Claymore – 10

Interesting, the current episode answered many questions the previous episodes have been hinting at, with the most important one being: did Claire inherit any of Teresa’s specialities? The answer is: yes. Episode eight indeed made a huge impact on Claire, and she indeed has inherited Teresa’s ability of sensing Yoki, but because of the fact that she only is 1/4 Youma, instead of the usual 1/2, her physical strength is weak. I think that because of this, she decided to use her skills, rather than her strength. Especially because this is a perfect way to fight Awakened Beings, which probably was the biggest reason for her to concentrate on this skill. I do wonder, though. What caused Deneve to develop her skill as it is? I mean, extra-fast regeneration definitely is useful, but only once or twice against a strong opponent. She probably won’t ever need it when she faces regular Youma. What caused her to actually need this skill? Another thing that’s remarkable is Claire’s ability to stand, even though she’s got a lot of wounds. I’m not sure what’s up with that, but I can imagine that being under the care of a Youma for her entire childhood did make her body quite tough. Also, if I understood things correctly, the party was sent to get killed off. The organization was aware that there was a male Youma in the vicinity, yet they didn’t notify Miria of this. I can understand Claire, being 47th and all, but why did they want to kill off the three others? This episode was quite nice, but I’m actually more interested in the next one, to see how everyone changed after the events in this episode. One thing that annoyed me in this episode, though, was the lack of battle-tactics. These four Claymores just rush in, without knowing anything about each other. No planned moves, nothing. Heck, Miria first keeps telling that she wants to know as much of her companions as possible, but she doesn’t even know about Helen’s extended arms for god’s sake.]]>

0 thoughts on “Claymore – 10

  1. Well, Clare got Teresa’s fighting strength, I guess you could say, but not like I expected. Miria’s “Phantom” power was awesome. It does seem like they were sent there to be killed. Although, since Miria is so powerful, and Helen and Deneve not much to sneeze at, it doesn’t seem like a culling of the weakest… He said something about warriors who are too intelligent. Does that mean they know something that they shouldn’t? I guess that’s the only explanation, but I wonder what it is…

  2. An idea I had after I posted the first one; maybe it’s people who are out to get awakened ones?

  3. I think that the cloaked man who follows Clare knew that she had the power to kill the male awakened one. He could be working on for his own goals as the people in charge probably didn’t think much of sending number 47 off to get killed. But since she lived the people might start asking questions. I’m thinking Miria and Clare are going to be teaming up in the future more. Next episode will be interesting.

  4. The reason why they were sent to be killed will be revealed next episode. It’s not because they’re the weakest. Also note that Raki noticed the villagers didn’t react to claymores and the innkeeper saying that many claymores had gone to the mountain to fight the awakened being. The organisation’s stance is more or less “we can always make more”. As for Denevere’s skill, she gives her reason in volume 10 of the manga. Also explains why she hangs out with Helen.
    As for claymores and battle tactics: “Oh man… even if you gather 4 or 5 of them for an awakened being hunt, there are always some people who have to act retarded.” -Helen v9. Getting claymores to act in concert is like trying to herd cats.

  5. Like they’d always trip over eachother? But with 2 through 5 against Teresa, they worked pretty well together before Priscilla busted the plan…

  6. Claymore’s aren’t exactly taught manners. They don’t normally -interact- well with one another, but that doesn’t mean they won’t fight together if need be, nor that they’re completely devoid of strategy.

  7. You will figure eventually as the anime will probably show the reason quite son.
    There are two types of Claymores: offensive (Clare, Miria, Priscilla. Galactea)and defensive (Deneve).

  8. VeryInky, Veggies: ah, that indeed explains. It’s a bit of a pity, but it does make sense since Claymores often work alone and all.
    Kite: I don’t think he knew actually. He wanted to have them killed, and if he knew about Claire’s skill, he could have known that she’d have an easy time against the awakened being.
    Simon: Ooh, interesting. I’ll be looking forward to that next episode.

  9. I think that Kite’s point was that Clare’s man-in-black might have his own agenda seperate from the rest of them and part of it is killing that thing. Although, maybe it was only Miria they wanted to kill, and they sent along some of the weaker people to hold her back a bit.

  10. I think the reason the organization wanted them killed was because Clare was reckless when fighting Yoma, Deneve and Helen’s abilities could put them over the edge since they use them to easily, and Maria is just too smart for her own good (she might find out secrets of the organization).

  11. I think that Miria indeed knew something she wasn’t supposed to know. It’s indeed an interesting question whether Deneve, Helen and Claire were sent with her just to accompany her and hold her back, or that there also was a reason to kill the three of them off. The next episode should answer this, probably.

  12. The other 2 were sent there because they were approaching their limit. I think Clare was sent there to stop another Teresa event from occuring. And Miria like others said was sent there for being to smart. IMO

  13. In the manga, it explains that Deneve, Helen, Miria and Clare were sent there to die. Since all four were “troublemakers”, the organization wanted to get rid of them.
    VeryInky’s right though. In later volumes, they all just seem to get in each other’s ways when fighting Awakened Beings.

  14. The organization must be trying to keep a certain balance. Like in Robocop, for instance. The head-guy (right at the top person) had a thingy installed that would cause the cop to shutdown if he were to ever attempt to arrest a what-ever-that-guy-is. The organization must be making sure no one will ever achieve the un-achievable for whatever reason.
    Thus, all who hold particular abilities are sent off to their deaths at the tongue hands of the Roach-Man from Men in Black. Hence how he was apparently waiting for them in the valley or whatever.

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