blaze – 03

I’m still surprised at how solid this series has turned out. It keeps interesting things on the table, while not forgetting to provide background on its different characters. No character feels useless. This episode continues to create a good base for the second half of this series to work with. It’s the least eventful episode so far, but instead the characters get some extra attention. Even the bad guys get a surprisingly large amount of screen time. They’re still flat at this point, but there’s good potential for them to actually develop at the end.

My favourite character of this series so far surprisingly turned out to be Shu. He’s a strong character, he’s no idiot, and yet he doesn’t feel like an overpowered all-knowing action-hero. All the things he’s done up till now make sense. In this episode, he realizes he’s being observed by high-tech cameras at the scene where everything began. Due to the transvestite, he’s used to being observed, which sortof explains why he was able to notice them. Afterwards, he ends up being followed, and instead of going home and leading the enemy to Sara, he just fools around with as many women as possible.

Meanwhile, Manami and Ayaka are looking for an old classmate of Manami who now has turned into some kind of idol who happens to visit the town. They go past one of her other friends who became a guitarist who just made his debut. In the end, they find nothing about her. In the end, Akira finds her address because of how Ayaka wanted Manami to find her classmate. However, Manami refused the help of others earlier, saying how she wanted to find Yuuko (the classmate) on her own. She then gets angry at Ayaka, and then it turns out that Ayaka is indeed a person who gets hurt quite easily. Shu also rescued her from a bunch of punks once, which is probably why he took her in.

The doctor meanwhile gives Sara a strange potion that causes her arm to turn into glass at the end of the episode. Shows a lot of promise for the next episode! I’m also glad to see that Manami’s voice-actress is getting less and less annoying. It takes a bit of getting used to, but it’s something different and it does fit her naive and ambitious character quite well. She’s especially good in her quiet moments, when she isn’t screaming.

4 thoughts on “Crystal Blaze – 03

  1. I love this series. It’s a pity, that it gets so less attention.
    I think you’re the only blogger blogging Crystal Blaze! Gambatte!

  2. I would say I still not impressed with this series so far….it seems to have an adult theme and main characters which I should like but I didn’t see anything wise coming from them yet and it’s pretty bland and not exciting. Well, have to wait and see.

  3. “Meanwhile, Manami and Ayaka are looking for an old classmate of Manami who now has turned into some kind of idol who happens to visit the town. They go past one of her other friends who became a guitarist who just made his debut.”

    I think you’ve managed to missunderstand this a bit. I interpreted it like this.

    The missing person is named Yuko and is a singer. She hopes to make her “major debut” some day and sings at a local (or several) “live houses”

    2.29 いつかメジャーデビュウする夢持ってて、この町のライヴハウスで歌ってるの。

    Seiji-san is the 依頼人. They seem to be playing in the same band. He also mentions that their chance for a “big break” seems to close at hand since a producer has contacted them and seems to be interested in their “band”. Seiji also say that he doesn’t know how to get in contact with the producer, only the missing Yuko was in contact with the producer. They seemed to be planning on leaving town together when they made their break. My guess is that the Yuko got a better offer from the producer and decided to ditch Seiji.

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