Cross Game – 13

So, this episode is the classic “gasshuku”-episode, that every sports series seems to have, but the creators really made excellent use of it. This episode was everything that makes this series so enjoyable to watch: subtle characterization, plenty of character-development, very witty and well-built up jokes…

Speaking of which, the humour was… interesting… This episode has to feature the most disturbing gender-ambiguous character I have seen in that old guy. He’s definitely an eccentric, first fooling Kou about Aoba (who was just taking shelter from the rain at his place), then filming the entire process of Kou, frantically looking for Aoba after finding the shoe that she lost, and never even revealing that he dresses like an old lady…

Meanwhile, it’s interesting how Azuma and the other guy aren’t happy with the work that their coach is putting off. The other coach, in the meantime, shows a completely different side of his during the gasshuku, and reveals him to be the evil trainer from hell, training his team to the limits. It’s also interesting how the previous match has given the team some real motivation to start training and get better. After nearly beating Azuma with a pretty much imperfect team, they really seem to be motivated to get better on their own.
Rating: ** (Excellent)
Excellent summer training camp episode with a number of great jokes. And a rather disturbing one.

2 thoughts on “Cross Game – 13

  1. Hahahahaha I still prefer Touch’s anime over this one (But cross game’s music is by far, superior over touch xD),well I prefer Touch anime AT THE MOMENT…my opinion can change on later episodes…xxx

  2. I checked out Touch after watching Cross Game and I prefer the latter. Yes, love the music from Cross Game too. Initially, I was reluctant to start on this series because the animation looked rather childish but in the end, I was quite taken with the storyline. It’s really heartwarming. Even the animation grew on me. It’s a nice change from glittery eyes and coloured hair.

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