Most of the times, I’m not that inclined to agree with manga-readers when company X changes the storyline of anime Y a bit. NHK ni Youkoso and Death Note, for example turned out perfectly fine, with a few flaws here and there, perhaps. xxxHolic and Bokura no also proved to be perfect adaptations, though about all these four shows, I’ve heard some (not all) manga-readers say bad things about them, but I just can’t see what was so bad about these adaptations.
With Claymore though, I’m more and more inclined to agree with them. It seems that the writers are very good at copying, but they suck when it comes with coming up with their own storylines, whereas the writers of the manga were brilliant in this. Even though I haven’t read the manga, I refuse to believe that it displayed the fight with Rigardo as dragged out and predictable as this anime did.
Because yes, I didn’t like this episode. The reason I liked this anime was because of the time and attention it spent on building up its world, and how the battles all somehow made sense and defied the usual shounen-clichés. And then this episode comes! I originally predicted that Raki would pull Claire back from awakening, but it seems that we haven’t even reached that point yet! Claire’s fight with Rigardo took an entire friggin’ EPISODE. This was precious time that could have been used so much better, for example in developing Easley some more.
The only thing I liked about this episode was the minute that was spent on every claymore apart from Claire. It seems that Jeane survived, and everyone seems to worry in a different way about Claire. These small details are the things that make Claymore shine; not the ridiculous superpowers we saw in this episode.
Please, please, please, PLEASE: do NOT end the anime with a three-episode fight between Claire and Easley! -_-]]>
heh, considering Isley comes with Priscilla, Clare would just ignore Isley.
The complaints from manga readers in regards to this episode aren’t the same as your complaints btw. It’s just that one part was left out. As I think the part that’s left out will be added in the coming fights, I can’t spoil what was left out.
^Oh, and that Raki was in Pieta, this wasn’t in the manga, and well, people hate Raki.
The fight was mostly the same though, except for the builder throwing and the omitted part.
Interesting. I really thought that the anime would go down a totally different path, but it seems that only a few parts have been changed. With this, though I do wonder why many people consider this part the best part of the manga, because this episode was one of the weakest ones of the series yet, and that’s not because of Raki’s part. Or is the part that was omitted in the episode the reason why it turned so good?
Raki is so annoying now!
I wish Undine was still alive, I would be able to count on her accidentally dismember him ^_^
in the manga it isn’t dragged out as long. going by the manga and their speed at adapting it, the whole onslaught should have been 2 eps total with a few eps of fallout.
also they did change a few things which annoyed me a lot XD just watch the manga >_> I normaly avoid manga like the plauge but ….
Well, the fight was almost word for word from the manga, except in the manga there were n interruptions whatsoever (the Isley, Priscilla, Raki stuff), so it indeed could have finished within 2 episodes that way.
The part that was omitted wasn’t that big a deal, it just was another upgrade for Clare, it’s just the part that came -right after- that was beautiful. So there’s now panic they might remove it completely.
I think it was a good action episode, although with 3 episodes it dragged on a bit too long now and I would have liked if they kept the same pacing they did with the fight against Dauf.
Indeed, this anime is turning really into a Dragon Ball Z episode, with al those nice transformations. And look who’s just on the side to give Clair a nice huggy when she has beaten them all..
Ummm you guys are wrong they completely merked this one they had it perfect exactally the same as manga… then in 3 episodes they completely ruin it like wtf Raki should not be there. Raki doesn’t find out about Precilla. Raki does not leave Ilsey…. an Clair was suppose to awaken more fuck… Oh and guess what even if it might not happen They’re gonna kill Raki by having him get killed turning Clair back instead of Jeane who is gonna die anyway. then they are gonna do some fucked up shit instead of doing the 7 year skip and end the series while the manga keeps doing this “extra chapter” filler bullshit and release once a month… but when you think about if they are doing this just to end the season and wait for the manga it might turn out better but i doubt it! sorry for spoiling the manga which most of you read or aren’t gonna read anyways.
The fight did not change much from the manga except how drag on it is. But what really annoys me is how they gonna cut the most beautiful scene in this part…that scene with Jeane and Clare that made me cry and maybe insert Raki instead. I don’t hate him but if the animetors do this, I will be really hate him.
And since there seems to be no chance of Isley VS. Luciela and all. I’m very pissed off now.
Actually its better if they End the Anime asap, I cannot stand to watch how horribly it’s turning out to be :/
Read The Manga~
can’t wait for the second season. Hope there is more bang bang action with clare and raki kekeke
Maybe if we get lucky pricilla will switch her awaken form and grab Raki and take him back before Clair sees him. Raki accepts it and the plot continues properly with Jeane dying and saving Clair! I want more ruful
You will never know why many people claim that this part “The invasion of Pieta” is the best in manga if you won’t read it.
I agree 100%, totally with what the guy said above me top.
I’ll tell you, only after you read the manga do you know how badly the anime is butchering it. 😀
Good to see that so many people are actually reading the manga now. Normally when an anime is butchered everyone who only watches anime refuse to read the manga. Oh wait what am I saying this is the first manga I’ve ever read aside from bleach :p well in 2 days or so we’ll know if animators fucked us all over then we will have to preform a public excution to exact are revenge
They better not fucking fuck us over with an alternate ending shit. Or i will personally not a buy another fucking pochi again!! >.