Heh, and here I thought that this episode would disappoint. I was proven totally wrong when this episode comes and brings no less than twenty-four Claymore in one place, in order to fight the awakened beings in the north. It’s clear that this is just a way for the organization to buy time. They’re quite predictable once you figure them out. First, they sent out the worst possible party to Riful of the West, to show her that she isn’t going to get anything good that easily and now they send out an entire army of Claymore, but with the best four of them missing.
This is understandable, though, It seems that the little incident of Priscilla made a huge impact on them as well, and they now know that they shouldn’t waste their top-Claymore that easily. That does raise an interesting question, though: are Alicia and Beth really as good as their numbers seem to suggest? The two of them may have special powers and all, but because they’re so protected by the organization, they do lack the battle experience in really dangerous situations. I may be wrong, but I think it’s safe to assume that number five, Rafaela, is the real strongest Claymore.
Anyway, about the episode, many interesting new characters were introduced. We see Helen, Deneve and Miria return. Number eight, Flora, seems to have the fastest ability to draw her sword and attack. I assume that she’ll be a major character for this arc, due to the huge amount of screentime she already has. Same goes for number eleven, Undine. Interestingly enough, they all ended up fighting alongside Claire at the end of the episode.
Number 13 seems to be Veronica, though I don’t think she’ll get much of development, unfortunately. I do wish that some more unknown Claymore show their personalities in the next couple of episodes. I also hope for these male awakened beings to get fleshed out a bit more. Right now, only the spider one that Jeane was up against looked interesting and I hope that they turn into more than just random goons. But then again, Claymore has showed that it can make some pretty interesting antagonists. I’m looking forward to the next episode.]]>
*jumps up and down in front of Monitor after watching another splendid episode*
PS Flora is HOT!!!!!
You’re right about the organization buying time. They need it to complete Alicia.
Oops. Please delete my last comment. I used the spoiler font tag above, but it seems it didn’t take.
Hmm, I’m beginning to think that this spoiler doesn’t work unless I edit it in manually after it’s been posted…
Nope, it doesn’t. *kicks blogsome*
I think Alicia really is the strongest ATM; a small conversation in the Manga after Riful’s was gone suggests this.
Alicia said that she were able to deal 50% damage to Riful ATM and die afterwards. Thus, they enforced her training …
BTW: Could you please format the textarea here to be larger?
That’s an interesting idea about numbers one and two… it’d actually be a good idea for morale- keep two weaklings off of the field, while at the same time showing everybody how powerful the higher (maybe three and up) single-digits are. In that case, people will assume that One and Two are even stronger, and that they have an “ace in the hole”, and also the chances of losing Number One and causing panic are alot less. Although, when you look at it, if they’re ever forced to trot out Number One in this case, that’d be a problem.
I think the Organization should review their numbering – Claire is clearly much stronger than most Claymores, but she´s still #47…
Alael: why bother changing her number when she’s going to die anyway? The past few episodes showed that Claymore often take their numbers seriously, and I can imagine that it takes some formal procedures to change the number of one of the Claymore. At least, that seems to explain why Priscilla didn’t immediately become number one after Teresa abandoned the organization, and why Ophelia’s place hasn’t been filled up yet.
With Clare’s ability to control her flash sword and abnormally strong mind, I bet now she’s even better than Helen and/or Deneve (don’t forget that Clare used a hint of Galatea’s ability to turn Jeane back to human form as well). I agree with psgels. It probably takes some formal procedures (or something of that sort). Furthermore, as seen in previous episodes, the organization plans to hunt and take down Clare. So what’s the point of changing her number? :p
While I’m at it, is Flora’s technique the same as the flash sword? It seems that it’s either that or a dimmed-down version.
I think its just that she’s really really fast not nearly as good as awakening an arm.
Flora’s windcutter seems more like an iaijutsu style move. Drawing, striking, and resheathing her blade all in one supremely fast motion. The quick sword is an explosion of power that attacks madly. Both are speed techniques, but they come at it from different directions.
Flora’s special move gets explained in the following episodes.
*SPOILER*If you want a spoiler, its what Kurotowa said above *SPOILER*
The thing about Clare that you have to remember is the whole numbers ranking is based on youki power. She has the least amount of all the Claymores and by now you should all know why. She’s 1/4 of a youma only. The reason why she is stronger that her ranking has to do with the techniques that she is learning, and the fact that she took Ilena’s arm. Remember Ilena’s youki power made her rank what was it 2?
As for the Numbers 1 and 2 girls, Alicia and Beth, I guess that is their names I forgot, that was explained later on in the manga. Now I’m not sure if the anime will get to it, but lets be clear, they are clearly the strongest in the organization. It gets explained why in the manga, and it makes sense. So just bare with that for now ^_^
Sorry i messed up that spoiler thing but it wasn’t that big of a spoiler >.>
well then they should promote Claire’s arm but not the rest of her.
Ah haha!! But taking Illena’s arm doesn’t mean that her right arm is stronger. In fact, remember the fight with Orphelia? She couldn’t perfectly control the arm as it wasn’t hers to start. Anyway, Ilena’s flash sword is definitely 10 times stronger if not more. Remember when Orphelia tried to strike Ilena? they can’t even see her moving her arm, as if she’s just standing there. Even Orphelia didn’t know what/how.
though I must say I was surprised by Flora’s voice! it was so … ladylike!
“Hello mam, we are promoting your right arm to number 4 but the rest of you gets to stay 47. This, of course, means you will be doing twice as much”
Yeah, I think that, as cut arms can be replaced at full Yoki power, Clare now has the strength of Irene’s yoki, in her right arm only. That may mean that the right arm is, in fact, several times stronger than the rest of her body.
There is something that has me confused which probably wont be shown until the next episode…
remember back with the first male awakened warrior, Miria was saying that any of them could take on a single digit except 5+; well I realize that Ophelia wasn’t going all out on Clare and that is how she won that battle, but 7->9 should be able to be handled okay. In the next episode a single digit Claymore duels with Clare and results on being par with Clare’s strongest point->her arm. But then again we know Claymores usually like to hide their specialties (especially Clare).
***SPOILER and BEYOND ended***
I have not read the manga but I am going to predict deaths.
AT least one of our half awakened dies. The ones I see most likely to die are jean and miria. Jean because she doesn’t hold much value on her own life and will probably do something drastic to save Claire. Miria might die because it would be the biggest surprise next to Claire dying.
Of our new faces I doubt either will live. Undine and Flora seem like they were made to be cool but not to last.
I think about half or less of the mooky Claymores die.
i don’t like flora’s voice. I expected from reading the manga that it wouldn’t sound so high. I think episode 20 will be the best. My favorite part in the manga is almost here yay.
Loved this series until it got to around episode 20… wow, what a letdown. You are completely right, the anime writers lacked the imagination that the mangaka had. I couldn’t even make myself finish watching the series, it was beyond frustrating.
#11 Sounded like a man to me. ¬_¬
The music that played when the ladies reunited reminded me of Final Fantasy XII.