Coppelion – 03

Okay, this is just getting silly. I’m dropping this show for now, but I first want to drop a few lines on why. The gist is that the creators of the anime can’t write. I really had hoped that the series could continue with the style of the first episode, but unfortunately they’re going to continue with the style of the second episode, and the flaws really are standing out more and more.

I mean… this episode just made no sense whatsoever. It really just felt like the creators were blindly adapting the original story without really thinking about how to make it work. You need to cut stuff out. You need to pick one thing to focus on, and just remove some side stories or side-scenes, so that you can have a smooth pacing, instead of trying to get every single big thing in here, while skimping on the explanation or story and character building. Some creative freedom is needed for that. Don’t be afraid to use it, because there is no way that chapters will be perfectly paced for 20 minutes of anime. Just remember to keep consistent and sensible.

This episode just jumped from one line to the next. Characters were shocked out of bloody nowhere just because there was no build-up, and drama also just got pulled ou tof the characters’ asses because everything had to move so fast. And the thing is: this show doesn’t even make any attempt to hide it. I’m really surprised at how wooden the acting is. There’s no personality in the characters whatsoever, even though the first episode did not have this problem.

I also had to laugh when the whole radio thing happened: the girl’s boss just transmitted this radio signal, and the old man just “happened’ to pick that up. How pathetic is it when the military uses signals that can be intercepted so bloody easily? Have they never heard of encryption in this new world or something? Also, this is the future, right? These girls are part of the military, right? Has nobody really heard of a stealth bomber before? And even then, since the whole poisonous thing is apparently only a bit more than a decade old, people before must have lived normal lives, right? Then why did everyone take such a long time to recognize a stealth bomber? I mean, I knew that shape when I was a kid, and I certainly would never have mistaken it for a freaking CROW.

Gohands really strikes me as a group of very talented animators that got together, while forgetting to bring in everything else. All their series just scream wasted potential, if only they’d hire some competent writers. They can’t be THAT hard to find, can they? I mean, it worked with Mardock Scramble: there they had Tow Ubukata outlining the story of the three movies, and that worked! You could see how well everything fit together.
Rating: 3/8 (Mediocre)

17 thoughts on “Coppelion – 03

  1. Touchy huh? Yeah though, this shit has gotten super cheesy. The first episode was okay but really, this is a show that needs to have 2 things. Seriousness and man vs himself. Frankly things are way too laid back and like you said jut come out of nowhere.

    But I’m going to point out two things here anyway:
    1) Japan > Military > Stealth Bomber, the Stealth Bomber is an AMERICAN plane, Japan has never been big on military, there mission was to train to save those radiated idiots, meaning knowledge of such a weapon would be second hand knowledge rather than something we’d consider common sense, after all according to the premise their world isn’t modern anymore, it’s post disaster. Also, it’s Japan, since when have they been big on military? I would say but I don’t like to think about it.
    2) I don’t have anything real to say about this other than he’s was a scientist right? He built better suits than them? All your talkies belong are to us? lol.

    But yeah, this show is kinda… lame, and not for it’s own good. Seriously, this kind of thing needs to be, well serious. The ending scene was cringe worthy. “Yay!” “Lets go!” like what.

    1. Well, this is irrelevant to the show itself, but in terms of history and current affairs, despite Japan having article 9, which restricts their ability to make an offensive military, their special defense forces have been quite equipped with the money and weaponry for offensive striking for a long time now. Their defense force and military spending (on their own forces) is pretty high up there, believe it or not. I don’t think they’ll be using it for anything more than defense and international support, like they have been, anytime soon, but it’s still interesting to think about.

      1. One of the jokes I like to tell regarding this subject is that “the moment japan finally builds those gundams we’re all screwed”
        It is pretty interesting, I wonder how all of this is going to play out geopolitically in upcoming years. I for one would like to see America get more friendly with Japan, and less friendly with China.

      1. I just felt like bitching. Still, I guess I’m pretty forgiving. It’s just not everyday you see you a *cough* “stealth” bomber. It was implied it was too far away to see clearly hence magic eyes, but like psgels said, shitty adapting, shit logic.

  2. Actually in the scene it was quite clear she was holding the military Walkie in one hand, and the Doctor’s walkie in the other hand. Although it makes no sense she would have the doctor’s walkie line open unless she was doing it on purpose.

    Thing that got me was like “hey look I found a Stinger, let’s shoot the B2 down” – wut. Pretty sure based on the previews this is gonna morph into a silly supernatural fighting anime so I’m not really taking it seriously anyway.

  3. “The wolf Taiko tamed brought us a car key to a truck that might be related to the supplies”

    Hasn’t even been five minutes in and the stupid is coming out. I mean come on…
    It need more than those two things reaper. Much more.

    1. I’m not defending the show those two things just struck me as a bit nitpicky. Coppelion could have easily been Copfeelion but turned into, well it’s just become lame.

  4. I think your being too harsh, its continuing to bloom as a conspiracy thriller story, again despite having answers (original location of accident) we get new questions.

    Finding the car keys isnt that silly, they were already using the wolf as a sniffer dog last episode and they were already hunting for the delivery man, not all plot exposition has to happen on screen or you are just being spoonfed like a Michael Bay film.

    While I do think the old woman should have recognised the plane (why would the kids recognise an ancient plane by the storys date) you also have to make allowances for the fact they are wearing environmental suits which severely restrict vision and all she saw was a flock of crows following a giant black shape.

    1. @Watcherzero, there’s a difference between using a dog to find someone by scent and a dog stealing a key which just so happened to be important from someone by it’s own initiative.

      1. The dog didnt steal it, if you followed the conversation they lost the keys a week earlier and thats why the deliverys were late.

        1. Exact words of the episode when they see the Dog.

          “Was he the one who stole the key, Kamata-Kun?”
          “Yes professor”

          I can’t seem to find that mentioning of the keys going missing a week ago and they clearly said the delivery’s were late because of new zones opening up.(AKA area’s with high radiation.)
          Check and mate.

  5. “I’m DROPPING this show for now, but I first want to DROP a few lines on why.”
    Pretty slick.

    I could already tell I wasn’t going to like this from episode 1, unfortunately.

  6. PSGELS, I just wanted to make you aware that you made some mistakes here.

    “I also had to laugh when the whole radio thing happened: the girl’s boss just transmitted this radio signal, and the old man just “happened’ to pick that up. How pathetic is it when the military uses signals that can be intercepted so bloody easily?”

    If you watch the RAW, at-least make sure you catch the dialogue properly.

    Here’s the dialogue you missed, and came to the wrong conclusion from


    so… it was not like they picked up the military transmission, they overheard it since the device they got from the doctor was turned on.

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